Saturday, November 24, 2007

." All Have Laughed Also I Too Because Has

." All have laughed also I too because has accepted these words for a joke because has been brought up in such belief: people marry or in marriage leave once and for ever. Still that to me it was recollected, when began to untwist the life as I have come to them on the chair, invited to a family holiday of employees 8 Martha, and we sat next to it, both lifted glasses, and joked together with everything, and played the fool. Yes suddenly it me, the lawful husband, blow of the coxofemoral joint hardly from a bench not that I have immediately cleared a place near to it: as, there was itself a rector and has very attentively had a look in its party!. And still that was recollected: as there were we it after its next trip in the field and when have laid down at night in bed, suddenly it thus has up lifted up feet, of what in ours to long practice did not happen to it. I have then understood; have learnt, it has passed a good seminar. Also has still entered memory as Emilija Iosifovna has disapprovingly told to me: "My business, of course, the party, but very much is not pleasant to me that in your absence of madam Wearied puts on the best patten linen, is smothered by the most expensive spirits and leaves the house for a long time".

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanks You That I Began To Ski And

Thanks you that I began to ski and float in pool (though you and do not know about it). - Well, what we with you will do, and? Is I to it in a room. We Will go on kitchen, here be arranged. And so - all the day. We go . We communicate. To kiss I its not whole, and a hand - I iron. And to myself I press. I, Egor, about ours with you the atlas. Our two surnames together on one page. A little - I play the fool. And it is more - seriously. I love you. Whether you where it is possible to catch any leprosy or something similar, incurable know? I to you would arrive, and then us somewhere would send would isolate from a society! And you easy would work, and I would love you. At first I simply would try to inhale you that it was possible - even to depart - without fear, and then would help you. Better - that the assistant - cannot be. Only I not so in it trust: that there can come such condition when - without a pain - it is possible to depart, push away from you itself from you - with little effort.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

All However Is Considerable, And Here And There

All however is considerable, and here and there even in a root has changed, when not less mighty current which sources arise at other continents has promptly rushed into this majestic, wide both powerful current and an emotional aura corresponding to it, that has been named hardly above originate in other regions, than. Time of collision of these currents - our years; a place of the enormous whirlpool formed on crossing of two global streams - our reality; touches of terrible typhoons, series of periodically arising ruthless tornadoes, impenetrable fogs, it is not known whence breaking mad a wind and the extremely rare solar weather - meteorological conditions in sphere of our home life. So it for cross-section our primordial a current from what , from what historical times it has broken today and edges? It arose in those noble countries where individual self-sufficiency of the person proved to be true and fixed by laws on sanctity and inviolability of a private property. In those countries, which have moved (after the first industrial revolution in XVII-XVIII centuries) by priority development of industrial technology, is patriarchal-feudal sights at a family have very quickly started to be washed away.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

If The Journalist Would Write A Direct Lie

If the journalist would write a direct lie because of which people would suffer, it would disqualify and have involved in judicial responsibility. And here please, deprive because of own illiteracy the woman of pleasure, cripple to it destiny - anything to you for it will not be, can live with full feeling of own pride: here I what stallion, and the silly woman-woman have not estimated advantage of mine !. Here such we have a radical inequality between manufacture and so-called private life which a life and is. Whether Darya Egor loved? And there is nothing to guess - more than a life! Whether wanted it, whether longed on it? force of not dissipated female soul. And what it? That has achieved the impatience, the pressure, the misunderstanding of its shyness? Its actually maiden bashfulness? Has broken a life to it, has deformed the way. Also it is not excluded that the terrible destiny has withdrawn it from this world because of its despair which grew and grew, for she understood all.