Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

With 170 AIDS and STD cases officially identified at the end of September, Switzerland acknowledge the highest in Europe (2.7 persons infected per 100,000 inhabitants), according to WHO statistics. Without seeking to minimize the extent of this embarrassing record, officials of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) see also the result of "the good reliability of the statements voluntary and anonymous AIDS and STD case." Other explanation , the frequencies of the Swiss travel abroad with risk sex. "

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

That Is We Deal With Manufacture Almost Without

". . How to recognize a herpes?There are several forms of herpes: the most common is herpes labialis, the famous "cold sores". Other parts of the face, including eyes, may be affected, and the hands. " by Treatment is difficult methods and remedies are wide range

That is we deal with manufacture almost without waste. And Herpes how here to be with theoretically obligatory waste of a metabolism, including oxygen breath?. And there is more to come the bear riddles: after all the she-bear gives birth two-three-four bear cubs just during the dream and, without waking up, brings up them within three most severe winter months!. Personally to me it is thought that all business - in the nature of this dream, more precisely, in the characteristic of those hormones (it is similar ) which are developed by the bear brain during a winter dream. , yes to distinguish this (these) a secret ()! How many and what healings it would be possible to receive for time of similar hibernation!. After all the hypothesis that the oncological patient would be useful to sleep as is not deprived the bases it is possible longer - for the sake of reduction of active day oxygen breath with its consequence - an abundance of aggressive free radicals. Only I will designate in summary the products rich with natural antioxidants: all yellow both orange fruit and vegetables, carriers , and also a rye, an onions, spinach, corn.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Temperament. Work Includes Also The Description Of Chemical

"The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Temperament. Work includes also the description of chemical action of medicines - antipillboxes; the relation to other medicines; rules with which help the best streamlining in which medicines should follow one another is spent. After Genital Herpes STD acquaintance with the aforesaid, the reader will not test difficulties in understanding of our ordering, holding in mind the main rules: I. Internal symptoms and functions - first of all; external and organic - then. II. At first the strengthened functional activity, then changing, unstable activity, and is considered by last the weakened or oppressed activity. III. At first parts, then &#8213; the whole. IV. At first the top parts of a body, then - bottom. V. All modalities are correlated with related functions. On few examples deviations from key rules are shown, in the same way, as it has been made by Ganemanom (I., pp. 8,9, 3-d edition) in case of symptoms which should be considered in a combination to others or when they form intermediate, transitive type.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

[Genital Herpes] By all means the bes

By all means the best prevention against herpes genital herpes various STD and HIV is the use of condoms during sexual intercourse, this will reduce the risk of contamination and virus incubation period due to the skin localization in some cases. Infection and incubation period for the virus can vary from from several days to several months or even years, and can remain to be unseen to the naked eye. Due test for STD infection must be conducted prior in all cases. learn more from blog that discuss thins that matters

Posted By Genital Herpes to Genital Herpes at 6/14/2009 01:19:00 AM
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Monday, June 1, 2009

Not I Will While Make Comments On Sights

Not I will while make comments on sights neither the first diplomaed philosopher, nor the second (about the second, more truly, about the second it is known that it posesses also the book "How to make love without a stop" and that she heads the Center of development of the person in Los Angeles). I will notice only that even if it would be specially necessary to compose the opposite world outlooks declaring mutual relations "M" and this opposition is more evident, apparently, to express would be and it is impossible. The given belief - validity generations, and at level of its most fundamental bases, such, as prirodno-geographical living conditions of the nation, as ways of development and character of its economic system, as features of its political history - in a combination and in conflicts to history of the adjacent states, as an originality of their beliefs and morals, that is the largest categories of public life. And not only that these family and intersexual mutual relations - generation of real life, they still generation of the life varying in time.

But Also That, And Another With Any Feverish

But also that, and another with any feverish haste was given to me by reins from family crew and at once, together with heart have given also a purse: own the house, the finance and an economy, and we will somehow be interrupted on the grists. So years, and lasted further and the second decade of home life has begun to flow, as suddenly on a New Year's party I have appeared nearby behind one table with the person that is told, not our circle and not our age. I know now that it from all points of view was not casual. Certainly, "girlfriend" has tried, for which it was necessary this evening (and on many other things too) to distract my attention from its relations with my spouse. She has achieved the: Low bow to it and gratitude on for the rest of the life! I have paid attention to the quiet, reticent neighbour not only because its sports figure considerably contrasted with a paunch of young men, and representative force of shoulders and hands always imposed me in subjects of an opposite sex.

And This Today's Fact In Which Earlier I

And this today's fact in which earlier I never itself would believe, induces me to publish hard, but in general a common story of the life: to support gloomy muzhiks who have reconciled that forces them have gone under a hill. To put it briefly: this night at me, that is abrupt pressure of a member, lasted continuously four hours. In eleven evenings we have laid down and at bedtime have nicely played enough. Eventually an hour later she has got tired and is sweet I have fallen asleep on a back, and in position sideways from it ("Perhaps you will amuse?") still long enough enjoyed its fine body while itself is not has got tired and has not fallen asleep directly in it. In failure this dream our relations all the same proceeded: that Nastja from depth of oblivion easy gentle handshakes of internal muscles sent a signal: "I with you" I in a consciousness total failure occasionally nevertheless pumped up it. And only when the right hip on which I lay has become numb to loss of consciousness, I have regained consciousness and, turning on other side, the member, all so strained, raised to an iron ring has taken from a bosom of the spouse.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Also Time Would Be Possible In Free From

Also time would be possible in free from inspections and treatments to sit side by side. Or to go. All the same I will nestle on your shoulder, to keep for your hand. And especially unpleasant pricks in any unpleasant places - I would incur: both yours, and the. And you are grateful me kissed. For each prick accepted by me. By the way, at me one acquaintance was treated, treated, and then, told little girls, became such loveful! It as little girls have explained, has occurred from treatment. Perhaps and on you suddenly would work treatment, and it would want to you to kiss me not only for a prick. You have correctly arrived that the wife works for you. So to it is quieter, and the main thing for me - you. Each person should have a business. I judge on myself: if you near to me were all day and night, I would not be to the present happy, feeling the - without work. And it - not because that insufficiently you I love. How many left forces and time for household chores how were smothering both hands are absorbed by love and a family - all the same it insufficiently.

Friday, May 29, 2009

It Not To Understand At All As All

It not to understand at all as all it amusingly looked from outside: Any "the metre-zero five with a hat", as they say, is glued to me which at growth hundred seventy more than once invited to role of slavic photomodel, despite of, say, not absolutely already maiden my age (however, probably, and advertising businessmen too lined in the ways wedges). The nature has awarded me both article and a figure: in general, "all at itself" - and all excellent parametres. And the person too, tell, very much even expressive, though snub-nosed, and eyes, as projector (especially if imperceptibly to work with centuries ink and a brush), and golden hair, dense, long, a subject of considerable efforts, but also pride. And under a voluminous hair absolutely grey substance hides not such - it has allowed me to become without special repressure the candidate not any, but engineering science. I am created by the Creator to be married as for stone wall, to accept guardianship and admiration of the unique man and to pay to it in love, fidelity, selfless care.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I At All So Also Need Your Attention,

I at all so also need your attention, I - have got used, I can - without yours to me something there kind, warm. But that I cannot anything to you, so much much to give - here that most painfully. To what foolish position at me! I love you. Also I do not leave you for a minute. In the morning, in the afternoon, at night, on work, in the street - you nearby, - it is almost possible to touch you. I see your person, your hands - so I see! I touch you. You with me, always with me. I speak with you, I smile to you, I love you. All the rest - time, unessential because the main thing in this life is you. At all I not the extreme. I kind, I peace, I cheerful, I very good, I such what only also it is necessary to you. I yours, I for you, I breathe you, I only - about you. Well here - bad?! I not the extreme woman, I - in you enamoured, I - loving you, I am impregnated, penetrated by you, I every second with you, I do not happen without you, Egorushka. I can not tell to you: "Live easy, I will leave".

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To What It I? To That Owing To

To what it I? To that owing to system of our education and formation we spend considerable efforts - and long year-decade - for becoming more or less tolerable professionals on the speciality, on the work. And it is fine. Awfully that practically in all other spheres of the validity we is free or involuntarily we strive to be passed - during all life! - on a freebie, that is without any special expenses of energy, money and time!. Examples? Yes as much as necessary! How we communicate with associates? Yes anyhow! We will want we will fondle, will climb up - a stub more painfully, without constraining poisonous and loud language, and we kick more often, than ! And after all dialogue is the powerful, branched out system of ethics ("etiquette" - from this root!) which sources leave in ancient, still mythological times ("Honour the father, and your days" - when and where and by whom it has been told will last?.). When one the shepherd-mountaineer have asked, as well as why it was possible to it to keep about such considerable years a fortress of muscles and vigilance of eyes, he has answered: "Yes because any ram for all this time has not raised on me the voice.

