Monday, December 31, 2007

I Only Laughed, Understanding, From What Layers Of

I only laughed, understanding, from what layers of the previous poverty similar representations about "a beautiful" life grew. It has been very constrained on high words, but I know that the love to me and fidelity to a family made an essence of its being. In a year of a joint life when she was in the family way, there was a trouble: to it have informed that with me on distant business trip (she has understood at once that in Afghanistan) there was a misfortune, but already everything is all right, the most important thing - is live and it is possible not to worry. When I have arrived, have found it in hospital: from a nervous shock there was an abortion, twins was kept. I and have not learnt, who has shown similar "care" of me. I speak about it that more and more time to tell: Darya loved me selflessly, all strong and lonely female nature, on a happy life. She aspired on to a call of duty completely to correspond to representations about this happy life. And here here we were expected by the conflict.

My Trouble - Mine And ! I

My trouble - mine and ! I will lay down, but Nastju from a sting of a venomous snake in the heart I will protect! My firm decision was that, and I felt, what not easily it is necessary to me, because very much the arrow of Alevtiny has deeply pierced my soul. The steel arrow which has been let out from hard my worthy and respected on general work, the person unfortunate and proof in the female destiny, firm in struggle for a worthy and valid place in the sun, obvious cripples in the world physical and the concealed born lyric poet in the world spiritual. Its arrow has far entered into me, and its tip was jagged. How to take this dart from the heart and not to expire blood, I, to tell the truth, did not know. already exactly breathed in the sleep, and I still was awake, and before internal my look lines of the letters read by me - for another flew one line. In the morning in a folder "To the report" one more thick letter lay. In vanity and the working day I had no time to read it. And glancing during brisk dispatching meeting at Alevtinu who on a diagonal from me sat turned pale, grown thin, unbusinesslike, contact and even cheerful with colleagues, I was lost in turmoil of thoughts.

They Almost Do Not Speak About Fleeting Former

They almost do not speak about fleeting former communications, and in my opinion in vain: sometimes one any insignificant, apparently, the stroke is capable to give essential addition to all case record. Yes, I insist - on this word: illness for all read is the developed anamnesis, that is history of disease which it is impossible to name differently, than pathological ignorance, than a pandemic ruining physical and mental health of all country, all nation. Yes what to speak about these six people: the cartographer, the diplomat, the scientific - inventor, a geologin, the climber and the teacher of the exact sciences (it ) if I, the doctor-gynecologist, has learnt female pleasure casually, only thanks to impudence and playfulness of my senior colleague on hospital branch in a resort city? I was harmonous, good myself, maybe, even is juicier, than Anastas-Artemis because carefully watched that always my skin was suntanned. Went in white moreover with deep tops on a breast and, I assure you, men were, as now speak, "in ".

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Here With Such Vital And Man's Experience I

Here with such vital and man's experience I have appeared out of work. In such here a state of mind I also have met to Anastas. SPEAKS AS I BECAME the WOMAN OF EASY VIRTUE (Author's edition of heading: As I aged am more senior thirty years for the first time have felt myself as the ardent, loving woman though the previous husbands legally considered me in bed cold, almost frigid) Epigraphs to the head - When our neigbour of Mrs. Johns has replaced furniture, we too have bought new set, - Nensi to the husband Richardson has told. - hardly it has got new model "Volvo", you have immediately bought newer model of "Citroen". I do not speak, how many to us the country country house which should be got because of it cost. God with them, with these expenses, but what we will do now? - And what, at it new purchase? - At it the new husband. "At women sexual excitation stimulates blood circulation at the expense of a rush of blood (" cheeks "burn). At the majority of them, in difference from men, swelling and hardening of nipples of a mammary gland begins.

And, Maybe, Business In Internal Ours ? And

And, maybe, business in internal ours ? And even more often I recollected Nikolay's fiery looks, and in indifference of the become lifeless soul did not begin to refuse from time to time to "friends of the family" so desired joys for them. To me was all the same unless the woman's vindictive feeling at times rose, and to respectable people it was pleasant. Also has become covered smothering washing with a stale crust. Has learnt somehow my Olezhek from the boastful friend that its forehead indeed - in branchy horns, has rushed to me with shouts, feet, saliva splashes, stains on the person, and I have easy taken away his hands from the throat and have asked: "And Valery? And Ninel? And Diana?." - and it has drooped, as pierced a sphere, and : - Well that you, what for you so, yes were not anything. - Here and I did not have anything, time at you was nothing. And it has stopped short, because very much then has taken a great interest in the new theme; which promised the big success and a name in a world science.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Also Have Thought: Yes, This Divorce As

I also have thought: yes, this divorce as if veins to me then , but, means so it was necessary that the destiny has withdrawn me from a monster which external shape was made even, at last, to its internal essence has difficultly, heavy got to me!. So subsequently I have said praise of the bitter family fate. What was after that? I have given myself pledge - more heart to any female hands not to give! I also have removed brakes from the car, and have rushed with carelessly. Judge for yourself: single, physically strong, financially comfortable man, teetotal, the expert-military man is elderly to forty - and it at abundance of unmarried women and girls around. But after all and married, dissatisfied with the position sufficed. That here has begun, what wheel was started turning! Yes after all round me really good women, really worthy the love, thirsting normal human happiness. And I between them did not do any distinctions, maybe, in own way revenged all feminine gender for Tomilu and, speaking in images, have gone on a team at once from six horses, moreover quite often changed on road of horses of one for another, to be exact - one on another.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

However There Is A Set " " Even

However there is a set " " even more accessible, than a gold root (the word occurs from Aphrodite, the goddess of love, on-rimski - Venus). On the first place in all countries put a celery root in any kind - in crude either or , and even its greenfinch crumbled in meal, raises man's desire. The good reputation from an antiquity goes and about red onions, especially if to roast it together with yolks of eggs. From Ovidija about one today the onions with fried eggs have strong reputation of a true stimulator of man's activity. Carrots, parsley, fennel, mushrooms - umbrellas and , a Russian cabbage soup from a nettle, pumpkin sunflower seeds, flat cakes from the sprouted seeds of wheat or a rye - all this our Native, primordial, underfoot. A blackberry, a guelder-rose, a mountain ash - too kind your helpers in struggle for the vigorous husband. all it to collect and prepare? Certainly, there are no words. But when you see, what wonderful effect your efforts grant to the favourite person, this work - only in pleasure.

