Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Larissa Gubinoj's Way Of Life About Which I

Larissa Gubinoj's way of life about which I hardly have above told, has induced it, quite emancipated woman, this emancipation to begin to hate. We will compare: in numerous novels of recent writers-derevenshchikov the image of the Russian woman a priori, initially rather far even from thought on emancipation, that is happy themes way for which Larissa grieves confessed as an ideal. Their system of a life (including family) the roots left in those last circumstances of an orthodox rural life, when also a community, and in a family, by definition of the writer-derevenshchika of the XX-th century of Century , the harmony reigned. But here a problem: whether the harmony reigned? The Writer-derevenshchik, but only A.Engelgard's XIX-th century in the letters "From village" proves that a pity role and a place deprived of civil rights in a family the Russian woman was very much and is very dissatisfied. The Writer - the landowner has begun to hand over on processing the flax not to heads of families, muzhiks, and is direct to women and paid directly to women, from hand to hand.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Here To Do? I Read Somehow, What

What here to do? I read somehow, what even great Charles Darvin in "Autobiography" regretfully informed, as if does not perceive a high art that has appeared not developed in the aesthetic relation. Here and my life has appeared in the given sense not at height. And during that walk through the white nights I enjoyed comprehensively: both illusive light, and fantastic architecture, and the mighty river, and, the main thing, warm pleasure from merge to the beloved. What me heated most of all and filled with feeling of strong steady, internal happiness? Here I wish to state the main understanding of possibility of strong matrimonial relations: I imagined two rocket trajectories crossed in space or two a beam - here majority model, unfortunately, marriages. Courses of life of two persons Vstretilis-were crossed, have flashed at this crossroads a bright fire, and then - their destiny carries from each other, all further and further, and this fire, naturally, burns all more silently and more poorly, while and at all .

Monday, May 19, 2008

- Ivan, Tell, It Is Possible To Live

- Ivan, tell, it is possible to live together on three hundred thousand? - Without beer - so it is possible. - And I consider. And washing drives: go, speaks, work!. With the patrimonial impersonal sexual beginning, instead of with love, not the Eros, not Aphrodite Heavenly had been connected all forms of a family and a pattern of ownership, and all social forms of connection of people. The question on a field therefore has such immense value that round it, around a floor was formed and has developed sobstven - . This intolerable power of the property has the root in a patrimonial field. For the sake of a sort issued in a family, for the sake of continuation and sort strengthening the property collected and its instincts developed. From N.Berdjaeva's book "floor and love metaphysics" What represented and the powerful moral aura of slavic nationalities represents, first of all, Russian people how it remains as well as why what relation all these thin matters is washed away also have to Egor, Anastas's difficult destinies and Alevtiny? I will remind that I have noted as basic line of Russian outlook its powerful communal spirit generated by an absolute necessity of rallying of Russian people and their collective actions for the sake of a survival in enormous flat territory, giving a delicious bait for the conquerors running from different directions of light.