Friday, March 6, 2009

And To Wish Good Luck At First -

And to wish good luck at first - you. Then - to parents. I love you, and all the best - let will be to you. I love you, Egor! I love you! Impossible, foolish, painful, happy existence. Everything that I do, all with whom I communicate - all and all where - that aside because there is you, and I love you. Also I rejoice to each new leaflet, each stroke so promptly coming summer, such. Not boring, always unique - weather. And - such indifference to, to the life in general. And usual weight from this " ", an artificial life, from sensation of its temporariness, fragility, uselessness: I love you! And - never - not to look to myself in eyes - it is fair, not to admit that - I know, I understand all about myself and about you: because - I love you! And - contrary to it, pleasure: yes there is you at me and so - it is a lot of you! When I think of you, I speak with you, at me it first of all is uttered: native mine. I Speak - without you - confidently, and I write and it is shy, and being rather afraid of you.

Secondly, We Will Recollect That More Recently, In

Secondly, we will recollect that more recently, in the last century at some northern people that father who had a son, capable to deprive his life was considered as the happy. Whether yes only on ocean Ledovitom? And in Japan not so those parents whom the son could dump in a precipice for a long time were happy, deprive of breath, or in another way send in the esteemed country of ancestors. As so: universal "honour the father", "not " and there and then, more truly, it is a lot of after it. And so: not the person for Saturday, and Saturday for the person as Hebrew thinkers fairly confirmed, not the person for morals, and morals for the person, for a survival of its sort. And as survival conditions in the different countries at various times differed strikingly polarly the opposite face, happened, the morals category showed also. We will return to Eskimos and Japanese of recently last times: in the conditions of the most severe hunger the sort, a tribe could survive and prolong the existence only at the expense of distribution of the remained remains of food and fat between young and strong.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

. Following "signal" From The World Was Much Louder!

. Following "signal" from the world was much louder! I would tell, it was the bell of loud fight if to dare to banter at the present tragedy. It was distributed in the form of a series sharp - one after another - calls of century a vestibule late enough when children I have already laid also soaps in kitchen ware after a supper. Egor had a key, on a visit I expected nobody, something another's and disturbing was heard in these exacting loud sounds. - Who? - Open, Anastas, it I. - who "I"? - I, Nikolay. - what Nikolay? - Well, and memory at you! Nikolay, that. Or at you in this time many Nikolaev has visited? God you my, "that"! Has stayed and has returned!. How many it is possible to send criminals on my poor head successively?. I have involuntarily crossed and have opened a door. Yes, it was far-far not superman Sasha: before me in a black quilted jacket there was thin, simply lean man with a rare hair of uncertain colour on an uncovered head. Behind shoulders hung thin seen kinds " " centenary, likely, age, kersey boots were in an indelible lime.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

There Is No, At A Present Stage Of

There is no, at a present stage of development of medicine I, the deserved doctor of Republic, am careful to the patients to write out chemical preparations in view of almost full unpredictability of their influence on so difficult sphere, as and a potentiality of the man. I will not begin to register it also some eggs of a female quail, the goat milk, meat of peacocks, large oysters, ambergris of a whale, a pounded horn of a rhinoceros (taken exclusively and only from a healthy animal) for that simple reason that in our supermarket on the Svetlanovsky prospectus these products meet, as though to tell more softly, insufficiently regularly. I will not appoint also mineral activators which are recommended by the science of "Rasajana" studying and practising them in India as that stalactites, sulphur, arsenic, diamonds, mercury etc., - for the reason that in our drugstore on the prospectus of Engels as though it to be expressed, not Always in enough deliver the given preparations and recipes on these medicines do not accept.

So: To Leave Thrown In Hunger And A

So: to leave thrown in hunger and a cold of old men on long and painful death, or instantly to relieve them of suffering? What in these extreme customs typical for a life of a nationality, morally, that it is immoral? And after all representations follow from life conditions about a debt, opposite to Christian precepts also. Still an example: - a heavy sin, suicides on Christian canons even it is impossible to bury suicide on the general cemeteries. But here C.Ajtmatova's story "the Skewbald dog, running sea edge": the nivhi-fishermen who have been carried away by a boat in the sea, one after another leave for a board, in a physical non-existence to keep the rest of water for maintenance of a life of the only child who has appeared with them. That the thread of a patrimonial life which lasts from immense depth of the last millenia has not interrupted and should not be stopped. How to concern such suicides, how to concern our soldiers who have put a stomach for ?. The prelude to a scattering of absolutely not similar facts, which now was that.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Silently Cried Not To Wake A Heap Of

Silently cried not to wake a heap of children. Struggled desperately, that the family has not run into full need and poverty. And here - in forty years was ill with a consumption, and in forty one have brought it on a cemetery "("Ural Mountains", 1982, No 11). The patriarchal hierarchy assumed domination of men over women, seniors over the younger. The order depended on the woman in the house, well-being of cattle, the help in field works, crop preservation, manufacture of fabrics. At such quantity of affairs and duties it at all was not deprived of civil rights and unvoiced common causes in the decision, moreover, it was the observer house, family and moral principles. The basic observer as well religious foundations, and after all religiousness in rural Russia always was rather original: being expressed on - modern, it was possible to name it "space", and in an old fashion - continuously connected with eternal prehistoric paganism. And as could be differently: all rhythm of a life of the overwhelming majority of the population of Russia (on census 1897, in villages lived 85 %) was inseparably linked with a solstice, with alternation of seasons and indispensable change of the employment generated by sowing, cultivation, cleaning and processing of fruits of the earth.