Friday, December 21, 2007

And Here Now The Destiny Has Reduced Me

And here now the destiny has reduced me with such person from whom dim my soul from within was lighted. You think, I then light in your dark car have brought it? No, it there was its light, and I only have reflected it, as the Moon! has crookedly smiled: - you Will acquaint? - It is possible, - I have rigidly answered. If good news of you will be. The help will be necessary to it - from kind people. Have gone! It has vaguely shaken a head and has pressed gas. We in shop also have gone home. Without. Everyone conducted it on a ladder upwards Olechka, in one hand it had a smelling sweet bouquet, in another - a backpack with milk bottles, bread and other weights. I have called at a door, mum staying with us has opened and has not hidden the surprise. - Babulja, , is uncle Sasha, he to mum has presented flowers! - its grand daughter has pleased. - it is very pleasant, pass, please, at me the dinner has kept up. Thanks, another time, - my guide has gallantly bowed and, having put flowers, on a little table at a mirror, began to move back back, having waved with a hand to the girl.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Your Business To Be A Neck Which Is

Your business to be a neck which is capable to turn a head in any party, but not your business this head to assimilate to an empty pumpkin. Create how you want, if without it in any way, but start up it it will be assured that you have arrived, as he wanted. You ask, for what all it, as a matter of fact, is necessary? And to correspond to the nature law: if water stream falls downwards put the turbine under it, instead of over it, differently to sense will not be. Neither to a current, nor sense! Return to the husband comprehension of its man's advantage, and already through short time it will return you respect and love, both a joyful life, and a youth. And again you ask: and if it owing to the spiritual backwardness of signs for weakness also begins my respectfulness, roughly speaking, feet about me to wipe, how about a rug before a door? Can arise this sort of questions much, but I will answer unequivocally: the wise wife to be much more difficult, than the rectilinear chief. On your works it is rendered to you! You wish to order and order about, for God's sake - bear then all short gloomy life on a neck in the form of lowered with it legs of the boy-husband, and that to tell: when completely you will wear out him, it will come off it and will get over to another (or on other neck).

Sunday, December 16, 2007

How Many Where Also What Cards I Have

How many where also what cards I have made and under what open and closed signature stamps them has published - one Supreme knows. Also it was thought to me that this track will last till the end of my days: Full army maintenance, possibility on state not to care about " ", and that always will be above a work head - interesting, urgent, my great power extremely necessary for power. For my works there were to me encouragements, the salary, medals and even three fighting awards. There were also next and extraordinary ranks. And suddenly - I will not speak, it is good for the world mankind or it is bad, because not to my mind-reason to understand this question - reorganisation, and behind it - mass demobilisation of officers, and behind it conversion and a total absence of orders at mine - departments has begun: ! Besides, I will not begin to extend about nonsense or expediency of mass defeat , even unique shots - from my statement will change nothing. Have given out me three salaries on arrangement and - live Egory Pobedonosets as you know-can: the further maintenance - business your own .

Saturday, December 15, 2007

. I Will Not Speak, As I Have Spent

. I will not speak, as I have spent this night as, broken into splinters, collected in parts itself in the morning for work as hardly-hardly shuffling the feet left, old and colourless, in the morning with children who have unusually fallen silent. On work I have tried to pass all possible meetings with colleagues, but it it was not possible, and I had to tear off sharply enough some sympathising inquiries about the condition. From a cathedral office I did not want, could not, had no right to call to it for work: all at once would pay attention to my dead voice and would open the ears-zvukouloviteli. At a call box in a corridor the turn of students endlessly crowded. I left in a main recess on street: about My God, any whole device in district - the committing excesses horde of vandals here has swept. It was necessary to reach metro station. I have feverishly dialled number of its office number. Gloomy: - To you listen. - Egor, it I! - at me meeting. - when to you to call? - What for? - As.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Is Active Installation On Pleasure. More Precisely,

It is active installation on pleasure. More precisely, installation on active pleasure that also thoughts have not arisen about weak-willed laziness. Yes, the life is difficult, whether to me of it to understand, having passed camp, war, having sufficed almost full measure the Leningrad blockade! But maintenance of the female essence (I even would play words: female egoism, that is and appeal at any age) is a difficulty from all difficulties special. But and the prize for such considerable efforts - completeness of life, whether is not enough? The Most important thing that is accessible to us in a life. What it for efforts such? First of all, it is a healthy way of life. However, on the given theme I will not extend, having subcontracted it to "Three whales of health", the theory and the practice, stated there. I Will dare to make some essential notes on which, I hope, the author "Three whales of health" will not take offence. The matter is that he repeatedly declares in the book that leans against the base of a private experience and near, and it-de gives durability to its belief, but also explains some possible narrowness of a statement.

Monday, December 10, 2007

. While I Thus Gave Vent To The Indignation,

. While I thus gave vent to the indignation, he did not look at me and has stared in the earth, , and remained, while I spoke absolutely immovable, to a stalk of the inclined poppy or a willow is similar. From the novel "Satyricon" of Petronija, the Roman aristocrat of times of Nerona Natasha (removing a shirt): Look, here I was bared up to the end and here that has turned out, continuous continuation of the person, I all as in a bath. Here on each side my brown shoulders, below nourishing two breasts are visible as a candle, dummies shine ahead, under them a stomach deserted, and an input in me fluffy and not long and two considerable feet, between them it is not visible to us . The half-dead worm Also moved, around nothing sang, when it showed an artful body. Natasha (putting on a jacket): Look, the idiot, look at the termination of my breast. They disappear, they leave, they departure, touch their fool. Now for them there will come a long dream. I turn to a larch. (putting on a jacket): .

- To Us Do Not Listen? - It

- To us do not listen? - It is hardly audible she has asked. - there is nobody. - the Chief. The Chief. ! Tell to me, tell to me. One your word. I will arrive this very day!. - what to tell? - I from myself have squeezed out not at once. - Peter asks my hand. - what Peter? - I have stupidly asked. - and here Peter? - What-what? Whether all is equal? Yes mister Berhstgaden. He has told that waited for me all life. I was silent. Heart was unexpectedly pierced with any sharp claws, I even am hardly audible have moaned and began to rub a breast left-hand side. - Egorushka! ! What with you? - The desperate cry because of ocean has reached. I sat silently, the chain of persons a whirlwind has begun to spin before me, and gradually remains only two of them: Anastass and Alevtiny. Strong, bright, with a shrill look - Alevtiny (probably therefore such, what it has painfully dashing reported to me the results) and drooped, with a network of the bitter wrinkles which have undertaken whence, with a mild quiet sight the person Anastass.