Friday, May 22, 2009

What The Reason For That? Beauty? Yes, Here

What the reason for that? Beauty? Yes, here it is not necessary to argue, perhaps. But also other not less than hundred Is at our bride of advantages. Mr. Hort, not the businessman, not the banker, the Restaurant door-keeper in Washington, Came to us to struggle for the world And in passing married Tone. And, believe, literally at the moment of Tonja all Washington has amazed: For a food spent cent, And erased itself - and without soap! Tea without sugar of Tonja a saw, And, since the morning having bypassed the shops, All products home dragged On itself, without any car. Neither furs expensive, nor new things, a necklace did not ask from Horta - From its wiped trousers to the Daughter a skirt has sewed also shorts. At such hard-working wife, At such economical and modest There was a door-keeper on a game - Restaurant it has the huge. It was included by right into the catalogue of the Richest families in Washington And easy whitewashed Tonej idles, By the way, too. Vladimir Konstantinov, Boris Ratser The young husband in a bookshop: - you have a book under the name "The man - the master of the woman"? The saleswoman: - fantasy Department, the sir, on an opposite side.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It Means That Its Analyzers Are Capable To

It means that its analyzers are capable to apprehend so a minute quantity of molecules of the substance disturbing sense of smell what is not accessible to level any of mechanical or electronic devices. We will admit that butterflies aspiring to a meeting search each other not only at the expense of aromatic substances, but by means of certain bioradiations. In that case we will think: these signals, on how many usages capacity of radiation more low, than at stationary radio transmitters are however insignificant on capacity! And now we will compare these most thin mechanisms (which are put in any of live beings) with superpowerful influences of space objects, for example, with the Moon attraction. When our heavenly companion moves round the Earth after to its movement the oceanic wave in six metres rises! Reacting to draught of the Moon, it is notable and breathes as live - rising and falling down - earth crust. So it is asked: really perceiving devices of live organisms, including liquid systems, do not catch similar huge signals? Certainly, it is purely rhetorical question, certainly, perceive.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

At Me On A Regiment For Linen It

At me on a regiment for linen it is stored, as a relic, the towel weaved by mother from flax grown up on our field and sheathed by self-made laces of its manufacture (it is necessary that successors have not thrown out it as an ordinary-looking rag!). And how many alarms have been endured, when Martin was at war, whence many have not returned or have returned cripples? And later, in 1906 when was imprisoned? After all those years many have hung up in the prisons, many were done some shooting by chasteners. And when Martin acted on rural descents against the heads and waited for "students"? Whether long was again to prison? And then, when soldier Martin and till the late night was not home, how many was alarms. Or it a knife, or it in fight will kill somebody. It was tormented also with jealousy. After all where a walk and vodka, there and villains-women, hunters to another's muzhiks. It comes at night drunk, could not keep silent, reproached: where devils carry you? And in the answer, happened, and a beating.

My Decision Was Clear And Rigid: If This

My decision was clear and rigid: if this catastrophically accruing feeling to assimilate to an inflammation which did not manage to be suppressed make-shifts are necessary abrupt, emergency measures on radical healing. Here I do not know, to what them to compare: with phlegmon opening not to lose all hand, and can be, and with hand amputation not to lose a life. To put it briefly, passively to expect development of an inflammation till an unpredictable outcome it was not necessary any more, further to exhaust inside meant or to move a mind, or, as they say, to cast away hoofs. At twenty o'clock I faced to its door. Hardly I have raised a hand to press a call, the door was dissolved - Alevtina, losing itself and choking, watched, standing up for it, steps on a ladder platform. I have entered, and it with the muffled groan has hung at me on a neck. I have embraced her. It has nestled, no, was pressed in me entirely - from knees to a breast, and continued to squeeze. Its movements were involuntary, breath speeded up, and was not in the force world to tear off it from me.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Little Such Remains That Still Trusted The

A little such remains that still trusted the Artemis's directness, yes I and did not deny anybody, only for myself have drawn solving conclusion: how much unevident there is a most direct evidence. And from here even more serious conclusion to which I should come resulted, lying at the nights on the lonely pillow and scrolling so brilliant beginning at an external sight of the life. I here have received one for another three gold medals: the first - at school, and it has granted to me is right to go without special tests there where was considered fair and prestigious. But whether there I have gone? Yes, study was here again given to me easily because I at school have learnt regularly and logically to master any subject. And, maybe, still it was not necessary to me so in regular intervals to succeed in school and to find first of all that close to the soul what would make for it constant delight? After all it is not casual in technical college where I was considered as a rising star in the field of designing of tomographs, I instinctively and am irreversible have wanted to be engaged in a cultural history of the people, and at me have got forces and here, in to become a small rising star.

Monday, May 11, 2009

(I However, Recollect That These Permits Preferential Gave

(I However, recollect that these permits preferential gave out to them in inter-season period.) And at school too trusted all good, direct, fair was, the pioneer and Komsomol active worker. Liked to have fun, as all little girls, but firm and other brooches-ear rings despised, studied with all the heart, honesty. The honours pupil was, with a gold medal school has terminated. But that is characteristic, in a class me and a dark blue stocking did not consider and did not avoid, because I am always opened for justice acted. There was even such case: our class the deserved rank have appropriated, and I just this day to one tenth-graders have lined all, that anybody because of school desks did not rise, when it will enter into a class. Why? Yes because yesterday it of our two for what, on petty tyranny, from buffet has exposed, moreover with insults and a shame. And here our "Mop" comes to the educational class, all excited in day of rewarding, and its class darling sits on places and is silent, as in a water mouth all have typed.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

- Here Is How? - And He Has

- here is how? - And he has not told any more words, but has grown dark obviously. Further it is more. And it is how much more - neither a word to tell, nor a feather to describe! I am for the next day home from work and what I see? Nikolay sits at us, talks to my daddy! Turns Artemy Ivanovich a moustache, crafty glances at the youth. And that sits, as the arshin has swallowed, at me will not look. - Here, a daughter, the groom to you was, with home delivery. The person positive, the expert in the refrigerating technics in fruit state farm. So we will be with vitamins. By the way does not drink, does not smoke. The sergeant of a stock. - also what, my dear, I will do there in state farm? - Easy I ask. - and what given for me, single mother, you give, that they have agreed to take me for themselves? The youth has distorted , sweeping aside jokes, and without a confusion shade has declared: - And what for to you, Anastas Artemevna to lose the qualification, to us in Apple to go? As excursions at us do not drive.

Friday, May 8, 2009

After All I You - For Myself -

After all I you - for myself - did not clean, I accepted you that - guarded that "did not cause delights", but - and it there was you. My age me does not concern. I yours - painfully perceive. Not today's (on me though hundred years, I love you). If to you was twice less, I would sit absolutely very quietly, waited any ten, fifteen, thirty years. For that not to wait? And now how to be?. Live, please, very long! To salts of Alejkum, Egor Alesha! Intend to inform you the freshest and surprising news. The matter is that I horror to what love you. And therefore you are my bitter grief, in combination, as - my sun and happiness. Whether not so to you it is burdensome? Whether will cope? Nevertheless it is necessary to have patience years still on fifty - eighty. Well, then, sometime! - you will become old, sick, suddenly (here well - that will be!) itself also you can not go - then I will come, to roll you in any carriage, in the street. I will deliver you somewhere in a secluded corner and I will be accepted my favourite, and to you - where to you to get to? That without me you can not go, you will not escape! To live here only to a time!.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In A Folder "To The Report" I Have

In a folder "To the report" I have seen the sealed package, and into heart have again entered long, forgotten was a needle. I have opened the letter. On a leaf some words outlined by rough letters blackened: "I never will forget you. I never will see you. (It is the citation)". NINA REFLECTS ALOUD WHY FIRM AS IF ONLY FROM THE BED THE CUCUMBER IS MORE USEFUL, THAN BOILED NOODLES Epigraphs to the head , , do not go on that , There the mouse lives, You a tip ! Nursery The wife in the middle of night yes has woken up as will cry: - the Muzhik! The muzhik to me! The husband too has woken up from its shout and persuades: - is more silent, the darling, silence! Where I to you at three o'clock in the morning will get the muzhik?. - What you? - She has told. - unless my kisses so are opposite? Or your courage from a post? Or, maybe, my armpits smell then?. The shame Paint has filled in to me the person, and even I have lost the rest of forces; all body at me has softened, and I have murmured: - the Tsarina washing, be kind, do not finish the unfortunate.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Word Of Honour, Absolutely Other Eyes, Even

The word of honour, absolutely other eyes, even with some I began to look at streams of counter modest women - in trams, the underground, in shops! - Perhaps, and in everyone the volcano disappears, I do not know, but I - not everyone, - with some irony have answered it somehow my admired bewilderment. It is necessary to tell that it did not caress me or did not caress about me is insatiable itself in bed only during those moments when I caressed it or when she slept. Here and now: conversation-conversation, and business-business, it did not miss seconds, and this combination of sharp caress to conversation or to a sight in an emphasis of an eye-in-eye or even simultaneous a drink gave ours with it to sex absolutely new spirit, me, to the muzhik, I repeat, skilled, until then the unknown person. - Well I understand, what you very much at all everyone but how the virgin (I have used other word because in its bed to fury got the same salty words which it with sincere indignation rejected in a quiet condition in conversation) with whom I have consecrated, is combined with so multiknowing odalisque? Here a secret! - Think, the friend my warm, unless all-round study of any problem which I face, not is my fad, washing personal feature? You have charged to a clod the thorough scheme the project? To me!.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You Will Allow It To Order About Yourself,

You will allow it to order about yourself, it besides will aim, eventually, to the woman self-sufficient, with self-respect. More shortly: the life puts before us problems more difficultly school, but also the price of their decision is much more expensive - a happy life. It is no more, not less. The husband will be happy, will be lifted and uplifted by your respect, admiration, trust, he will feel thanks to you the man, the winner of destiny also you "will bathe in waves of its love, force and charm. Naturally, it is necessary to know features of its individual psychology and to consider them: besides, to put the turbine under a stream, instead of over it that the turbine worked. So, long could not understand the reasons of irritability of one friend. In all, apparently, arranged it, and it - me, but here appeared after separation, and the jumble very soon began. But when has understood, in what business, has with all the heart burst out laughing, and at once all our relations with Volodechkoj were adjusted: it has appeared, it became almost deranged when wished to eat.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And I Have Understood: It Is Necessary, That

And I have understood: it is necessary, that the girl as easy, gently would caress it that not from it, and from it there were caresses. The darling, it sincerely loved it and loves. It has accepted my offer and what surprise of the son when, having come from work was, he has seen both of us in easy summer dressing gowns. This night we in bed were three together. This night the girl was convinced of correctness of words of the beloved:" With mum at me all turns out ", - was convinced, for has seen all the eyes. Some more hours, and a bedroom were announced by not strong shout: "Oh, painfully!" You know the ending - their little son has gone to the first class. I have husband and the lover - my son, at the husband I, his wife, and the mistress the young daughter - in-law. When we are given with the daughter - in-law of caress by our men at us "wings" grow, but they grow and at all less when we give each other caresses. Here such history has happened to me and my relatives. Perhaps, I have broken all moral foundations, but I have rescued the son, its love.

