Friday, February 16, 2007

Certainly, If To Take A Coal-anthracite Piece On

Certainly, if to take a coal-anthracite piece on its fire it would be possible to boil a water teapot. However if to liberate that intratomic energy that the huge blast furnace is put in the same piece of coal, on it ! But for this purpose it is necessary to work, to liberate it it is necessary! In "three whales of health" I repeatedly sentenced: "To each his own, rescued paradise". Yes, everyone - big and self-sufficient, everyone can live as personally to it it is pleasant: someone - on a freebie, and who - and in the deserved pleasure. Part the first PREHISTORY EGOR SPEAKS AS AGAINST the PRIMARY DESIRE I MANY TIMES MARRIED, BUT, AT LAST, HAVE found the HAPPINESS And BECAME the SEXUAL GIANT (Author's edition of last part of heading:. And as after fifty years my sexual potentiality though before I already had occasions in the man's possibilities has considerably increased in happy marriage) Epigraphs to the head Ideal of the man at the unmarried maiden: that was skilled and anybody to it did not know.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I Will Dare To Give Absolutely Exact Words

I Will dare to give absolutely exact words in this respect from the story of the writer (!) of N.Katerli "Between spring and in the summer": "The equal rights it is final, but after all here any more about equality has put goes, and that the husband in the family any more the owner, and last person. What happens with muzhiks and whence women such undertook, what with all fill though houses, though on work? And suddenly Vasja has understood that happens. There was a war, yes not one, and whole three. And all three, esteem, successively. Now - that leaves? Muzhiks , there were women with children. Who main in the house? Who the strongest? Who the cleverest? Who protection? Who is all able? Mother. The daughter grows, let us assume, and marries. How it begins to hold herself in own family? Matter of course, as mother, another she did not see. And not that necessarily will start the husband to drive that yes to shout, it will be simple to concern it, precisely mummy to the child - to learn, to impose, snivels to wipe.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

As To Cheerful Boys And Girls, Let Them

As to cheerful boys and girls, let them jump, without thinking of that, for example, that there could be a head of a fascist Reich Adolf Shikelgruber more known as Hitler, but under the same name could live and the warm person, thin literary critic Adolf Urban. What, is asked, the generality of destinies for the women who have grown fond of them here disappears?. Let's sigh and will patiently get under way in a way - once again from a starting point. To support optimism and confidence of success of search of the completing half will be at us Russian : "On each jug there is a tyre cover", and a certain overseas experiment. Its essence that the American scientists have suggested the big group of men to spread out the big sets of female photos on decreasing - from more nice to less. The result was magnificent: there was no person who would not be pleasant to someone! And nevertheless, and nevertheless: than the size and quality of it " " or "not " is defined?!. After all " " it is far not only external appeal: in the American package there were women and obviously ugly.