Friday, December 7, 2007

To Nestle On Your Hand And The Nobility:

To nestle on your hand and the nobility: both today, and tomorrow, and still the day after tomorrow it will be. And you will be always. I, probably, never will believe in it. So does not happen. I would tell that such not to transfer - it is possible to go mad, but is not assured, whether it is possible in application to me such to tell. I love you, Egor. I love also all. You do not become angry about me. I am not guilty that I love you. It you - such, you such that I cannot love you slightly. I am not guilty that atoms in me so are located, it they have organised this foolish my orientation on you. And that I will do - not cubes after all, will not reconstruct. Here splash to me in soul gasoline, set fire - all will burn out, - and will begin at first. I very much love you. And in general - so somebody else lives? There, where there was a heart (by the way, how it at you?), all burns. A constant condition of alarm. Clear comprehension of a hopelessness, hopelessness. Usual bent for to you.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Villages. Anything Especial. - Now Gradually Lay Down

Villages. Anything especial. - Now gradually lay down a head and a breast forward, and the feet cautiously extend back that it has not jumped out of you. - yes who so does? - Give, give, do not argue, yet has not changed the mind. To me it is short! Operate. I was arranged unusually, and it has started me to shake forward-back, and here I have realised for the first time that the penis is not a dry stick as Artemis wrote, and a magic wand. About as I have howled from unexpected unexpected pleasure, over and over again nestling on it all bosom, yet did not begin to shiver in involuntary spasms, having seized claws Arcady Mihajlovicha's breast. When I have come to the senses, he has tenderly kissed me on a cheek, has removed lips of tear from my eyes, and we have started caresses in others, too unknown to me before positions. Including it has shown to me - for a lesson to my lovers - where exactly there should be hands during the certificate. Here this night I also consider at the first marriage night, instead of that official that was for ten years before.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

." My God Mercy, How Many Rams Are Raised

." My God mercy, how many rams are raised on us by a voice during one only day and, will think on honour: yes though something kind allocates our own voice in this bad mutton herd?. Many wonderful books D.Karnegi has written how to keep friends and to become successful in a life, but it seems to me, the general formula for all of them is the one and only example (I retell it on memory). Certainly, if the plumber has bungled, it is possible to cause it and, alternating in the American variant "mother-remother", in stuff and after that to expose from an office with threat, say, next time on a wall I will smear, with will go, etc. Leaving after such "conversation" from you, it the following work, itself will break the psychosis on counter and cross-section, and all of them too will bungle on business and in turn will mentally spoil counter and cross-section. But it is possible and in another way:" Listen, John, after all I always held you for masters-able fingers. The word of honour, could not believe that you cut on connecting not that screw course because of what there was a leaking in the seventeenth shop.

- My Business - To Mould From It

- my business - to mould from it the man, instead of a driveller, . - do not dare so to speak! (About, My God, really it I so squeal?!) With own child you so have not dared to arrive! The sadist, instead of the father! - you know, what words make sense? - All as slowly, all the same rusty voice was asked by him. - I know! All I know! It is impossible so with child to address! It to you not the soldier. It would be time to leave military habits already. It is necessary to be kinder, more kindly! - kindness is an idler ? The father the such should be, your way? - Maxim - not the idler! The normal child. It is necessary to understand features of awkward age! - from zero and to three - here And all awkward age and then. However, we will stop a market. If in a family there is no one line, means, there is no family. - think, how it is necessary for you! - Yes. I will think, how it is necessary for me, - he has agreed with any painful intonation and left. And I remained to roar with ware and to throw frying pans from place to place.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Yes, It Is Obvious That I Have Gone

Yes, it is obvious that I have gone mad, have moved in a geographical zone . Here different samples of wild behaviour. 1. Lyrical Why it is everything that to you occurs, th all is unexpected, strange I learn. Someone something has told, someone by passes And has mentioned something, And I will catch. 2. , tactless someone Can something has understood, I will not understand Anything: With pride " " to Show the wife? (Well and well!) you would give it to Show fashions. It would be And probably, is more practical. Do not become angry, please: what with shifted to take? All vestiges (jealousy, the unfriendly relation to the Woman etc.) so outside also are torn. After all I suffered all childhood, suffered that was born not the boy! It would be good. Only you would not know then as it is possible to love you. I am convinced that so - you nobody loved. You see I here flied. It is a shame even to write, so it is trivial, like with it we would finish in the childhood. Well, and there's nothing to be done, time was! over the sea.

I And Any Grass Felt, And Various Representatives

I and any grass felt, and various representatives of fauna. And the doggie for whom pleasure top, - the tax to the owner the thrown stick (not from , not that so learnt, and from desire breaking off a breast something to make for it pleasant), and - is a lot of luxury. I had dog verses: - "There there is no input!" - so to people, not to dogs? And I after all a dog, at a door will sit. Under a rain I will a little wander. I have forgot - I will not cry, After all I a dog, and yes will be so! I guard you from all dogs! The biggest at us on Vasilevsky island - Frenk. I such anywhere did not see. Once it was severely offended by Petja Kolosov from : having seen in the street Frenka, has gone to it, with captation sentencing (thought that it is a dog of the director): "Masha, Masha!" At exhibitions dog at this Frenka marked two lacks: very big and still "is unduly humanised". Here a trouble: it is unduly humanised! Not simply executor of commands, and still there feels something, worries etc.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

." All Have Laughed Also I Too Because Has

." All have laughed also I too because has accepted these words for a joke because has been brought up in such belief: people marry or in marriage leave once and for ever. Still that to me it was recollected, when began to untwist the life as I have come to them on the chair, invited to a family holiday of employees 8 Martha, and we sat next to it, both lifted glasses, and joked together with everything, and played the fool. Yes suddenly it me, the lawful husband, blow of the coxofemoral joint hardly from a bench not that I have immediately cleared a place near to it: as, there was itself a rector and has very attentively had a look in its party!. And still that was recollected: as there were we it after its next trip in the field and when have laid down at night in bed, suddenly it thus has up lifted up feet, of what in ours to long practice did not happen to it. I have then understood; have learnt, it has passed a good seminar. Also has still entered memory as Emilija Iosifovna has disapprovingly told to me: "My business, of course, the party, but very much is not pleasant to me that in your absence of madam Wearied puts on the best patten linen, is smothered by the most expensive spirits and leaves the house for a long time".