And When It Thawed And Came To The

And when it thawed and came to the senses, I with greed asked him on its new turns ways to concern, anyhow estimated its possible fellow travellers. "Listen, Egorushka, - has told I to it once, - and give ive we will start the present formal dinner party for your new friends. It is necessary to us and to show, and people to look, what they in house conditions!" - And you will take all this fuss on yourself? - It has blinked the eyes. And I have caught its instant thought: "And money?" - do not worry, my light brown dress, well that that in a strip, not so it is pleasant to you, means, we will bring it on sacrifice for the sake of business. He did not begin to tell anything, lips to my hand after all it only has for a long time dropped knew, how many it was required money under the new prices for clothes which on children literally, especially on a sonny, burnt, and almost its incomes (and debts considerable) went while on account of the future blessings. This Dinner - esteem, imperial at present, with change of dishes in old table service, with and crystal , I know, to its associates very much even was remembered.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

. - Militia It Is Involved? - Egor Has

. - Militia it is involved? - Egor has easy asked me. - is not present! No! No! - A whirlwind the thought on consequences of a new meeting with militia for this purpose poor fellows with a knife has flown by! Nikolay has jumped on feet: - What for to me to live? What for to me to live? - Its person has been bent, from a throat bubbling sounds were pulled out. Suddenly it with a crash has broken off a shirt on a breast and sharpening began to cut-polosovat itself on a naked body, rattling: - What for to live? What for to me to live?! - he has thrown a knife on a floor and was bent, covering with palms at once the bulked up bloody strips on a breast and a stomach. I have sighed, and Egor has easy removed linen from a little table in a hall, has dissolved his hands and has imposed a fabric on wounds. Then it has thrust dangling end of a cloth to it in trousers and for shoulders has deduced on a platform in a front door: - Here your bag, the sailor, here . Pull and stamp. All. Full demobilisation.

But In A Corridor He Embraced Me Very

But in a corridor he embraced me very much hot and nestled on my skirt the trousers with very even a firm subject in them. Behind a solemn dinner high contracting parties in the form of parents (my simple-minded somehow has hardened in this hrustalno-carpet paradise among the polished furniture, he at all has got to talking at once) have come to the general opinion that marriage registration should be spent before distribution in high schools young that diplomas were with the general surname and the wife would acquire the right to register with the lawful spouse, in Moscow, certainly. I have imperceptibly looked round: to live in such palace? Well, yes where we did not vanish!. Weddings it is necessary to play two - at first after registration in Moscow, then for the Leningrad friends, relatives and acquaintances. It is unprofitable, of course, yes after all it is for ever connected our young that they have flushed. What to tell? Wedding in Moscow was grandiose, all has gathered and the influential world and, apparently, he has approved a choice of Ippolita though ladies have obviously felt in me a bird of other vital habits, than at them.

Friday, April 17, 2009

She At First Began To Shout, We Are

She at first began to shout, we are silent, it has begun to sup air, has waved hands and all has taken off in stains. The Director then came, understood, hardly I from school have not rung out as the instigator, yes I was , has iron confirmed at them on teachers' meeting my Bolshevist correctness, has promised to finish to the public that have removed a rank deserved as not deserved by the teacher-rude woman though has agreed, as we in a class have admitted willfulness. In general, business have hushed up, that me, to Anastas, pride of school, the unique applicant for a medal in area not to compel to pass in other school on the eve of release. To what it I? What relation old scandal concerns my family affairs and to private life? And such that I devoutly, undoubtedly trusted as in an immutable canon in the thesis about sacred equality of the man and the woman. Notice: not in equality, and in equality, that is similarity. Probably, on all life I will remember heading in the celebratory newspaper which has been let out to 8 Martha: "In Soviet Union the difference between the man and the woman has disappeared".

In The Immemorial Natural Certificate I Realise Myself

In the immemorial natural certificate I realise myself not only as biological beings, but as a creation wreath - the person capable to surprising synthesis of spirit and a flesh. My beloved with my help should test launch so much time, how many it is necessary for it, and in it my physical and sincere satisfaction, first of all, roots. For obligatory and decisions of this problem at any time I should possess force, surpassing its force. Where to take that? And in itself! And first of all - in bowels of the mentality. Here firm postulates of man's power. The first. In my nature is not present and there can not be such categories as sexual insufficiency, weakness, slackness, an impotence, etc. for that simple reason that you always can bring to white heat and completely the woman who has trusted in you not only by means of a member, but also all-round caress of hands, embraces, language, kisses, a petting, pressing-friction of its causal place about the firm hip etc., etc. If games are capable to throw their participants into ecstasies the man, forgive, has also a large trump card over a deal.

But When In A Year Of Franklin Has

But when in a year of Franklin has broken a paralysis, it has really returned to it and looked after it till the end of days self-denyingly. So all these unlike examples concern what model? To Lithuanian, to the American? Yes to any!. But whether contains eventually in these not similar examples, though something which are throwing light on the reasons of drama conflicts in a life of heroines of our story? Is available, the Lord sees, this general core, there are such general words. Here they: aspiration of everyone to sincere harmony according to the nature. And collision - often severe with the counteracting validity. Anna Dostoevskaja could completely first of all in service to the husband, and Margaret Thatcher to the social way, the husband - then. Any of us can is thousandfold to increase number of examples about aspiration of each woman to own individual calling (whether according to the doctrine of apostles, whether according to behaviour wives). But here that unshakably: everyone chooses the channel, everyone aspires to overcome resistance of circumstances of time, the national and economic conditions.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Wave Of Unearthly Delight Has Carried Away

The wave of unearthly delight has carried away me up - and time, and another, and the third! - Still! Still! Still! - followed for , one is more improbable than another, and I put the dummies in his hands and demanded: More strongly! More strongly! Press!. But when all it - other word I do not find - has come to the end, and we, silently having clung to each other, had a rest, it could not be kept: with obvious has examined my breast - on it was not-che thing, any traces! And I felt easily, , is sweet - a sign of any pain though its steel fingers are that that are capable to break easily in fighting fight a forearm or on a bet to bend a poker. -Che thing! Sle-yes! Here where - in other world, in other condition there was I at the moment of the madness. And is more true - the highest launch of the passion. Yes, I do not think, that though someone could see even a similar portrait of that violent odalisque, the unrestrained woman of easy virtue in the housewife anxious by household cares or in is polite-affable institute to "the scientific young woman"! Certainly, passion and it were as much as possible strong displays of my new married condition.

So, For Example, It Has Simply Amazed With

So, for example, it has simply amazed with the wit and feeling of independence at us on a banquet of ours the general, and that was able to understand people!. And at all pride and self-respect it with conscientiousness inherent in it has concerned happy change in its female destiny, to transition from an uncertain condition of single mother in the status the officer wife and mother of considerable family. Not inclined to to words, she only has whispered once, is tenacious nestling on me all thin strong body and looking in my eyes burning eyes: "You - my ideal! Really it not a fairy tale, what I am your spouse?" The tenth child in a poor East Siberian family, unique remained live at mother, endured the enchanting biography in which was and a fur trading station at the edge of ocean Ledovitogo, and employment by statistics to Buryatiya, and ship-repair workshops in Vladivostok, and fish-canning factory on island Shikotan, and many other things was infinite in her life. And at all it Darya was marked by unrestrained bent for to culture which has resulted it through all country in Peter and contrary to all legislative obstacles has allowed to be fixed in our great city on Neva.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here Again, Dear Nina Terentevna, It Is Necessary

Here again, dear Nina Terentevna, it is necessary to be defined accurately not only about a sexual educational program, but first of all to establish, what current (that is what style of morals and family behaviour) on your propensities and on individuality of your husband approaches you. Hence, easy having analysed features of the primordial traditional channel, we should realise an originality and that mighty stream which has rushed to us and, we will firmly tell, in the course of time will amplify only. It is curious that this new analysis will be capable to deduce us in absolutely new, surprising and unexpected horizons of laws of harmony "M" and. Part the third NEW TIMES IVAN-YES-MARJA THOUGHTS ALOUD (Beginning) Epigraphs to the head Not in money happiness the Saying There is a taiga to the river a hunter and sees that against the current the woman pulls a boat, and in it sits-smokes its tube : - Hey, Ivan where has gathered? - Yes here, the woman was ill, I carry in hospital. RECOGNITION It is rained kisses, bewitched, To a wind in the field it is once married, All you as if in fetters is chained, Precious you my woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if from the dark sky descended, You and a song my wedding, And a star my madwoman.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

When In The Evening We Remained One, I

When in the evening we remained one, I am accurate on have explained to it that there is a whole science - relations of the man and the woman, and we for the sake of the happiness should master it in common. It has humorously lifted eyebrows: what for a subject in the program and who will accept offsets, and in what form seminar or under tickets, and what rating scale?. Witty and resourceful it was, it will not refuse. But all the same something has understood, and was not so and at night, and obeyed me. I have studied the literature on a theme " ", and here, in two months after wedding have helped it to perform, at last, rather painful operation for me and have lost it in a pose on a back knees upwards and towards virginity and have strongly soiled blood a bed-sheet (it is necessary to tell to its full calm). My god to what all it was sick and opposite, but I have resolved to become on a way of building of family relations and have decided all to bear for the good of home life. And it was necessary to bear not simply, but to show reasonable endurance and to wait healing of an internal wound.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

There On - Former, It Is Possible To

There on - former, it is possible to tell , the model of authoritative, hierarchically accurate family prevails. Yes, gradually it is washed away, finds the big flexibility and some new forms, but it is all the same steady structure at the heart of the. Here the such exists in the world, it is possible to tell, powerful aura which cannot be counted on arithmometers of auditors from sociology but which incorporates huge weights of people in an orbit of the influence. The majority of women - or - wishes to be for the husband, the defender, the supporter and , and the majority of men would like to have healthy mother of children, the skilful mistress, a true support in all vicissitudes of life. About, however the old Russian saying is full of deep sense: "For a Russian cabbage soup people marry, for meat in marriage leave". We will ponder upon it. Of course, Egor in all previous family existing and Anastas also, started with similar model as initial, fundamental, the best. So, powerful, truly the planetary current of traditional representations about a role of the man and the woman in home life directed a life of men and women in our country, on grandiose ways of economic-economic way, on wars and reprisals, numbers of the most active and self-sufficient men, on sharp decrease in possibilities at the man to be as before, throughout millenia, the basic getter and the supporter of the wife, children and aged parents.

