Friday, November 9, 2007

But After All Practically Almost The Same It

But after all practically almost the same it is possible to tell and about the man: there are no men cold, is only not treated kindly. Calmness - the first my word. The second - a regularity. If the body gives rise to function function gives rise to body. Well, and if not to subtilize with scientific definitions, and simply to look back itself, to make out that is obvious: here sickly, hung, as a lash, a hand of any inveterate intellectual, and here - poured , dense, . All difference has occurred not from their initial device, but only from a way of life: in one case active for a hand, in other - for it inactive. Possibly, the communication system between a brain at this physically pity intellectual repeatedly surpasses similar structure at well and to what it testifies? Yes all about the same: function, repeated using system or body, trains her, develops, increases potential and supports in working order; Dysfunction is an underdevelopment and withering with all sad consequences following from here, I Ask me to understand precisely: now I mean not the sizes of a man's member (they just depend first of all on congenital, genetic features), and the general condition of uniform system of all specifically man's bodies.

Monday, November 5, 2007

- It Is Necessary To Tie Up It,

- it is necessary to tie up it, wounds to disinfect!-. I have exclaimed, rushing to them. - And it already its problems, - Egor has rigidly objected - Stamp, stamp, a handsome man, a course a south-vest! Without lifting eyes, Nikolay has got into the quilted jacket substituted by Egor, took a backpack for one strap and has gone. Egor has slammed a door and twice with click has turned the lock. Tears have begun to smother me, I have begun to sob in a voice, to a jamb. Egor me for shoulders: - Who is that? It has offended you? - Zhenishok of former years. Not taken place. Has stayed. Has come right to show. - me banged at it on a breast. I rapped out words, becoming silent, howling strange, not the voice. washing, well be not upset you so because of this groom. Has come and has left. And you at me here what rare: not because of each aunt muzhiks of a hara-kiri to themselves strive to arrange! I have begun to roar simply in a voice: - He wanted. It a knife could both you, and me!. - well, we will go-will go, my child, we will wash a mug, we will calm down and will prepare with you for new adventures.