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanks You That I Began To Ski And

Thanks you that I began to ski and float in pool (though you and do not know about it). - Well, what we with you will do, and? Is I to it in a room. We Will go on kitchen, here be arranged. And so - all the day. We go . We communicate. To kiss I its not whole, and a hand - I iron. And to myself I press. I, Egor, about ours with you the atlas. Our two surnames together on one page. A little - I play the fool. And it is more - seriously. I love you. Whether you where it is possible to catch any leprosy or something similar, incurable know? I to you would arrive, and then us somewhere would send would isolate from a society! And you easy would work, and I would love you. At first I simply would try to inhale you that it was possible - even to depart - without fear, and then would help you. Better - that the assistant - cannot be. Only I not so in it trust: that there can come such condition when - without a pain - it is possible to depart, push away from you itself from you - with little effort.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

All However Is Considerable, And Here And There

All however is considerable, and here and there even in a root has changed, when not less mighty current which sources arise at other continents has promptly rushed into this majestic, wide both powerful current and an emotional aura corresponding to it, that has been named hardly above originate in other regions, than. Time of collision of these currents - our years; a place of the enormous whirlpool formed on crossing of two global streams - our reality; touches of terrible typhoons, series of periodically arising ruthless tornadoes, impenetrable fogs, it is not known whence breaking mad a wind and the extremely rare solar weather - meteorological conditions in sphere of our home life. So it for cross-section our primordial a current from what , from what historical times it has broken today and edges? It arose in those noble countries where individual self-sufficiency of the person proved to be true and fixed by laws on sanctity and inviolability of a private property. In those countries, which have moved (after the first industrial revolution in XVII-XVIII centuries) by priority development of industrial technology, is patriarchal-feudal sights at a family have very quickly started to be washed away.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

If The Journalist Would Write A Direct Lie

If the journalist would write a direct lie because of which people would suffer, it would disqualify and have involved in judicial responsibility. And here please, deprive because of own illiteracy the woman of pleasure, cripple to it destiny - anything to you for it will not be, can live with full feeling of own pride: here I what stallion, and the silly woman-woman have not estimated advantage of mine !. Here such we have a radical inequality between manufacture and so-called private life which a life and is. Whether Darya Egor loved? And there is nothing to guess - more than a life! Whether wanted it, whether longed on it? force of not dissipated female soul. And what it? That has achieved the impatience, the pressure, the misunderstanding of its shyness? Its actually maiden bashfulness? Has broken a life to it, has deformed the way. Also it is not excluded that the terrible destiny has withdrawn it from this world because of its despair which grew and grew, for she understood all.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Gives To Us? The New Printing Technics

What gives to us? The new printing technics which it for it will put us. Silence was established. I with interest translated eyes from one person on another. - Gallantly, the chief, - has efficiently informed Alevtina. - Really, it is pleasant to live, when your regular general also the real generator, capable to give out new ideas. - gallantly, the economist, - has answered I to it the same way, it is healthy, when your right hand supports your head that it was not knocked about a table. And as any initiative is punishable, I offer you after an exchange of these compliments to present me feasibility reports on the marked project and calculations for the future letter. A date of performance - week. All are free. Removed chairs have roared, all have started to disperse. - when it will be possible to come? - Has asked Alevtina Sergeevna. - By the end of day, please. I remained one, have locked a door and have opened its letter - not the letter, and a stream love volcanic lavas! Till the end of a lunch break I went on the office as a tiger in a cage, clearness in my distraught soul did not increase.

And I Look At It And I Think:

And I look at it and I think: the aunt nice you, clever and kind, but after all your drooped you ten did not change years a dress: soft and convenient, and it is fine, you believe. And your tummy for these ten years, excuse, became the drooped belly so a dress it, before free breed now fits it in a grasp. And your breasts for the same years have decreased and have drooped - so-so, lie small folds on the big belly. And a teeth, especially forward as once for a long time, and you are afraid to address more than execution to the stomatologist. And if still to add liquid, the hair of uncertain colour somehow combed by a small knot also your portrait one to one will be similar to a mortal sin! And it still such good luck that the Cornflower indulges her though occasionally - on an old habit and its primary love, but after all is very fast at it on you, forgive, will not rise, and guilty except you anybody in that will not be! The aunt you, the aunt, I think: After all you should become the best medicine for increase your Cornflower in yours (instead of the stranger) to bed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So Why All It Stalos-has Happened, Why? Why?!

So why all it stalos-has happened, why? Why?! Why?!! Any damned fate hung over me: whether a malefice, whether a paternoster, whether slander. After all all it already was, was! Start up not those sizes, but was! As quickly became once at us with Ippolitom, and after all first it was really sincerely is ignited by me. And anybody other, except me most, in that was not guilty. And Oleg? After all I was for it the unattainable sample of the woman, the goddess but to what all has come and quickly enough? To its trite bed (fie-fie, I do not wish and to recollect its passions, the girlfriends , my "comforters", stupid , other word I will not pick up). And besides the fault was only my and nobody's more! What it for a damnation on me such, what for misfortune?! Yes, I would like to live, to rejoice, love still, especially now when I know, what this such, but, maybe, above yourself you will not jump? Perhaps, to reconcile? The third time is given to me this sign: can be, should me get mind and comprehend sense of triple instructions of a finger Divine? On that and to be consoled, yes all to a shower my guilty, all would be desirable it to rejoice lives in all breadth, already once the experienced.

Friday, November 9, 2007

But After All Practically Almost The Same It

But after all practically almost the same it is possible to tell and about the man: there are no men cold, is only not treated kindly. Calmness - the first my word. The second - a regularity. If the body gives rise to function function gives rise to body. Well, and if not to subtilize with scientific definitions, and simply to look back itself, to make out that is obvious: here sickly, hung, as a lash, a hand of any inveterate intellectual, and here - poured , dense, . All difference has occurred not from their initial device, but only from a way of life: in one case active for a hand, in other - for it inactive. Possibly, the communication system between a brain at this physically pity intellectual repeatedly surpasses similar structure at well and to what it testifies? Yes all about the same: function, repeated using system or body, trains her, develops, increases potential and supports in working order; Dysfunction is an underdevelopment and withering with all sad consequences following from here, I Ask me to understand precisely: now I mean not the sizes of a man's member (they just depend first of all on congenital, genetic features), and the general condition of uniform system of all specifically man's bodies.