And Here, Two Loving Each Other Persons, We

And here, two loving each other persons, we remained together, but slept already in different rooms, on different beds and met on one bed less frequently while these meetings have not stopped absolutely. Darya, complete nature, still loved me sincerely, a vein my work and my interests, it firmly stood on my party in all office collisions, but could not correct the failure which has happened with it any more. It was very clever, and has somehow told to me as if foreign history about certain spouses familiar to it who owing to difficult circumstances could not lead in common sexual life because of illness of the wife. But appreciating and respecting her as a companion, the husband was so tactful that never neither a hint, nor the reservation has not shown to the wife that at it someone is on the party. I with gratitude have accepted this parable - as by this time many years have been compelled to live a hard double life, to tell the truth, opposite and destructive for my soul and for a body.

Monday, April 6, 2009

At First The Cold Shower Has Taught Me,

At first the cold shower has taught me, then two buckets on a head have almost revived. Has got into a terry dressing gown and has again come on kitchen: to drink a mug of strong boiling tea with a table spoon of the Riga balm." No, dear Jack London! There will be I news about premature demise to afflict the beloveds! I will not leave this life so simply. I will find a way out. I will find! "Has sat over phone: Nastin almost has up to the end dialled number - as it was a pity to me it! - also has pressed the lever. Almost to last figure has dialled number of Alevtiny to jump as in the river from the bridge, but also here has pressed the lever, has hanged up into place: in such condition I can heap up the irreparable. No, Egor, you the muzhik, instead of the impulsive boy! Has once again passed in a bath, has poured out on a head two more buckets of cold water, has returned in a dressing gown on a bed, has begun to read an old detective and - has fallen asleep!. Slept strong, , and it, probably, has rescued me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Silently And Easy. Here After All Strange Creation

Silently and easy. Here after all strange creation - the person! Such choose units, and other - both suffer, and burn down. Very much it would be desirable, Egor to go to hospital and to ask djadenkov-surgeons about such operation: let a breast would cut, have connected the equipment. Here to live though days-two, and it is better - three with mechanical heart! That the iron! That - did not burn, did not ache, was not ill. Any to you , . And that these two-three days poured all into this opened breast yes poured: let all would be washed out, washed off become painful, burnt down. And in general - that cut off everything that is unhealthy. The joke is about the person who some times came to a workshop and every time ordered something opposite to the yesterday's. Humour - in the ending: Listen, and you not the loony? - Yes, and what? To me it - "Yes, and what?" It is necessary to use. A convenient phrase - the subsequent questions also disappear. You do not understand anything. If I could be with you five-seven days (moreover and not to feel just about before death: here even five minutes, still three minutes remains!.

The Door Was Opened, I Have Flopped On

The door was opened, I have flopped on an empty seat behind, and the beauty-car has quickly moved at once. Before I mentally would exclaim: "About, My God!" - in it sat four natives of other world, of a hell, maybe, racketeers from the dismantling or businessmen of a drug mafia: smooth, cynical, severe, young, very much something similar against each other, though different appearance and growth. - About, what girl has got to us since the morning! - it is hardly appreciable, with a hint the driver has smiled and has given gas, without asking, where it is necessary for me. Dogs and malicious people perfectly feel the emanation of fear proceeding from a victim. And, I to what my "fellow travellers" when I have easy leant back on a soft back internally were surprised think, having shut eyes, and the smile has involuntarily moved apart my lips! The aggravated scent they immediately have caught that this smile has no relation neither to them, nor to the given situation. Have caught and have mixed up, because have faced something it not clear, at all leaving of a circle of their validity.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

- Red.) The Originality And Depth Of The

- Red.) the originality and depth of the Bible are put on a bed of superficial school divinity owing to what one essential details of the text fall, others represent in a kind and as a result the narration only slides on a surface of our attention, at all without touching our thought. The seminary student With. V.Troitsky. From the treatise "Christian philosophy of marriage" - Oh, as the tooth is ill! - and you iodine . - Cauterized, does not help. Oh!. - and you put there cotton wool with valerian drops. - put, does not help! Oh!. Worse your business. I in such cases lay down at home with the wife, and all passes. Listen, and your wife of the house? in one love, We the purposes infinite a uniform link. And above to ascend in truths eternal To us separately it is not fated. A.K.Tolstoy About, My God! Here in the morning hastily leaves, from the entrance the woman hardly probable does not run out. To it for thirty, it drags for a hand the not woken up complaining daughter whom it is necessary to have time to hand over in , other hand it pushes the son, whose eyes concentrated volume-sojerovskie testify to obvious intention to shirk the first lesson with control interrogation for a quarter: this giant of thought should be introduced in a building of school to a call on gymnastics, back to it will not run off already on duty in the doorway.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Certainly, If Your Friend (or The Spouse) Was

Certainly, if your friend (or the spouse) was mistaken, operates incorrectly, it it is necessary to correct. But how? It is possible to develop the loud company that it in general such-sjakoj, and that knowingly my poor mum warned me etc., etc., and it is possible to speak rationally only about that act which is not pleasant to you. The difference is great, isn't that so? In bed it for certain will affect and it is very essential! My God My God, whether yes it is possible to forget about such way of the resolution of conflicts, how kind humour? In general, between us girls what can be sillier than transform in the evening of the spouse into an outlet for the dark emotions which have collected for a day, in some kind of a dustbin for own sincere garbage? A bucket for a waste, really, not the best partner in bed!. Think, darlings, think: your happiness including erotic pleasures, depends on wisdom of your brains. If the man not the bull-calfe also you in the mental faculties do not assimilate ! Yes, wives should face and that in the man who has got tired of work in bed is not enough to what it is suitable.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I Love You. Also It Is My Pain,

I love you. Also it is my pain, and it is such my pleasure! It is intolerable - well, the truth, Egor, - so long so hopelessly - to live without you. And - what happiness to know that you are. I have you. And I love you. I always am afraid that you here will clean me from yourself - and for ever. So it is terrible! At once - the sky of the low, next five-floor houses which have leant the elbows on roofs. Heavy, viscous - in such sky - you will not do some flying, a hand you will not wave. And in a head everyone climbs! And the imagination so obligingly palms off on me me in the most foolish light! Ridiculous, really, chuchelno-motionless, become lifeless. Smile to me, and? I absolutely love you. You are a clear head, you strong, all at you will be good, only - let and I at you will be, all right? Also give me you you will see, aja-you, and? Well give, Egorushka? No, Egor, in such dream also I can not believe: you - nearby, also it is not necessary to look on hours, and it is not necessary guilty to feel itself that five more, even about you was late ten minutes.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yes Then All Time Stirred Something To Us,

Yes then all time stirred something to us, but also that great that I am real, have personally learnt from it, have turned my life. I became the high-grade woman. To me the huge magnificent world of feelings for the first time has opened. I am a doctor, the expert, the gynecologist - absolutely it in practice did not know, though theoretically have been, of course, grounded! So that we want from those illiterate which have passed now before us a sad train? Yes, sad because however highly build you the house, without the base it will warp and will be tumbled down, and there will be it any more the house, and , a coffin, speaking to the simple. "Illiterate" I have told. How so? After all in our list as on selection almost all - with higher education, even with scientific degrees is. But after all formation at them - on a speciality. It is possible to consider, on very narrow professional speciality, and by the widest trade from all what only can be which occupies on time a life good few, under the relation between floors, they are clean illiterate.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I Have Perfectly, Distinctly Understood, What Extreme Efforts,

I have perfectly, distinctly understood, what extreme efforts, what overstrain of mentality demanded, and practically , that shape and that standard of living which was taken up by Larissa. Whether so in a similar condition of almost continuous stress because of accepted difficult decisions happiness of the woman? And one more unpretentious question: and whether there corresponds its image of in the lead behaviour to our eternal both thousand-year traditions and representations about a role of the woman in a family? And even more unpretentious: and unless there were no in percent all our Russian (Ukrainian, Belarus, Kazakh etc.) women in a situation of the same model which showed to me delightful elegant woman Larissa Gubin? Certainly, matter is not in attributes of shape: travelling railway worker Marfa Nikitichna looks, of course, differently, than it, and employment at it others. But painful bifurcation of uniform essence basically the same: the compulsory force of the circumstances pushing to acceptance independent decision and unreasonable work, on the one hand, and eternal aspiration (suppressed) to live for the husband, , the supporter, the defender.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Has Woken Up Without An Alarm Clock And

Has woken up without an alarm clock and could not understand at once where I why nearby there are no Anastass, then was quickly unwound all tape of events, thoughts, the uncertainty pain again has got into heart. "Stop! To chop off all this cud. I the experienced muzhik, instead of the gentle. I will be extended upward by all former operating time, knowingly it is so much veins, got hand in. Something will turn up!" - and I have found old gym shoes in a shoe box, have pulled a sport suit and side streets have run out to Neva. An old standard route on quay: a strong head wind, not clear light of the rising sun, flying by by rare while a car, a fragmentary rhythm of run with constant accelerations - all it erected as though a guarding barrier between consciousness and the occurred events. Whether for a long time? Two buckets of cold water in a bathroom also have at all muffled disastrous signals. Strong tea with honey, fast walking to office with the miscalculation in a brain of urgent matters, and here I at.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let's Understand. Only We Will Consider That It

