Saturday, October 25, 2008

Has Got Used To Your Name. Freely I

Has got used to your name. Freely I utter it, easily. Somehow imperceptibly, I all good name your name. I do not name - and so: I will wake up, the first realised thought - you. I go out of doors, I get to the sun, heat - and the first that will flash - you. And so - in all. You - do not consider me for absolutely stupid, only I know, I feel that for a long time I - will not suffice. I not about that I will get tired or - will bother. Yes is not present. But after all and the limit any - too is. You know, I, probably, have a little bit calmed down, if you knew, understood, felt, represented - as I love you, as as. If you represented it - my stay somehow would be not absolutely . Only, probably, it is impossible: you - and other warehouse and - even a floor - and that of another! Today so it wanted to bury in your "Afghan" and to cry a little. You know, one it would suffice me also, then, can, and cry was ceased to want. If to you has risen me a little bit you are a pity also have thought that it is possible to unpick one sleeve and to present it, - me all the same, what: right or left.

Yes, I Know That In Certain Cases Doctors

Yes, I know that in certain cases doctors select and the effect from them is good. But we will try to consult at first by own strength. And now I will tell about such reception of increase and preservation of man's activity of which is not known by note sexologists, and it is a pity! These actions can carry out and he, but, the word of honour, to it will be pleasant yours or even the leading part. What is required? A bath which it enters nude, and a shower on a flexible hose. You include water so hot, how many it can suffer, and soar it it , cautiously holding with their hand, and within two-three minutes lead up them literally to dark red colour (cautiously, certainly: in this case abrupt, as they say, eggs to you to what!) Then you switch water on as much as possible cold and too, whenever possible, not less than two minutes it . When its patience comes to an end, take a rough terry towel and dry - is careful and strong - all its equipment pound: to full heat and even heat. There is more to come: you take cotton wool moistened or fir oil, you wring out it and slightly - slightly you rub with it .

Friday, October 24, 2008

It Can Be A Consequence Of Damage Of

It can be a consequence of damage of certain zones of a backbone etc., etc. Yes, at every fifth to whom "it nothing than", the reasons are covered in an organism, and there are quite authentic ways of their physical treatment. But four fifth?! At them all kidneys - of a stone are perfectly in order, and nevertheless. And after all four fifth are millions and millions men and, means, as much wretched, "not served" women! They because of what toil? Because of the basic difference between people and animals: Because of cerebral cortex presence. The stress for the person, including men, means in many respects other condition, than for a bull, for example. What for a male pig pork squeal or for a cock a chicken cackle? Only self-whose form of self-expression. And for the man? Rough word or tactless sneer and - ! - the girlfriend as an axe, to the friend, happens, and , and possibilities has chopped off. Does not understand that the man - it too the person, at it too much depends on a condition of nervous system, almost as at us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

- The Poor Thing You Washing, Silly, -

- The poor thing you washing, silly, - only he also has sighed. - yours, only yours, - it is hardly audible I have answered. - already clever. - and, Maxim, give five! What there at you with a rope happens? Really from the frequent use the joint has become loose? - Has become loose, - Maksimka has smilingly agreed, hiding in his hand. There we also stood together, not in forces to come off from each other. My husband-happiness my come true, the best my half, and all my family. - and who wants gifts? - Egor has asked. - and can, here and there are no such interested persons? - Is, is! - has rolled up legs of Olja. - You - our main gift, - have quietly told I. - it is true, children? - It is true, - Maxim has very seriously agreed. - it is true, true! - Olechka has cried. - the Folder Egor, open faster a suitcase, and that I should go now for work to a garden. - well that, work-business sacred. Give all together we will open a suitcase. FROM EGOR . NOT THE FIELD TO PASS. Epigraphs to the head - Whether you are able to play the piano? - Did not try, but I think that I am able.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Had To Cross By The Time Of

I had to cross by the time of our meeting vital trajectories not small number of the women generating fire in blood, other of them, for example, Darya, possessed rare beauty a fine-moulded figure, but that blow which I have received, having touched a waist Anastass, went, obviously, from radiation of its genetic substance closest to my nature, I think, from it. What to do: it would be desirable to look more thin concerning philharmonic concerts and to look more spiritually concerning motives to Anastass, but the truth is the truth, and only it will not bring and will not expose me that whom I actually am not. However then, when I more than ever strong became before on an anchor of sanguineous physical pleasure with this woman, transformation and my so-called inner world has begun. I can accurately formulate that for the first time in a life I, already old muzhik who is married-remarried before, has found in this union. First, for it there was my individuality, washing . Let's assume that on the qualities I - a typical camel.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Peasants Kept For A Communal Life And After

Peasants kept for a communal life and after reform of 1861 (to that there were many reasons) and, hence, family traditions both family hierarchy, and the general bases of relations "M" and in Russia owing to huge almost indestructible have reached abrupt revolutionary events of 1917 when all fell and all. Yes after all fell only from above. All it was no more, than ripples on a surface of oceanic thickness. Humanistic ideas of the great Russian literature and art on which we habitually define developed as if in all Russian society the advanced ethical standards, actually were the advanced views of extremely thin layer of spiritual elite, to broad masses practically relations not having. Yes, Aksinja Astakhov was able to love and feel not less strongly, than noblewoman Anna Karenina, but Grishka Melehov had no rights to protect Aksinju from a brutal beating of its lawful husband and owner Stepan, and the world was on Stepan's party! And if humanistic precepts and Pushkin and Lermontov, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Chekhov and Maxim Gorkogo's spiritual breaks were away from that enormous current which defined a real moral life real in ten and hundreds millions Russians what "influence" could render on it a rash which sometimes appeared here and there on fences cities? Certainly, it was possible in Vladimir, say, in 1918 to publish such decree:" Each unmarried woman, since 18-year-old age, appears property of the state and is obliged to be registered in Bureau of Free Love where men at the age from 19 till 50 years can choose to themselves the woman, irrespective of its desire ", but what it changed in a life and a life of national thicknesses? Certainly, it was possible to publish in the same 1918 in Kronstadt and to extend, for example, in Saratov and Vyatka" the Decree about cancellation of private possession by women "(item 1: Since March, 1st, 1918 the right of private possession is cancelled by the women who have reached of age from 17 till 32 years.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It Much Later I Have Understood That Before

It much later I have understood that before distribution and a direction in any the filled column was necessary to it "is married", yes is not simple somehow, and occupied with the checked up most-rechecked wife of the best faultless communistic blood, from the most worthy and dear builders and defenders of socialist fatherland. In this heraldic sense could be more worthy than nothing than my parents: primordial workers, promoted workers in heroic years, gentlemen of many military and labour awards. There are no at me doubts that my simple-minded mother and its noble for a long time already have carried on secret wedding negotiations among themselves on a theme:" At you the goods, at us a merchant "- everyone from the hummock looking, also have come to the general mutually advantageous result, and the father of the future groom in arrangement have involved, because for this nomenclature general each member of a family should be educated a threefold X-ray. In a word, on biographical particulars I have approached, my photo as I have understood, has preliminary been approved, and here the future diplomat was ostensibly casually to carry out the extremely important political action.