Monday, November 5, 2007

- It Is Necessary To Tie Up It,

- it is necessary to tie up it, wounds to disinfect!-. I have exclaimed, rushing to them. - And it already its problems, - Egor has rigidly objected - Stamp, stamp, a handsome man, a course a south-vest! Without lifting eyes, Nikolay has got into the quilted jacket substituted by Egor, took a backpack for one strap and has gone. Egor has slammed a door and twice with click has turned the lock. Tears have begun to smother me, I have begun to sob in a voice, to a jamb. Egor me for shoulders: - Who is that? It has offended you? - Zhenishok of former years. Not taken place. Has stayed. Has come right to show. - me banged at it on a breast. I rapped out words, becoming silent, howling strange, not the voice. washing, well be not upset you so because of this groom. Has come and has left. And you at me here what rare: not because of each aunt muzhiks of a hara-kiri to themselves strive to arrange! I have begun to roar simply in a voice: - He wanted. It a knife could both you, and me!. - well, we will go-will go, my child, we will wash a mug, we will calm down and will prepare with you for new adventures.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

And Houses In This Sense There Was A

And houses in this sense there was a bog, no more that. Here what it turns out: you enter into a mirror where Egor sees, and there Ippolit sits. You Enter into a mirror where three beauties sit, it will be stirred up for an instant, - lo and behold, and you among their muzhiks. Artful magic in this grey, in this dim World behind the looking-glass is created, as if any bad magician. The unique truthful word will suffice me that it to name: illiteracy! However, it is possible also two words: general illiteracy. THE AUTHOR BROADCASTS IN SEARCH OF HARMONY (The book in the book) Part the first Epigraphs to the head - After all at animals the same as and at people, the mortal nature tries to become whenever possible immortal - eternal. And reach it it can only one way - a child-bearing, leaving every time new instead of the old. Immortality for the sake of zealous this love accompanies all on light. Having listened to its speech, I was amazed and have told: - it is fine, wise Diotima.

Friday, November 2, 2007

I Cannot, I Will Not Leave, Egor. It

I cannot, I will not leave, Egor. It - not from egoism, not from cruelty. The unique form of my existence - to love you. But works natural feeling: requirement to protect you from all possible troubles, attempts - including, hence, and from me most. To become crazy! Because at all my subordination to it is "I love", defining all my today's life, the core here not in it is I love YOU. Here a situation! Something you understand? In my opinion, men not that that are not capable to understand female psychology, and - pretend that do not understand, as so - it is more convenient. Foolish situation! Without you I cannot. It not whim, not a whim, the obsession not hammered into the head. I want nothing, all - in you, both all interests, and all sense - what operation could remove you from me?! Completely to update blood? But you - if you would be only in blood! And bones? With them what to do?. But, on the other hand, and come to you too I can not. Liking to die? But for some reason it is not died.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

And Consequently I Am Necessary To You. And

And consequently I am necessary to you. And I for you - the person obedient and operated. You can turn me in any party (only not from yourself!) - and it not shameful humility, is the happiest requirement - completely to submit to you. My God, what this happiness that at me is this film! When I listen to you, yours a voice - I die absolutely of this pleasure, awfully it would be desirable the tape recorder, this box, in which - your voice. I love you. And the photo is! I all the same, probably, not so long still will hold on, it it is impossible to live with such love - to push it back, in myself - a hand, two. me forces, apparently, come to an end. I cannot do anything, I can be engaged in nothing. Only you. It is not necessary to close eyes at all - hardly to concentrate, absolutely small effort - hardly sharpness to correct - and such you the present, such you - not from a photo - - nearby! My God, yes be materialised at me in the house! No, I am not right: I do not have something concrete where I would like to be with you.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Also That Else It Is Necessary To The

Also that else it is necessary to the person, if there can be here such minutes!. It is quite possible to live to one on a desert island. Here saw you in office cold, angry, "ferro-concrete". You know, I such - love you more. Perhaps because I at first the such have seen you, in the softness before us you poto th so at a distant day - was. And has grown fond - such. Kindness - it can be and can not be. And it - in you does not leave, this yours. And now, when for you heart when I wait for everything - for myself, I now sharply feel, what I happy: there is here such you, and I love you. Only as breath - is natural and easy at me again on lips usual: , native mine, my sun, I love you, I very much love you! And any seams any . I so live, so I breathe. Well, as one companion composes the historical novel: as he breathes, and writes. You at me such proof and courageous: as I extort from you mentally any " ", keep firmly. Well and it is correct. But each your kind word - ogo th that means! Here - though and without special concreteness, but - from "strangers" - has separated, "native" - ! And - I exult about it.

Monday, October 29, 2007

So The Legend About Vague Souls Has The

So the legend about vague souls has the deep basis. And this law is traced in stars. Ancient knew how to read these tracings; the Key to them was stored at high Devoted. But now this knowledge in hands of the corrupted mankind would bring more than a grief and disasters, rather than advantage and happiness. That is why it is necessary to specify in these laws, as accessible only to a future science. But to specify in their existence follows, it is necessary, that the thought has got used to work in this direction ". That, we will get used to this thought. For now we will fix in the consciousness the following: one group of astrologists specifies that should be combined only with signs on the . It means that born under the badge of water, for example, should search to itself for partners in life under this sign, and all the rest - from crafty. Other group of astrologists firmly assures that is better carriers of diametrically carried signs, for example are combined. A Taurus - the Scorpion, and their signs: the earth and water, - will harmoniously add each other.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

However For The Next Day I Have Conceded

However for the next day I have conceded it and to demagogical speeches and what sharp again the pain has tested, and the main thing - there was at me a steady negative reflex on affinity! Neither I, nor at it had that that petting experience (external caresses), but even such we did not hear a word, and as a result I have again shouted and have flung away it, the poor creature when it has straight off got into my tormented bosom with the dry stick, both have begun to sob bitterly. Away my hunting to home life building also has for a long time-for a long time flown away!. Again for the night I was clamped in a lump, lying a back to it and having seized the shorts as in last hope, and I do not know - on fingers each and all, likely, there were our so-called contacts within a year, and what miracle I have conceived nevertheless Maxim - it to me not to explain. And outwardly - shine and prosperity. have decided to leave in postgraduate study at BY, considering its high perspective qualities.