Let's understand. Only we will consider that it is a painful problem far not only for men. Who-who, and I from the patients for work half a century in what gynecology only instead of "a firm cucumber" have had heard plenty of words about "wet thongs", what confessions almost the mad have accepted!. Naturally: the woman longs, was warmed up, eyes climb on a forehead, and here - by! What? How? Why? Not everyone has enough mind to understand, understand, translate a situation in quiet tone. How many divorces occur because of it! How many poor things get to mental hospitals! As the doctor I will tell confidently that only at every fifth man who addresses in the given occasion to the sexopathologist, defect of an organism is found out. It can be corkings of vessels in the field of a basin, including at glands. It can be metabolism infringements including a diabetes, it there can be consequences of chronic illnesses of kidneys and a liver more often as result of a narcotism, alcohol, nicotine or incorrectly written out medicines.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

After Nastinogo Of The Story Not The Day

After Nastinogo of the story not the day first already in ears at me and rings plaintive hare, esteem an agonal cry of the unfortunate madman: "There is nothing than!" Certainly, very well happens for Nasti that at the crucial moment Nikolay has appeared the impotent man (and for it it was destiny gift because otherwise Egor would kill him on the spot, it is unequivocal). But in Nikolay's own understanding the inconsistency, certainly, has appeared in general well matched spiritual and physical death, was full breakdown even not main, and unique idea and dream of all life: possession. . It is a pity the little fool, but I believe, he will not endure this shameful situation in all senses and its neolearnt corpse with the cut up breast will soon get to a militian mortuary, and, means, one more asterisk will fly from the sky. Such here finally there is a potentiality or impotence price. But why so it is unpredictable it turns out at biological beings of the person? After all at other biological kinds (cats, cocks, monkeys, snakes, bulls, at last, I I I list chaotically) the similar problem is not present and in ! Time has approached, the convenient situation - a spear on has turned up and the victory is gained! Also it is not necessary to say that there copulation well turns out in view of absence at them stressful situations, it is not necessary! Males have battled till it bleeds, to death, horns have each other broken off - and please, withdraw with itself and there and then cover is high-grade.

Only It Has Appeared It Is Useless, Because

Only it has appeared it is useless, because I love you. And though I then did not know you such what I know now, I loved you one year ago at all less, and felt the accessory - you - so sharply, as well as now. I love YOU. I love from that minute when you have seen me and has confidently told: "We are created for teamwork", and has put the palm to me on a head and there has burnt down any safety lock. If you take in head then to withdraw me therefrom anywhere - I would go, as the sleep-walker. And in the evening, on hotel steps, from below upwards - on you: with astonishment, delightfully and . And next day in the bus from the airport - your hand, your foot - nearby, I feel them, and still I feel that nearby - already YOU, and I am dissolved in you - here so - in the face of myself. And guessing, a cognizance, opening you, and connection you - therefrom and from everywhere - in one, and mine about "other" in you - if and not another's to me, - strange, unfamiliar. And acceptance you such through understanding, whence it in you and why it is not present at me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Yes, Unlike Me It Has Been Prepared For

Yes, unlike me it has been prepared for it and armed that is called, from feet to a head. They have not considered only (and, maybe, for them it was good luck) that potential my groom at a meeting has appeared is punched by an arrow of the Cupid through and, as though it to tell, has begun to flow and has started not to play any more the planned thought over role, and has seriously ignited from within unexpectedly for the heat-resistant external training. Both I should guess its this sincerity and original feeling, and if it was not, also to it turn would be given from gate. As the well-educated mistress I drove the visitor day after day on our fine winter city and there was everything, as in verses: "a frost and the sun, day wonderful." I with pleasure opened to it everything to that has learnt on excursion courses, and more grateful and admired listener I admit, for all my previous and subsequent life did not meet. Certainly, its charm and a lustre, all its training remained at it, but, frankly speaking, it every day from me more and more, its love madness has come so far that because of performance "History of a horse" into Big Drama Theatre which we could visit with it only two days later after the termination of a vacation, it remained and has not come back home in time! For its department the person with such behaviour could be considered as the defector! There were calls of his mother, its terrible order the father, my requests, but Ippolit was unshakable.

The Note: The Age Of The Woman Is

The note: the Age of the woman is defined metric , and in the absence of these documents by quarter committees on an exterior and a testimony. Etc. up to item 19: All evaded from a recognition and carrying out of the present decree in a life appear saboteurs, enemies of the people and counteranarchists), however all it flew away from foundations of traditional morals, as fraction from the reservation unless here and there on a paint remained. A little more serious the situation became when not curly , surrounded with machine-gun tapes, and professional thinkers in the civilian for good reason undertook. Here some essential extracts from the big work "Revolution and youth", published in 1924 Communistic university of Sverdlova in whom the monumental instruction "Twelve sexual precepts of revolutionary proletariat" is published: "Honour the father" - the proletariat recommends to esteem only such father who costs on the revolutionary-proletarian point of view. Other fathers with hostility incited against revolution, it is necessary to re-educate.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Have Opened Eyes, Realising Nothing, Understanding Nothing

I have opened eyes, realising nothing, understanding nothing half awake, and have given a hand to a pressure source. Egor slept, its breath was not audible, and its member, , , having inflated till the unreasonable sizes, stuck out, ready my body! Translating breath from this "opening", I have laid down on a back and have begun quietly and to play gently a hand with this "natural phenomenon", an embodiment of a man's nature. It was also firm, as a tree, and soft, as gentle silk, and hot, as blood, and cool, as a shade at a stream. It was live! In reply to my movements, it began to grow at length, to bulk up at thickness, Though, apparently, where further! The thought has flashed on the brink of consciousness: really it " a spear" how Chineses write, yes what there a spear, this the column - thickness and length is not enough what not about a children's foot, my bosom can contain? Has flashed and has disappeared, because all thoughts have left, all have flashed at once and have burnt down: I want! I want! And anything else.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

At Last, After A Long Repeated Spasm Of

At last, after a long repeated spasm of all body and unintelligible barrackings, it has become soft. I had carefully control over it. - What was it? - It is hardly audible she has asked. - that with me was? I did not begin to explain and have silently led it in a room, confused and suppressed by force of its passion. - It has come. My God, it has come, it at me, My God! - we sat on its bed, and it for a sleeve has dragged from me a jacket. - the girl, has flown into a rage? I have quietly asked. - has flown into a rage, has flown into a rage, has flown into a rage! How many it is possible? - She has raised to my the face: flaring a flush, blue-eyed, framed with a fair hair, inexpressibly lovely and attractive what can be only the person of the loving woman. - it has begun to unbutton a collar of my shirt and has got a forehead, a nose and lips into an aperture, to a vest. - , the girl, all not so! Look, how it is necessary, - I have torn off her head from the breast, have quickly unbuttoned its blouse and have got there itself.

And So Far As These Signals Bear In

And so far as these signals bear in themselves qualitative differences both the Sun, and the Moon, and all planets at the moment of the phenomenon on light of the newborn, that is during its liberation from dependence on the parent environment clearly adjust it on existing in the world at present a matrix of mighty space influences. This matrix constantly varies, and the statistics typed by mankind for many thousand of years of supervision, allows the certain basic integrated qualities developing at the moment of a birth, confidently to generalise. Such is a basis of my trust to objectivity of the astrological data. What for to argue, if thousand-year practice has already shown doubtless dependence of personal qualities of the person on time of its birth? Basically there correspond to true typical lines of the people born under that or other zodiacal sign. I will remind: The ARIES (on March, 21st - on April, 20th) - is active, uneasy, unruly and ambitious, inclined to , to extravagance and nobleness; The TAURUS (on April, 21st - on May, 20th) - is strong, , is obstinate and persistent, kind, materialistic in the activity, , is virtuous, does not love changes; TWINS (on May, 21st - on June, 20th) - it is mobile, changeable, , it is curious, affable, intuitive, unorganized, oars; the CANCER (on June, 21st - on July, 22nd) - loves the comfort, is suspicious, deep in the feelings, is uneasy, romantic, patient; The LION (on July, 23rd - on August, 22nd) - is vigorous, , is proud to vanity, is obstinate and ambitious, , is sensual, loves flattery, aspires both to a constancy, and to a manipulation people, wishes to play the first roles and can be the loyal friend; The MAIDEN (on August, 23rd - on September, 23rd) - , it is observant, critical, consecutive, reliable, disciplined, it is cautious, independent, mercantile, inclined to ruthlessness; SCALES (on September, 24th - on October, 23rd) - it is charming, judicious, diligent, delicate, often impractical, it is thin in feelings, aspires to the consent; the SCORPION (on October, 24th - on November, 21st) - in struggle against self (from a devil to an angel), strong-willed, emotional, aspiring in the analysis to reach an essence of the things, battling up to the end; The SAGITTARIUS (on November, 22nd - on December, 21st) - is unruly in search of new adventures, is intuitive, acute, romantic, passionate and at the same time prudent; The CAPRICORN (on December, 22nd - on January, 19th) - is seldom happy with itself and circumstances, is practical, organised, disciplined, intolerant of levity, is vigorous in career achievement; The AQUARIUS (on January, 20th - on February, 18th) - aspires to improve mankind, is clever, persevering, original, independent, inventive, is intuitive; FISHES (on February, 19th - on March, 20th) - the difficult, excentric person, it is romantic, , it is emotional, disseminated, inclined to self-sacrifice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Do Not Understand: Why In A XIX-th

