Saturday, February 14, 2009

All Centuries-old Experience Of Mankind Testifies, Speaking Writing

All centuries-old experience of mankind testifies, speaking writing language that office romances immediately become a parable in all and from-chen th harm to authority of the chief. And for me the firm was not simply a serving place, but a darling child. How to be? To stop the further succession of events? To return the letter without reading? And, maybe, there - the way out found by it? No, I will read. For now catching of on with what pleasure I look at it, directly I incorporate this person - to what beautiful, unusual, I absorb in myself these round shoulders, this high breast. However, outwardly anything similar it was not expressed in a look as I understand, rigid enough and gloomy. Having listened to everything, I have summed up to the stated opinions and is unexpected for myself, very easy suddenly have given out strategically unusual offer: instead of whether to enter to us business contact to Mr. Berhstgadenom, the head of mighty transatlantic concern, and whether to suggest it to print its production at us and to extend it to Europe? What gives it to it? Serious economy of means on the salary and transport.

In The Shortest Terms We Not Only Have

In the shortest terms we not only have developed the superequipment sent to us by concern of Mr. Berhstgadena, but also have mastered it to the full. It was uneasy in conditions of the general slump in production memorable, I think, to all of us. In search of orders and customers I was wound on cities and the countries of near and far abroad, took off for the Western Europe twice, for a week "have run" and to China. Affairs went not bad, even it is rather quite good, though I did not have so reliable, acute and competent economist, as before. Our relations with Nastej remained equal, quiet: I especially appreciated this fine woman who has trusted in me, than higher, almost impossible price have paid for that the tornado of passions has not thrown about us, have not destroyed our happiness which, has appeared, was so fragile, such opened for blows of mad storm, as a sailing vessel at open ocean. It was with all the heart pleasant to me to bring expensive gifts to it and children and without that to feel in a condition to hold material level of the family on many above the normal level of well-being accepted at us.

Its Reason And Its Constant Readiness To Become

Its reason and its constant readiness to become more than it was earlier, have not lowered it to my feet on knees, but have lifted to that heights where the free human spirit soars! And in sincere awe before favourite, before this man always ready to new advance and upwards, I became on knees before it. Both the love, and my belief in it and in our life, and in our happiness have flashed in me with such new force that somewhere under the heart the shrill feeling-thought was born: Egor, I wish to give birth from you! I wish to give birth to you! I want, that through my soul and my bosom the successor of all of the best that is in people has left in the future, than Egor is for me. Probably, all my tortures and sufferings have prepared me to that this thought without any logic zigzags, the shortest way, as inspiration as the sun, has flashed in my consciousness. And I have had time to think still that all is Heavens have prompted to me, and my decision to give birth is wash with it the answer, my gratitude, my sacred debt to a universe.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

. One Readiness, As That, A Little. It Is

. One readiness, as that, a little. It is supposed also fidelity to the Teacher and its words." Here you can be quiet. Not told word everyone by you I will accept, yes that everyone - and is not necessary to you, and about fidelity to you - here all. At the most "Himalaya" level. All right, you will live - you will see. What a fist on a breast to knock? ". Any separation only is painful until then, while at the person strength of mind so will not ripen to send a creative current of love to the favourite. The Daily joyful thought on the person equals to construction of rails for the lightning bridge on which it is possible to learn to meet thoughts with that person about whom you will Joyfully, purely, steadfastly and constantly to think." All indeed - exactly! Woke up with it: "Egor, I love you!" It is now joyful"- happens not often. No, I and now can suddenly to you:" Egorushka! "Only - it is rare. And to concentrate on you - I of it, in general, it is deprived: I have concentrated on you once, and after that and not " ".

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I - Do Not Beg, I Do Not

I - do not beg, I do not ask, I - be simple differently cannot. Out of you. Not with you. - you - it is not a shame to me even to tell that there is no conversation about any , it is etc. obvious pride, my pride in other - that I can love you - here so, "completely" both - absolutely, and - "for ever". Anywhere I from you will not leave. Anywhere I from you will not get to. You see what ridiculous to me the mission has been traced: to love you. And I so am built, both so was formed, and so a vein, it appears, for this purpose the vein - to see you and to understand: yes here it! I have such desires of which I sometime all the same will go mad: that - that you on a shoulder the elbow has put to me. Well, has leant the elbows - you do not represent, as it is necessary to me. That - with lips - to touch your person. Only - that all , to millimetre of everyone. To lips becomes , and they say: "I love you". I love you. It sounds in me, without stopping. I love you. It - under street sounds, shouts of children, the bird's din, in a step of steps, rustle of poplars under a window, rain knock on glass, and always - in a shower, in a head, in language.

Monday, February 9, 2009

And I Have Put On The Soul, It

And I have put on the soul, it is visible, still live which has turned to it, as a flower to the sun. Has revealed and has turned only on thirty fourth of my long and unlucky life. How many I did not live, all it was, it appears, only a prehistory. NINA SPEAKS THE DIM CRACKLED WORLD BEHIND THE LOOKING-GLASS Epigraphs to the head , descend, please, in shop behind bread. Yes you that, Tamara! I have man's duties. , take out, please, a garbage can. Yes you that, Tamara? I have man's duties. Well, the clown with you! Have gone, you will execute the man's duties! Listen, give I better in shop I will go?. The doctor, my husband was ill! It seems to it that it Napoleon. And where it now? Yes here, - and the lady has taken out Napoleon's bust from a handbag. From precepts of the American psychologists For wives - If the husband moves ahead on service not so quickly as followed, do not speak to it about they be can worsen position only. - if the husband was on business trip, and at this time you were visited by the familiar man, it is better to husband to tell about it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

. To Me All Time For You Is Disturbing.

. To me all time for you is disturbing. Perhaps because I am deprived possibility you to preserve, protect, block - the hands? I love you. I very much love you. Terribly, it is impossible - to present: suddenly would not meet, suddenly would not make out, has not understood that it - you. To you not to present here that: that you for me as I love you and - to what I feel the happy. That to the person, say, already for twenty five, and it went and smiled, and repeated: , native mine, my sun! - also felt - the happiest on light the person! Because the person knows that there is you. And the person loves you. Also is surprised to one: how till now still lives? Why - explosion, - after all it is such force so it is a lot of it!. And - lives. Incomprehensibly. If I live years to seventy, I, can, I will be both quiet, and wise. And now I love you, and I descend from it from mind, and thank God. Quiet and wise in the street how many - go by and you do not see. And I love you. Perhaps in it also there is my wisdom: I know you, I see you and I love you.

Another's Blood Which Has Spilt Directly Before It

Another's blood which has spilt directly before it (and it could be and my blood), has shaken it, and she believed that me too, to that-de my reactions to the world have changed. My nerves were, as the drawn strings, and it was required to supervise itself without fail and constantly, as to the scout. And here here also there was ugly, though also quite explainable nervously-menstrualnyj a failure at Anastass. The set of drama causes and effects was weaved into one knot. I have understood, though was in anger that I should leave not to break irreparably fire wood and to understand most myself. Has thrown in a suitcase the electrorazor, any household trifles, shirts - and has left. During that time we did not hurry up to exchange two our apartments for one: it was necessary to think of the future of my children, principles of the future privatisation, a problem of the future rent etc., etc., to put it briefly, were not clear also I preferred to pay pennies of that time for the apartment, believing that it as serious property not is an occasion for not clear to me while economic variations.