Important, Of Course, That You Were Able To

Important, of course, that you were able to correct, soften, specify arising divergences of courses - for the sake of their constantly parallel and close movement, but it is much more important, that these courses have not been initially programmed on the different directions abruptly dispersing after short-term crossing. Perhaps, theoretically everyone is capable to get on with everyone, and everyone, on the contrary, with everyone? After all there were no problems with divorces in serf families of Russia, and like relative calm and a smooth surface reign now in families of near and far east abroad. Yes, like so, but, on the other hand, young Katerina as about that playwright N.Ostrovsky has told, has rushed in a XIX-th century to water from the spouse of not darling. And Aksinja Astakhov, beaten-interrupted by the husband, forever it was stuck by heart to Grigory Melehovu, yes so desperately, as it, Grishki, wife Natalia aspired to finish itself, and Aksinja has gone with it to runaway and death has accepted.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We Have Risen Against Each Other, And Any

We have risen against each other, and any force has suddenly forced us to embrace closely. "Forgive me", - I have whispered. He has answered nothing, only has shortly sobbed, as has taken a nap. He has fitfully kissed me on a head and, abruptly having turned, left a room. Then almost at once has returned, took from a table my statement behind which has arrived, has enclosed it in a case, has bowed and, without lifting eyes, has left for ever. I remained dissolved with the small child on hands. So the first part of my home life has come to the end. As in public opinion I have appeared guilty though guiltless, some kind of a victim of a ruling clan the relation to me was basically good. Not much was such who gloated over on a theme "Has bitten off a piece not after a drink". To me even have suggested to finish postgraduate study on the chair. I have thanked the professor, promised to think. But the system of my sights already looked at all so rectilinearly, as earlier when I rejoiced each of three gold medals.

) - The Deserved Doctor Of Republic Which, Being

) - the deserved doctor of Republic which, being lonely, already at a pension age, has gone under the announcement to my family the housekeeper exclusively for the sake of dialogue. And, my God you wash, that only unique and invaluable not I from this great doctor-gynecologist with the fifty years' experience and enchanting destiny! Truly, it was the Academy. And I will ask to Evgenie Iosifovnu (either Tamara Pavlovnu , or Olga Romanovnu etc.) in this book to explain to heroes of a narration what from grants cannot be learnt, perhaps, but that is capable to decorate and facilitate a multidifficult intimate life of the man and the woman (here to me have seemed erotic tanks Ruboko Sho as a poetic epigraph are pertinent). Here I have conceived to offer such quartet of executors to readers, and what play these musicians will play, from parts, in what composite and voice-frequency, sequences - time will tell. Accenting word-combination in a joke which I have resulted as an epigraph, is the sheaf "on a freebie" (I do not know, whether it is translated on other languages).

Monday, October 22, 2007

Former Certificates Just To What Deep Did Not

Former certificates just to what deep did not testify because I the lived basically separately from the former spouses: they had life, the interests, at me - the. And now I was for-husband, and its affairs and care became my own because burning interest was caused in me literally by everything that concerned this person who has powerfully involved me in the orbit as the Earth draws the Moon or as the Sun holds on an eternal leash and forces to rotate round itself the Earth. It any more was not the officer, and I never was before in a role of the officer wife, but, it seems to me, I with readiness and sincere pleasure became for it such woman who can be the officer wife in its limit, in an ideal of this word. When it came tired and anxious, I did not turn out on his head a fetid pot small and serious troubles, did not throw out on a complaint table (and how many they would be typed!) on these the prices, for disobedience of children, for insidiousness of colleagues, no! I always remembered an old Russian introduction: "You me give to drink, feed, in , and then and extort".

Sunday, October 21, 2007

If We Love Each Other, God In Us

If we love each other, God in us stays, and Its love is perfect is in us. 1st John 4: 12 My God, whether yes I could sometime earlier and in thoughts to hold, what all my female life to a meeting with Egor was no more, than a fog and a soul and body iron sleep? Whether yes it was thought to me, what highly experienced mother of the two children born from two lawful husbands, the woman who has learnt in thirty-year with superfluous biography to dozen, probably, other men except them, what I was no more, than the virgin, than the untouched girl who does not dare to assume, what fiery feelings, what thermonuclear explosions of passion deeply hidden in it, have ripened? When this tremendous overturning all nature madness has begun with me, I have recollected and have transferred to Egor the story of the old French writer how two furious lovers left after a meeting on a back of a wooden bed memorable notches on account of the pleasure. I have laughed over those ardent French aristocrats who for a honeymoon have scratched all whether twenty, whether thirty marks.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

If For Me Similar Joyful Emotional Top Dressing

If for me similar joyful emotional top dressing was as though long-awaited and additional good fortune for Anastass it was a basis of the existence! The man basically there live a head, women - heart. I have understood firmly-natverdo that Anastas should Praise, it is necessary to admire it, it needs to pay compliments - on business or without business. Speaking in images, for it my approval was as greasing for the mechanism - without it all system got jammed. And, maybe, and moreover, carried out functions of fuel for the engine: there is no gasoline, there is no also a movement, unless by inertia. And in system of this happy absolutely special place - remarkable from all points of view! - occupied sex. Thank God, from the very beginning all in the marked sphere at us was in a full order! Not without reason it is literally in the face of both has looked younger, and it as poppies colour that, the truth, had also unnecessary consequences for both of us has blossomed: it became simple to pass not to it in transport and in streets.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Everyone Considers, And To That It Has Bases

Everyone considers, and to that it has bases that it is individual, and destiny at it - unique. And it is correct. As that is correct also, as he (individual) and its destiny (unique) letsja-rushes in the general uniform stream with all economic forms of a life, morals, politics tricks, legal and family relations. As ironically would tell before: we fluctuate together with a general line of party. Only not parties, and . And all present family collisions, all modern mutual relations between "M" and an essence the collisions painted by colours of our epoch, and therefore all personal conflicts considerably will clear up, if them to enter into the general context. On old (I do not know, whether bad, but it is exact - expensive) a habit I write out very many newspapers. And here almost simultaneously in two newspapers has read two notes - an opposite orientation. Here a statement of a plot and basic thoughts from one article devoted by the Lithuanian woman to the woman Buryat and published in newspaper for women of Russian: "The Lord has divided mankind into the man's and female beginnings is completely not simple so, at all that has not found other way of prolongation of a human race.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

If For One It Is Important, Whether Understand

If for one it is important, whether understand houses his soul, whether are considered with it, and for another is a place where it is possible with anybody, except itself favourite, not to be considered - hardly marriage will be strong even at sexual gravitation. To put it briefly, it is not so much in the theory, how many in practice I aspired to that Egorushkinoj to a house shower it was good, joyful, comfortable. And he in turn, despite of the overloads, sincerely tried, that I felt its care, not only participation in affairs, but also the concrete help: has mended in the house all invalid technics which has earned, as new, took for custom on Sundays to train the pallet of a potato and other heavy cargoes, has relieved me from feats and a dust from paths. The previous silly life has not passed in a matrimony for me for nothing: I felt as all sections of a being that the happiness should be built that it is necessary to raise and sponsor it, to me such wonderful good luck so far as has dropped out and there was a required half.