I do not understand: why in a XIX-th century died of love, and I live? Why there was from melancholy but to the favourite person a consumption, and at me they be is not present? What simple and exact Russian expression: has died of heart rupture. Heart was broke off. Probably, it does not threaten me, because the such can happen with strong, healthy heart. And at me it and consequently got used. Whether you as lips, the person, a breast pine with intolerable desire are capable to understand, present - to be absorbed in your neck, in a breast, to nestle on you! You feel it to , physically, and it is impossible to get rid of it. Well though on two minutes take me, though for a minute! To manage to inhale, that further - to sustain! Such chasm where I and itself do not look: terribly. The hands of its beginning to dig, meaningly. Yes if has regretted! On village to the grandfather. Vanka Zhukov. Actually, I also did not cease to write to you. In the winter, in the spring. Last time has wished happy birthday and simply without a congratulation - wrote all time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

We Have Converged With It Quickly After Competitions

We have converged with it quickly after competitions on night orientation. In bed it was and is timid, and is greedy simultaneously - very long a vein without the man. And here once, when we after hot night have woken up in its small departmental room, I that has amazed me, as a thunder heavenly. She has asked the low, fine voice: "Well, what you here with the woman ? Whether has put at you that is not present? Itself after all it was cried, how many yet has not executed - will wind to you the heads ears, look!" And it - instead of so usual and habitual: "Pretty, well, do not leave, well, remain. Work not a wolf. Well, if you though a little love me." So for the first time has met the woman who has put my interests forward the! And it has decided my destiny though Darya was, I repeat, is most senior other pretenders though at it was - unlike others - a daughter though at storage factory it was that is called, from other circle though it did not have a habitation, and we with the son lived in one-room apartment.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Itself Behind A Desktop - As Though Anything

Itself behind a desktop - as though anything with me also was not, as though only last night has hardly-hardly disagreed with Jack Londonom. All right, an oak did not cut, circumstances has overcome, it is good, now it is necessary to develop, enter success, speaking in images, in break fresh armies. On the contrary: what here to "enter", when circumstances have prepared crushing blows! Was silly not to consider that I am am waited for by influence from both fronts, only at the disconnected consciousness and it was possible to forget about it. In a folder "To the report" the letter in a usual envelope for Alevtiny with the printed and fatly underlined word "lay is urgent!" Such happens for the first time. Has again jammed heart, I have opened a package. "My favourite, road, invaluable, unique! I cannot so more to live. To see you, to hear you - both in reality, and in the sleep - and not to have the right to concern you! It all the same how to bend to water to enjoy caked lips of a life-giving moisture, and water from you leaves, and lips dry up even more, and thirst becomes absolutely intolerable.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Here Such, Logical Representations About Morals. I Will

Here such, logical representations about morals. I will notice that they are much more humane, than for example Turkish that recent time (till 1909) when the sultan could have a numerous harem: not all after all know that inhabitants of a harem were not wives, they were slaves, concubines. More than six centuries any of Turkish sultans was not married to an extent! Besides, under mood or dispels melancholy it could to deprive of a life any of them. Executions by variety did not differ: the woman thrust in a bag, hammered there in the stones, all sewed up it and dumped from a boat in gulf waters. But after all were also such whom the sultan at all did not award with the attention: they all youth on ten souls in narrow under the supervision of terrible eunuchs and at many of them "hour of triumph" and did not come. So the life at wives of the Cameroonian where as is more cheerful, than at Turkish slaves (as other of them were physically eliminated by severe courtiers if entered in very high , as for example, the Venetian beauty Safija at court of Murada III).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Really The Woman Is For This Purpose Created?

Really the woman is for this purpose created? - Yes is not present, of course, for love. Thanks to women in all a phantom, a love additional sound. Even in simple conversation. As Bunin has told, "all life passes in expectation of a happy love meeting". Women - the greatest achievement of God. If not they, I in general do not leave the house. Such boredom! For what would not go on literary meetings and conferences. You go, you hope - the happy meeting, suddenly there It suddenly waits. You come, and there Bondarev! Bosh dog! Well that I for the fool, think. And again I hope. From conversation of journalist Irina They with writer Valery Popovym From others to me praise - that ashes, From you and an abuse - a praise. Anna Ahmatova In one of newspaper numbers "Manchester ", dated 1727, the announcement certain Helen Morrison is printed. This enterprising woman of the first has guessed to use possibilities of the press for the private life device. For the impudence the girl had to pay: under the insisting of its church have arrested also the whole month have kept in a madhouse to check up, whether in the it mind.

Friday, March 6, 2009

And To Wish Good Luck At First -

And to wish good luck at first - you. Then - to parents. I love you, and all the best - let will be to you. I love you, Egor! I love you! Impossible, foolish, painful, happy existence. Everything that I do, all with whom I communicate - all and all where - that aside because there is you, and I love you. Also I rejoice to each new leaflet, each stroke so promptly coming summer, such. Not boring, always unique - weather. And - such indifference to, to the life in general. And usual weight from this " ", an artificial life, from sensation of its temporariness, fragility, uselessness: I love you! And - never - not to look to myself in eyes - it is fair, not to admit that - I know, I understand all about myself and about you: because - I love you! And - contrary to it, pleasure: yes there is you at me and so - it is a lot of you! When I think of you, I speak with you, at me it first of all is uttered: native mine. I Speak - without you - confidently, and I write and it is shy, and being rather afraid of you.

Secondly, We Will Recollect That More Recently, In

Secondly, we will recollect that more recently, in the last century at some northern people that father who had a son, capable to deprive his life was considered as the happy. Whether yes only on ocean Ledovitom? And in Japan not so those parents whom the son could dump in a precipice for a long time were happy, deprive of breath, or in another way send in the esteemed country of ancestors. As so: universal "honour the father", "not " and there and then, more truly, it is a lot of after it. And so: not the person for Saturday, and Saturday for the person as Hebrew thinkers fairly confirmed, not the person for morals, and morals for the person, for a survival of its sort. And as survival conditions in the different countries at various times differed strikingly polarly the opposite face, happened, the morals category showed also. We will return to Eskimos and Japanese of recently last times: in the conditions of the most severe hunger the sort, a tribe could survive and prolong the existence only at the expense of distribution of the remained remains of food and fat between young and strong.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

. Following "signal" From The World Was Much Louder!

. Following "signal" from the world was much louder! I would tell, it was the bell of loud fight if to dare to banter at the present tragedy. It was distributed in the form of a series sharp - one after another - calls of century a vestibule late enough when children I have already laid also soaps in kitchen ware after a supper. Egor had a key, on a visit I expected nobody, something another's and disturbing was heard in these exacting loud sounds. - Who? - Open, Anastas, it I. - who "I"? - I, Nikolay. - what Nikolay? - Well, and memory at you! Nikolay, that. Or at you in this time many Nikolaev has visited? God you my, "that"! Has stayed and has returned!. How many it is possible to send criminals on my poor head successively?. I have involuntarily crossed and have opened a door. Yes, it was far-far not superman Sasha: before me in a black quilted jacket there was thin, simply lean man with a rare hair of uncertain colour on an uncovered head. Behind shoulders hung thin seen kinds " " centenary, likely, age, kersey boots were in an indelible lime.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

There Is No, At A Present Stage Of

There is no, at a present stage of development of medicine I, the deserved doctor of Republic, am careful to the patients to write out chemical preparations in view of almost full unpredictability of their influence on so difficult sphere, as and a potentiality of the man. I will not begin to register it also some eggs of a female quail, the goat milk, meat of peacocks, large oysters, ambergris of a whale, a pounded horn of a rhinoceros (taken exclusively and only from a healthy animal) for that simple reason that in our supermarket on the Svetlanovsky prospectus these products meet, as though to tell more softly, insufficiently regularly. I will not appoint also mineral activators which are recommended by the science of "Rasajana" studying and practising them in India as that stalactites, sulphur, arsenic, diamonds, mercury etc., - for the reason that in our drugstore on the prospectus of Engels as though it to be expressed, not Always in enough deliver the given preparations and recipes on these medicines do not accept.

So: To Leave Thrown In Hunger And A

So: to leave thrown in hunger and a cold of old men on long and painful death, or instantly to relieve them of suffering? What in these extreme customs typical for a life of a nationality, morally, that it is immoral? And after all representations follow from life conditions about a debt, opposite to Christian precepts also. Still an example: - a heavy sin, suicides on Christian canons even it is impossible to bury suicide on the general cemeteries. But here C.Ajtmatova's story "the Skewbald dog, running sea edge": the nivhi-fishermen who have been carried away by a boat in the sea, one after another leave for a board, in a physical non-existence to keep the rest of water for maintenance of a life of the only child who has appeared with them. That the thread of a patrimonial life which lasts from immense depth of the last millenia has not interrupted and should not be stopped. How to concern such suicides, how to concern our soldiers who have put a stomach for ?. The prelude to a scattering of absolutely not similar facts, which now was that.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Silently Cried Not To Wake A Heap Of

Silently cried not to wake a heap of children. Struggled desperately, that the family has not run into full need and poverty. And here - in forty years was ill with a consumption, and in forty one have brought it on a cemetery "("Ural Mountains", 1982, No 11). The patriarchal hierarchy assumed domination of men over women, seniors over the younger. The order depended on the woman in the house, well-being of cattle, the help in field works, crop preservation, manufacture of fabrics. At such quantity of affairs and duties it at all was not deprived of civil rights and unvoiced common causes in the decision, moreover, it was the observer house, family and moral principles. The basic observer as well religious foundations, and after all religiousness in rural Russia always was rather original: being expressed on - modern, it was possible to name it "space", and in an old fashion - continuously connected with eternal prehistoric paganism. And as could be differently: all rhythm of a life of the overwhelming majority of the population of Russia (on census 1897, in villages lived 85 %) was inseparably linked with a solstice, with alternation of seasons and indispensable change of the employment generated by sowing, cultivation, cleaning and processing of fruits of the earth.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Have Agreed With It. Evening I Have

I have agreed with it. Evening I have spent in shops for searches of gifts. Night slept badly. In the morning before work I with a suitcase have come to the the Ice crust and to children - and was internally terrified to that these weeks have made with it, and was glad that time is not missed yet. never asked, as I lived without it, and I never with it spoke about it. My business was to rescue it, the favourite, wife . At any I would deny everything as the guerrilla on interrogation, but, fortunately, never was an occasion to this lie. The validity as the multiton bulldozer, steel with a clang has swept on our souls, but we have survived and have kept myself for each other. When for the next day I have come for the work, managing shots have informed me that Alevtina by phone has asked it to come before to legalise papers - in view of the opened possibility urgently to take off for long business trip abroad, paper visors, has said goodbye and has left for business trip. I agree have nodded and have asked to issue the corresponding order.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And It Is Exact, I Will Find I

And it is exact, I will find I will try! - other outcome. Anastas my favourite, trusted in me, I will not afflict you with a deadly pain, itself , and you . So there has passed all week. The scenario was all the same: the letter since morning, as a narcotic drink of passionate and selfless love, business vanity, an accurate and exemplary substantiation Alevtinoj all new and new aspects of my strategic idea, and - eyes in eyes. Without being self-controlled, I, accepting from it the scheme of interaction drawn by it with the partner, has adhered her hand. There was a full impression that it was shaken from a current so the hand was involuntarily hammered. "Is not present, no, it is not necessary. - also has rushed to doors. Suddenly it has turned and has painfully asked: - Well why? Why it is impossible?." I have answered: "I do not know." And it has disappeared. Certainly, during other times of Nastja by all means would notice that with me something is created wrong. But for the blessing or on a trouble she very much endured those days episodes with the criminal boyfriends.

