Friday, March 13, 2009

Here Such, Logical Representations About Morals. I Will

Here such, logical representations about morals. I will notice that they are much more humane, than for example Turkish that recent time (till 1909) when the sultan could have a numerous harem: not all after all know that inhabitants of a harem were not wives, they were slaves, concubines. More than six centuries any of Turkish sultans was not married to an extent! Besides, under mood or dispels melancholy it could to deprive of a life any of them. Executions by variety did not differ: the woman thrust in a bag, hammered there in the stones, all sewed up it and dumped from a boat in gulf waters. But after all were also such whom the sultan at all did not award with the attention: they all youth on ten souls in narrow under the supervision of terrible eunuchs and at many of them "hour of triumph" and did not come. So the life at wives of the Cameroonian where as is more cheerful, than at Turkish slaves (as other of them were physically eliminated by severe courtiers if entered in very high , as for example, the Venetian beauty Safija at court of Murada III).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Really The Woman Is For This Purpose Created?

Really the woman is for this purpose created? - Yes is not present, of course, for love. Thanks to women in all a phantom, a love additional sound. Even in simple conversation. As Bunin has told, "all life passes in expectation of a happy love meeting". Women - the greatest achievement of God. If not they, I in general do not leave the house. Such boredom! For what would not go on literary meetings and conferences. You go, you hope - the happy meeting, suddenly there It suddenly waits. You come, and there Bondarev! Bosh dog! Well that I for the fool, think. And again I hope. From conversation of journalist Irina They with writer Valery Popovym From others to me praise - that ashes, From you and an abuse - a praise. Anna Ahmatova In one of newspaper numbers "Manchester ", dated 1727, the announcement certain Helen Morrison is printed. This enterprising woman of the first has guessed to use possibilities of the press for the private life device. For the impudence the girl had to pay: under the insisting of its church have arrested also the whole month have kept in a madhouse to check up, whether in the it mind.