Friday, October 5, 2007

In Annals Olga's Words Which And Are Perceived

In annals Olga's words which and are perceived today as aphorisms are transferred. Olga - the first of the Russian princes, put on a level with the Byzantian emperor. Not casually and the church has canonised it as the first among princes. It is necessary to understand that Christianity acceptance meant in those days break forward. Her son Svjatoslav has refused new belief, being afraid that the team will start to laugh at it. The Princess-mother has appeared above time prejudices. Olga's who has accepted Christianity vital example, for Vladimir - the same stimulus by a christening, as for Vladimir's example. Olga as " before the sun" as "the dawn before light", precedes Vladimir, whose business has developed and Yaroslav Mudryj "has increased. Question quite rhetorical: whether this real woman-forerunner, "a dawn before light", on mild restrained to the slave to the husband and the sons is similar? Whether it is similar (!) for that image, apostles professed? And in the same plan: and Catherine the Great? And Elizabeth Petrovna? And Jeanne ' ? And Indira Gandi? And Margaret Thatcher?.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Fiery Desire Has Braided Me And Has

The fiery desire has braided me and has thrown upwards, as a dry petal on fire fire. Yes that it occurs? What becomes? Two years we live, almost any day it is not passed without affinity, and the mad passion inflames me - all entirely, both a body, and reason, both soul, and bones, and veins - everything, all more and more! It I cold Artemis, it I am a passionless concubine of all previous men which possessed my body? Yet really now here, in this bed the odalisque, ready to rave in the passion, is the same woman, as last years?. About, Egor that you have made with me, what keys have pressed, what plugs have soldered that I became. Happy, what I have learnt power of a love fire? About, thanks you, I love, I love, I love you!. He has woken up, judging by breath, and lay silently, has then embraced me without words and has strong pressed. I could not wait any more! - Tell to me: now I will be you .! - Now I will be you .! - as the echo was repeated in a whisper by him. I have rushed to it - and already anything, even the death could not stop me! About as this has deeply entered a column into mine - and that was then! A storm, hurricane, shout, crying, , words which cannot even be imagined! What is the time it proceeded? I do not know! I was from above, then from below, then I was in front, then was behind, it twisted me in an any way, I was bent itself, and at last - its terrible growl and mighty pushes, as burning emissions from a hose which over and over again filled in my interior under improbable pressure.

Not As The Person Of A Masculine Gender

Not as the person of a masculine gender moving in trousers (we too along with many other things have won trousers from them), but as knowing that he wants by the most man's nature, the independent leader. However, I will tell about it then, especially. Secondly, it has seized to such unknown me earlier technics of caress and practice long that it in a root has changed all my knowledge and representations of the intimate intercourses of the man and the woman. My former husbands and my casual lovers all were younger than it - almost on two ten years. Met among them and powerful, as though it to tell, bulls with unrestrained energy and considerable size sexual members. Each of these figures, having torn off, roughly speaking, me and having satisfied itself, fell off on one side, believing, as I, so, am happy. What it was "pleasure" - something like the dry stick which friction with the big or smaller mechanical sensation was perceived by me at myself inside. And only it started sometimes something to be warmed up slightly at me in bowels as this dry stick turned in escaping outside soft .

She Has Found Out Data On A Total

She has found out data on a total card of the Russian empire executed in Sea academy in 1746 on several sheets and stored in the Museum of Arctic regions and Antarctic (!). As a result of it and other researches the small atlas "Russia for one thousand years" - from sixteen cards from the end of IX century till our days has been created under its offer and has brought to firm considerable dividends. In this atlas university historians under my order have published especially the comment to each of cards, and the impressing, illustrated history of the Russian Fatherland, and, without any imposed, forced concept has turned out: it was authentic and absolutely evident. Expenses for a paper and polygraphy were rather insignificant, and demand has appeared big. We repeatedly printed out of new circulations. So we with Alevtinoj had a general book, a fruit of a joint plan. At discussion of results of year of the Lord founders as special achievement of firm have allocated this atlas (as on it foreign currency demands fell down also) and have awarded for it the award both to it, and me at a rate of three annual salaries! The sum has appeared rather decent.

I Will Be Inclined Over Your Knees, I

I will be inclined over your knees, I Will embrace them with violent Both tears and poems I Will burn you, bitter, lovely. Open to me the person midnight, Allow to enter into these eyes heavy, In these black eyebrows east, In these hands your half-naked. That will increase - will not be lowered. That will not come true - will be forgotten. Why you cry, the beauty? Or it to me only seems? Nikolay Zabolotsky IT and IT IT IT The table is always filled up by papers, folders, books Much works is not able rationally To organise the work Talks to colleagues Discusses office affairs Gossips, certainly! Is absent from work Has gone on affairs to other establishment Runs on shops in working hours The chief has invited to have breakfast at restaurant The heads appreciate it. Obviously, it will be Comments ! It is promoted The wedding-day is appointed Only acquisition by a family gives Everything, work is finished. Now to the man solidity. Now it will be children, diapers, illnesses will go. Rather reliable worker Holds on a desktop a photo of the family The fine family man! Work at it on the second place, and on the first - a family! The table published by the Dutch magazine "Natuur the technician".

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Those Basic Lines Of The People Who Were

Those basic lines of the people who were born those or other years of east horoscope (a dog, a horse, a dragon etc.) are convincing enough also . If to consider award of Nobel Prizes by the certificate of really objective revealing of the most appreciable scientific achievements it is symptomatic that the greatest number of winners was born in days of the Rat and the Snake, the least - in days of the Monkey and the Cock that basically corresponds to the concept both purposeful, and the scattered aspirations of the person. The candidate of medical sciences J.V.Shparyk who has published this supervision, informs also that winners-physicists were born under the badge of the Moon, chemists - Mars, biologists - Saturn, writers - Venus, and winners of the award of the world - Merkurija more often. I think, to all these real facts there is the sufficient, quite real substantiation hidden in a surprising subtlety of our perceiving devices. Here an example: the butterfly finds on a smell the individual some kind of on distance in three-five km.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Has Informed That It Send Abroad As The

Has informed that it send abroad as the journalist-foreign affairs specialist. Whether I agree to go with it for without their wife in such long trips do not let out? my firm "is not present", has felt sense of relief as though and has asked to agree to divorce in that case. "About Maxim do not worry, it will be provided and under the law, and moreover". I have there and then written a petition about the consent to divorce and have asked, who will be mine ? It was restive a little, but then has easy named also a surname of that woman which I already knew from . "But after all it is much more senior you", - was not pulled out nearly at me, however I have restrained and did not begin to finish it. Means, at them above similar games are accepted, and its daddy personal destiny of the son gave as though to those who wished it to gobble up. I have asked: - Yours as? How the father? He has understood a course of my thoughts (mind and intuition at it have been very developed) and has answered shortly: - All is normal, all still.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Yes To Me What For? - Yes Though