What There The Reason, What Understanding - Only

What there the reason, what understanding - only I love, only I feel that you are a condition of my existence, environment, sense etc., etc. Awfully on me weather operates, even it is a shame to speak about it: directly any independence. In very bad weather I can rejoice: someone from the great characterised a baba-yaga - "Simply charm that for muck!" Some days - clouds have tightened all, the sky - one clouds both so it is low and so it is heavy - the sky which has leant the elbows on roofs. "A charm that for muck". Pljusovaja temperature - and small snow. Happens - cold, , a bronchitis. Houses - the temperature, cough, a head is turned, to rise - it is impossible. You go for work (annoyingly - to pass, every day - it is very a pity to me to lose), and there suddenly you will see you and you "are walked up and down, revive. I then very emotionally work, such manner: to squeeze out of itself all forces at your presence. The word here has somehow occurred:"furiously"I work, and illness is not present, as was not.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yes, Not The Handsome Man, Yes, In Works

Yes, not the handsome man, yes, in works wearisome and long has turned out already two not aesthetic humps; yes bald spots on these humps are visible, but after all there are at me any advantages? And so, never expressed regrets that I not is, speaking in images, a caracoling black stallion-dvuhletka. To put it briefly, it has accepted my essence as a reality, as full my right to a life according to own installations and own temperament. Yes, certainly, she the same as also I, wanted my perfection, clearing of weaknesses, but mine, and from mine, instead of not which transmutation. Secondly, mine , my pleasure with it consisted that it was a condition of the constant support, interested approval, it was feeling of the union and the ally. My God, how many forces, years and even have left decades at me in the past on struggle against guerrilla movement in own back when former my spouses wanted that I lived so and so, on their command, instead of on the understanding. How many it was necessary to spend time, forces to return to a quiet condition, suitable for normal work, after similar shake-ups, explanations and findings-out! How many the indignant statements I have born, for example, in reply to the flat refusal to listen at breakfast when it was adjusted for new difficult day, lamentations concerning worsening vital circumstances in power! Yes, probably, they also were right in own way: they needed to dump steam and, possibly, there are on light such matrimonial combinations where since morning this information dirt is interesting to husbands.

Friday, February 20, 2009

At One Stroke We Have Coped With It

At one stroke we have coped with it at supper and on a toilet door have pinned a paper and a pencil that everyone who will rise at night, undersigned. What indignation of Svetochki which slept all night long, as a marmot when in the morning she has found out four lists on a paper was! Is Dimka has forged, it is Dimka! - it rustled. - itself hardly in bed not , and on me has fallen down! , happy, laughed loudly. And when once from a school party it was under , with what pleasure all members of family drew accusatory , and have then hanged out these caustic caricatures on walls and in a corridor! But when another time it was from school with a good shiner under an eye and with a terrible call of parents in a diary to the director, we have resolutely risen on its protection. The matter is that, being proud of the new mother, it has carried its surprising photo where it, having spread like a lizard in a class, flexibly moves upwards on a vertical wall. A certain joker from those that are ready to mock at all, has put a photo sideways and has begun to neigh over exposed, in its opinion, falsification: say, the woman persists in on an equal platform, creeps from left to right.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

All Centuries-old Experience Of Mankind Testifies, Speaking Writing

All centuries-old experience of mankind testifies, speaking writing language that office romances immediately become a parable in all and from-chen th harm to authority of the chief. And for me the firm was not simply a serving place, but a darling child. How to be? To stop the further succession of events? To return the letter without reading? And, maybe, there - the way out found by it? No, I will read. For now catching of on with what pleasure I look at it, directly I incorporate this person - to what beautiful, unusual, I absorb in myself these round shoulders, this high breast. However, outwardly anything similar it was not expressed in a look as I understand, rigid enough and gloomy. Having listened to everything, I have summed up to the stated opinions and is unexpected for myself, very easy suddenly have given out strategically unusual offer: instead of whether to enter to us business contact to Mr. Berhstgadenom, the head of mighty transatlantic concern, and whether to suggest it to print its production at us and to extend it to Europe? What gives it to it? Serious economy of means on the salary and transport.

In The Shortest Terms We Not Only Have

In the shortest terms we not only have developed the superequipment sent to us by concern of Mr. Berhstgadena, but also have mastered it to the full. It was uneasy in conditions of the general slump in production memorable, I think, to all of us. In search of orders and customers I was wound on cities and the countries of near and far abroad, took off for the Western Europe twice, for a week "have run" and to China. Affairs went not bad, even it is rather quite good, though I did not have so reliable, acute and competent economist, as before. Our relations with Nastej remained equal, quiet: I especially appreciated this fine woman who has trusted in me, than higher, almost impossible price have paid for that the tornado of passions has not thrown about us, have not destroyed our happiness which, has appeared, was so fragile, such opened for blows of mad storm, as a sailing vessel at open ocean. It was with all the heart pleasant to me to bring expensive gifts to it and children and without that to feel in a condition to hold material level of the family on many above the normal level of well-being accepted at us.

Its Reason And Its Constant Readiness To Become

Its reason and its constant readiness to become more than it was earlier, have not lowered it to my feet on knees, but have lifted to that heights where the free human spirit soars! And in sincere awe before favourite, before this man always ready to new advance and upwards, I became on knees before it. Both the love, and my belief in it and in our life, and in our happiness have flashed in me with such new force that somewhere under the heart the shrill feeling-thought was born: Egor, I wish to give birth from you! I wish to give birth to you! I want, that through my soul and my bosom the successor of all of the best that is in people has left in the future, than Egor is for me. Probably, all my tortures and sufferings have prepared me to that this thought without any logic zigzags, the shortest way, as inspiration as the sun, has flashed in my consciousness. And I have had time to think still that all is Heavens have prompted to me, and my decision to give birth is wash with it the answer, my gratitude, my sacred debt to a universe.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

. One Readiness, As That, A Little. It Is

. One readiness, as that, a little. It is supposed also fidelity to the Teacher and its words." Here you can be quiet. Not told word everyone by you I will accept, yes that everyone - and is not necessary to you, and about fidelity to you - here all. At the most "Himalaya" level. All right, you will live - you will see. What a fist on a breast to knock? ". Any separation only is painful until then, while at the person strength of mind so will not ripen to send a creative current of love to the favourite. The Daily joyful thought on the person equals to construction of rails for the lightning bridge on which it is possible to learn to meet thoughts with that person about whom you will Joyfully, purely, steadfastly and constantly to think." All indeed - exactly! Woke up with it: "Egor, I love you!" It is now joyful"- happens not often. No, I and now can suddenly to you:" Egorushka! "Only - it is rare. And to concentrate on you - I of it, in general, it is deprived: I have concentrated on you once, and after that and not " ".

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I - Do Not Beg, I Do Not

I - do not beg, I do not ask, I - be simple differently cannot. Out of you. Not with you. - you - it is not a shame to me even to tell that there is no conversation about any , it is etc. obvious pride, my pride in other - that I can love you - here so, "completely" both - absolutely, and - "for ever". Anywhere I from you will not leave. Anywhere I from you will not get to. You see what ridiculous to me the mission has been traced: to love you. And I so am built, both so was formed, and so a vein, it appears, for this purpose the vein - to see you and to understand: yes here it! I have such desires of which I sometime all the same will go mad: that - that you on a shoulder the elbow has put to me. Well, has leant the elbows - you do not represent, as it is necessary to me. That - with lips - to touch your person. Only - that all , to millimetre of everyone. To lips becomes , and they say: "I love you". I love you. It sounds in me, without stopping. I love you. It - under street sounds, shouts of children, the bird's din, in a step of steps, rustle of poplars under a window, rain knock on glass, and always - in a shower, in a head, in language.

Monday, February 9, 2009

And I Have Put On The Soul, It

And I have put on the soul, it is visible, still live which has turned to it, as a flower to the sun. Has revealed and has turned only on thirty fourth of my long and unlucky life. How many I did not live, all it was, it appears, only a prehistory. NINA SPEAKS THE DIM CRACKLED WORLD BEHIND THE LOOKING-GLASS Epigraphs to the head , descend, please, in shop behind bread. Yes you that, Tamara! I have man's duties. , take out, please, a garbage can. Yes you that, Tamara? I have man's duties. Well, the clown with you! Have gone, you will execute the man's duties! Listen, give I better in shop I will go?. The doctor, my husband was ill! It seems to it that it Napoleon. And where it now? Yes here, - and the lady has taken out Napoleon's bust from a handbag. From precepts of the American psychologists For wives - If the husband moves ahead on service not so quickly as followed, do not speak to it about they be can worsen position only. - if the husband was on business trip, and at this time you were visited by the familiar man, it is better to husband to tell about it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

. To Me All Time For You Is Disturbing.

