Saturday, February 24, 2007

And However - A Penny To Me The

And however - a penny to me the price, to the muzhik with a head and hands if I is not successful and rich - for the family. And I kindly flew in celebratory crowd, but thought washing was not idle: yes why here where thousand in the evenings saunter, ten and hundred thousand people not to organise trade in soft drinks, sweets, pies? Why in Berlin, for example, on national festivals all interested persons can buy from trays plateaus with hot dogs with sweet red seasoning, and in Saigon - nutlets with greens? And at us - anything. Yes, affairs in Fatherland are developed abruptly, I have tested it on the ridge. But, on the other hand, what open spaces at us for any initiative have opened! So why it is necessary to wait, what any transatlantic Poppy-donald or the grabber from near Caucasian abroad should satisfy our obvious requirements, or should spoil them from local, trading in only one vodka, without taking out a smelly stub from a mouth? To Walk I walked, but in my consciousness the idea which has stated recently at meeting of founders of our in poor shape cartographical concern Alevtina Sergeevna, the economist favour Divine in the meantime was accurately scrolled: it is necessary to enter into publishing house structure and commercial divisions for without constant in cash desk of cash us not to live before the radiant future.

I Have Gone To A Room - Heart

I have gone to a room - heart has seized, as a sharp toothache: on a table the note grew white. Has rushed to it: "Or I the father with all following, or was not present. The child in two I will not begin to tear. In a family there should be one general law. The ugly creature otherwise will grow. It not for me. To children tell that me have caused in business trip. Farewell or good-bye - the life will show ". About that with me was! Sensation of full improbability happened, emptiness in a room, vacuum in a shower, loneliness as which I have felt at once - who is necessary to me after Egor? To be thrown on street, to catch up, return? But I know its hardness! And how now there will be children? And what I will tell to people? To parents?. Deafened, I lay on a bed. On ours with it of empty bed. Has risen, as beaten, grown old for hundred years. Shuffling slippers, has mechanically passed in a nursery, silently has laid Maxim. He too was silent, we have not said words. With a sigh I have stroked it on a head, he has convulsively sighed, has embraced my hand, has put under the cheek.

Friday, February 23, 2007

It Both Diligent Encyclopaedias, And The Manuals Different

It both diligent encyclopaedias, and the manuals different ("Twenty. Thirty two. Hundred one. Six hundred nineteen. Three thousand four hundred seventeen poses of love"), and manuals for a young family by a principle "Do so, do not do ". In general, they should be studied with a pencil in hands that, certainly, it is useful, for they enrich intelligence. But here a trouble: they do not excite soul, our feelings do not force to rage-bubble and our hearts do not influence, for not through bleeding hearts of the founders they have been passed, but only through their reason. And I have thought: and why to me not to go after to noble predecessors-educators, but having taken with itself unlike them such mechanisms of emotional dialogue with the reader which are granted to us only by fiction in the spontaneity?. To put it briefly, I have decided to present on public court two typical enough in the dramatic nature distressful and happy destinies: It and It. These people, Ivan yes Marju (or Egor and Anastas, or Igor and Elena etc.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Give It One Of The Packages Of

I give it one of the packages of milk and run-run home, and there all inconceivable a million things to do to the release. In a word, it would be quite possible to apply to me the bitter and rigid formula in the clearness which it is so memorable for millions women similar to me Raisa Yelagin has deduced once in magazine "Working woman": "I - vjuchno-sumchato - a dray being of a neutral gender, under the tehniko-operational characteristics intended for heroic labour fulfilments on a field of the industry, agriculture, education, public health services, trade and consumer services, and also in intervals between all it quite suitable for manufacture of children". Yes, all is exact! But why from colleagues - including women! - I do not get tired to accept compliments to the to appearance? Why not one already the man (including when they think, what is out of a zone of ladies' listening) says, what inside Anastass as though have screwed a magic bulb? In general, for our faculty and cathedral wise men, convinced that I all the ostensibly irrational, from the point of view of others, make acts, ingeniously having counted their material consequences by means of the COMPUTER on ten and more steps forward, there have come hard times.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Not As Parts, Though Also More Vast, Than

Not as parts, though also more vast, than before, in the text "Three whales of health" (its presence there was necessary for harmonious construction of the book), but as the special problem allocated among other themes, problems and riddles of our life. And not simply special, but rod round which rotate, gravitating to it, all the others. Therefore I also have decided to enter as one of epigraphs of a word of great scientist Humboldt (and could present and other thinkers from other countries and epoch). And moreover: such category as the love, appears the centre not so much that, how many the centre of the universe. To That steadfastly, attentively it is necessary to peer at everything that it concerns. And consequently its importance induces us to see everything concerning it, in such scale: In it there are no trifles, finally, all here corresponds with a universal context for thousand years. So, I repeat, fair it has appeared to devote to a theme " - " the special book. And here here there was me not a question, and : what should be this book that there was from it a maximum advantage for people (and without that swing what for and for good reason to undertake)? The matter is that very much and a lot of good, both philosophic, and practical works of type "the Man and the woman" it is created in the world for thousand years.