. To me all time for you is disturbing. Perhaps because I am deprived possibility you to preserve, protect, block - the hands? I love you. I very much love you. Terribly, it is impossible - to present: suddenly would not meet, suddenly would not make out, has not understood that it - you. To you not to present here that: that you for me as I love you and - to what I feel the happy. That to the person, say, already for twenty five, and it went and smiled, and repeated: , native mine, my sun! - also felt - the happiest on light the person! Because the person knows that there is you. And the person loves you. Also is surprised to one: how till now still lives? Why - explosion, - after all it is such force so it is a lot of it!. And - lives. Incomprehensibly. If I live years to seventy, I, can, I will be both quiet, and wise. And now I love you, and I descend from it from mind, and thank God. Quiet and wise in the street how many - go by and you do not see. And I love you. Perhaps in it also there is my wisdom: I know you, I see you and I love you.

Another's Blood Which Has Spilt Directly Before It

Another's blood which has spilt directly before it (and it could be and my blood), has shaken it, and she believed that me too, to that-de my reactions to the world have changed. My nerves were, as the drawn strings, and it was required to supervise itself without fail and constantly, as to the scout. And here here also there was ugly, though also quite explainable nervously-menstrualnyj a failure at Anastass. The set of drama causes and effects was weaved into one knot. I have understood, though was in anger that I should leave not to break irreparably fire wood and to understand most myself. Has thrown in a suitcase the electrorazor, any household trifles, shirts - and has left. During that time we did not hurry up to exchange two our apartments for one: it was necessary to think of the future of my children, principles of the future privatisation, a problem of the future rent etc., etc., to put it briefly, were not clear also I preferred to pay pennies of that time for the apartment, believing that it as serious property not is an occasion for not clear to me while economic variations.

Friday, February 6, 2009

And This Confident Comprehension Absolute The Lottery, Sensation

And this confident comprehension absolute the lottery, sensation of constant omnipotence of the multilateral potential leads to that so whimsical, sometimes the unpredictable subject in behaviour as " the trunk", always behaves as the disciplined brave soldier. Still! After all behind it there is an organised power of all hazardous, well trained, victorious army. It is natural that at such installation on absolute invincibility, desertion it is excluded as a category, and the soldier is always ready to valorous feats of arms - individual and in a system with other soldiers - for the sake of a full and definitive general victory. The second postulate. - for the sake of the maximum success - it is necessary to prepare any military operation carefully. It is extremely necessary, that the woman has desired you, to what humidifying or its plentiful greasing wonderful " caves" will testify. Without humidifying, in a chilly way to break it, in my opinion, barbarity, discredit of a light holiday, its transformation into hooligan uproar.

And I All Was In The Love. In

And I all was in the love. In Love. A few having relaxed after race behind tram, I have opened eyes and have told: - Thanks to you and a foresight, now without the award I will not remain, a tick for delay to me will not put. If it is possible, in a quarter turn to the right. - And if it is impossible? - Has asked one, but without invincible impudence. And another with calmness of the disproportionate superiority has asked me a question, as though having condescended to me. - and whether you is great. Your award? - Hundred fifty percent from the salary. - and the salary? - As though it to tell: we will tell, three living wages. Half an hour of work for me, - was indulgently informed by the driver, smoothly, is masterful turning, where it was necessary for me. - Hour or month, children, whether in this happiness? - I have laughed. It is visible, for a long time, since even pioneer or Komsomol youth nobody named their "children". It is visible, they for a long time have not heard kind laughter.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

And Almost Absolutely It Is Not A Shame

And almost absolutely it is not a shame to me to elicit at you this favour: there lives in me usual desire to be like a dog at your foot. And pity my fate: to speak about the love words, moreover - in letters instead of you it saw, felt, veins among it. You know, all I can not forget: the hospital costs, all in a bush, went on a path, suddenly a head has lifted, was taken aback - on each branch, on all bushes on a bullfinch. Scarlet - I for some reason cannot look at them, is sick at most in a breast from this and so it is a lot of them. Why me there has resulted? What did this sign mean? Here to plant you, Egorushka, on such diet: in the morning, in the afternoon and not to feed you in the evening, and - to show still-lifes-kartinochki everyone there with tomatoes and fried eggs. Interestingly, through how many days you would realise: * , what I! Forgive you me. For God's sake! "I love you. Well has, of course, got used: you will smile to you, you will mentally give a hand, you will touch a cheek, your neck.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

- If You Have Hurried, - The Husband

- If you have hurried, - the husband speaks, - we would not be late to a train. - If you did not hurry up so, - the wife answers, - we should not wait so long the following train. "Marrying, - one of girls wrote, - I am not going to repeat an error of my mum. They with the father at all do not approach to each other. I do not understand that them unites. Perhaps, love?" From the questionnaires published by magazine "Nju ". The unmarried girl greedy asks the girlfriend who have come back from a wedding trip: - Tell about the first night! - it is fine, listen. And so, for the third night. - Yes is not present, I about the first! - I also speak: and for the third night. - Yes is not present, I about the first! - yes you will listen at last or not? I also speak: and for the third night it has released me . There was this night about what I not only never from anybody have not heard, but even did not read in one of grants which were much looked through by me and which much gradually were palmed off on me by wise Nina Terentevna.

Monday, February 2, 2009

And It . Therefore I Am Inclined To

And it . Therefore I am inclined to consider that all women are attractive". Means?. Means, calling and from outside on years has not brought compatibility to us firm repeat underfoot in a route on this fluctuating ripple in which every minute we risk to fail with a head. With liking and interest I got acquainted with such systems where the astrological data about compatibility of people is defined by typical influences of their planets, plus a level of development at bodies, soul (emotions) and spirit (mentality), plus of influence of their elements (Fire, Air, Water, the Earth), plus their age period. Probably, all it has the reason and considerable, but each "plus" brings also such considerable degree of freedom in the search program that practically possibility of its application. Where all the same "to move to the poor peasant"? To move the track which has been laid out by numbers? Or a path, paved names, jumping on it from a stone on a stone conformable to "peasant" of names and jumping through plates with the names drawn on them mediocre?.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Had To Face Somehow Reflexions Of The

I had to face somehow reflexions of the critic of M.Zolotonosova on that theme that our people on the morals have nearby left-de from the monkeys who have recently gone down from trees on the earth. Yes why so? That is why, from its point of view that at us the absolute individualistic morals have not prevailed yet, all of us still live and we think for a long time decayed, in its opinion, categories, like fatherland, the native land, collective. Anything except a sneer do not cause, in opinion the auditor, article in the Russian newspapers that the young guys who were lost on August, 21st, 1991, protecting the White house, have died not for nothing for have given a life for happiness of the Fatherland, for the future of Russia. What shame, what, monkey's consciousness so it regards both their �destruction, and a worship for them. But a question: whether this person , or only outwardly humanoid? Certainly, being at level humanoid, it is impossible to understand (there is no physical body for this purpose) that not only the separate person (the former front-line soldier or , for example) can estimate the life out of material frameworks, but also the whole people for which comprehension of the importance in the history, the patriotic perception of heroism and power of the power, memory of prevalence of spiritual (human) stimulus appears extremely essential factors of attitude.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

In A Flash Muscles Have Obeyed To An

In a flash muscles have obeyed to an order. The Old woman, without remembering itself from delight, has exclaimed: - Look, my Hrisida, look, I have lifted what hare on another's self-interest!. . Shaken by the obvious insult, the matron has decided to revenge and having cluck sleeping bags, has ordered to them to castigate me. Then, without being content so with a heavy punishment, _ has called spinners and everyone to drag from house servants and ordered it also to despise me. I only covered with hands of an eye without a uniform word of entreaty for Learned that I suffer on merits. At last, despised and beaten, me for doors. Have thrown out also Prokselenu; have cut. I have turned into a bed, all force of the indignation against the unique reason of all my misfortunes: I have three times shaken a terrible steel, the knife two-sharp, But. Three times , flexible, as a rod, my stalk languid. This Coward, trembling, became colder than winter severe, all Itself was wrinkled and has escaped almost in a belly, Well, simply in any way did not lift the head disgraced.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

After First Five-six Years Of A Matrimonial Life

After first five-six years of a matrimonial life in our relations there was a crack, quarrels have begun, the wife did not hide the disappointment. But I nevertheless hoped that all is formed, after all we are fine it turned out, when repeated attempt was undertaken. While I was young and healthy, while family duties on the house were transferred by both of us easily, the repeated affinity was not such unattainable though due to various reasons or I, or the wife to it have not been located always. And, means, someone from us had an occasion to remain dissatisfied. Well, and then many long years my illness when had no time for harmony in intimate relations, the question stood more seriously - how to survive. It is possible to present that the wife for these five-six years, with two children on hands, with the sick husband, but not the man has transferred. And here now, when I began to come back to a normal life when there were needs of nature to restore to the full matrimonial relations, I with horror have found out that my possibilities became even more modest also the second hump-peak became further away.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It - On A Surface, Inside At Me

It - on a surface, inside at me - the truth! - there is no this are nasty. As it is good, as this question in good east countries was simply dealt with: and one - at home, and another - too, and all are happy, even correspond! And here? At one - terrible egoism: "do not touch, mine!" At another absolute misunderstanding: "Well also what? I - am cautious, I to it will not make anything!" Here after all that is ridiculous: tastes - identical, the purposes, , one: to me that to you something kind, good to make, to it - if to reject its claims - probably, after all too. One centre of the universe for us and - insults! Anything good it will not turn out, if two mothers to the judge with the request come to divide one child. As classics I know - I will be receded, I will not pull: well it will be sick to you! Better - tried - everyone in own way, would do the good deed: one cockerel on a stick, another - the spice-cake, one on a head will stroke, another - will kiss. Well, the truth? Better? Has thought, Egor, and the East - not an exit.