Yes to me what for? - Yes though an eye edge to you as I lived on plank beds, - with genuine melancholy he has said, - as from the thieves' law beat off, as term to itself has added, as in a taiga stuck. Also there was no minute that you at me before eyes did not stand. And you - from a hog have left and to the grandfather have moved. , you!. - To what grandfather?!. - yes I saw which from you left in the morning and in a window to you have shouted that today again will be later. A cheerful life at you, as a checkpoint court yard: that one, another, the third on a visit. I do not know, what efforts I should be kept, yes after all it is obviously sick, and I have answered not at once: - I married. For very good person. And here something has begun to be created on my eyes improbable as if any absurd performance has gone! But its greatest strangeness was that I have appeared its character. My consciousness somehow discharge was present herewith, but has been disconnected from feelings as if I here and am not present as if I it take a detached view of all whence, whether from a ceiling that: it has snatched out shining sharp sharpening because of a sock elastic band and has stuck it into a table: - I will kill! I will kill a reptile! Once I for you have stayed, now I can and lay down! More silently, - as absent as the automatic machine was said by me, - children you will wake.

And Here Now, Completely Having Prepared Perception Of

And here now, completely having prepared perception of the reader, I approach to that thought for the sake of which has started the correct dispute with Nina Terentevnoj: and what will be if to replace a small fish growing, for example, in free waters of the Libyan tradition, in a gulf the Gold Horn at Istanbul where the benthonic current forces to wave whimsically hundreds vertically standing bags? Poorly it should this small fish! Unsweetened it would seem to it a life and in loud, though also friendly rural crowd wives. And after all I do these hypothetical shifts only within the official lawful concept of modern polygamy. And if to transfer the monogamous woman moreover from absolutely other historical period, say, the respectable Greek matron, the sovereign empress of the rich house and the numerous slavish servants, esteemed by the husband as mother of its children and the wise housekeeper if such goldfish from ancient Aegean sea to throw in the sea Red what washes coast of Egypt in which polygamy in a countryside is only slightly modified form of industrial artel? Now - attention! Let us assume, spouse Femistokla (which joking used to say that it corrects Athenes, to it - the wife corrects) we only hypothetically can transfer the Greek matron, the venerable wife in centuries and the countries to a harem of Murada III.

Friday, September 28, 2007

That Has Answered Under-dyh A Fist. That Here

That has answered under-dyh a fist. That here has begun! I have rushed between two cocks who aspired, at each other to a physiognomy, a physiognomy to reach, Maksimka has begun to roar, mother has cried, the father has shouted, cups from a table fell down, a nightmare!. Shout, noise, din, neighbours, militian patrol, the car with , and I for explanations accompany in this body of brawlers which here again aspire to reach a physiognomy. The report: one hooligan drunk, lives another without a residence permit; their cold spending the night in the chamber, sleepless night at our place, penalties, the message to management about Oleg's disgraceful behaviour (farewell !) Court over Nikolay who was lifted up with militiamen, having applied army receptions. A sentence: two years . Its Last words after a sentence have been turned not to me, and to Oleg: "I Will leave, I you, a reptile, will get!." Oleg has been shaken by all happened so that has fallen down with a nervous shock and whom as not to me, it was necessary to look after it in its barchelor habitation and to find out his soul, nervous, not well-groomed.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

. And Almost Inaudible, But Tart Spirits Of

. And almost inaudible, but tart spirits of the higher class, and precisely thought over negligence of a hairdress of blond hair, and charm of easy flying gait, and salutatory gestures, and a fleeting smile, and tempting shine of brown eyes?! And if to add to told that Larissa in perfection knows almost all European languages that at it on the account - tens books translated and published by it that she is the main supporter of the family, before us an absolute embodiment of that female ideal that has been presented hardly above in the book of madam of the American. I ask it: - Larissa, and men at you in publishing house is? - And, we hold from tens in the heads while they to us do not disturb, - it has carelessly waved away. - well, and emancipation. - I have stretched. Here only one - two seconds that unforgettable episode for the sake of which I and state this history also has happened and lasted: European formed woman, the beauty with the perfected manners, has suddenly turned back to me, its eyes have begun to sparkle, the person has warped and for an instant became a wild face! Unexpectedly hoarse voice it ka-and-ak cut to me that is called, between eyebrows a fiery phrase in great, mighty and free Russian concerning where it would send all supporters of this emancipation!!! I have stopped, was taken aback.

So, Maybe, It Was Necessary To Me To

So, maybe, it was necessary to me to attend such school where would manage to open and develop the strongest my party, instead of averaging to prepare so, what I (and all my schoolmates) have moved quite casual roads? And I, probably, most casual of everything as they still had time for the hobbies, and at some even for those circles, studios or sections that were closer to their shower. But where such school can be found, name to me? And I the technician by training, well knew that than the big angular error at a start of a shell and the more the primary speed set to it, the further it will fall from the purpose. Here what price of two my gold medals - for school and for high school has appeared, they promptly carried away me with my primary happiness, from human self-realisation. And the third my gold medal - the elegant and perspective husband, from one kind and which manners frankly all my girlfriends, married and unmarried? What is a prize when the spouse in me does not understand absolutely anything, and at me its primordial and lawful desires generate only a pain and spontaneous hardly probable not animal fury? I have become thoughtful, in a word.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Husband Worried Even More Strongly Me. Have

The husband worried even more strongly me. Have gone to the sexopathologist, but it in what has not resulted. Has found for a number of books, but books - one, and in practice often another. And the condition of the son has worsened, the member has ceased to rise even at embraces, and not just before the intercourse. The girl cried, since. The son has ceased to meet it. I have rushed to grandmas, have gone to one, well familiar since the childhood to the woman. She also has told: "And you do not run anywhere, and treat itself!" As? Than?. "The Caresses, become it for a while the wife!" For me this council was as if a bolt from the blue. Is from what to come to confusion. But we in details have discussed all with it. At it, It appears, some experience was. All have discussed with the husband, and it has left? And "a resort. Has left not to confuse and to disturb. Only I and the son _ we Know that we should find common language and to come to the consent. And here it - the happiest minute, washing and the son, and we never will forget it X.

For Clearness I Will Result , But Rather,

For clearness I will result , but rather, in my opinion, the exact definition occurring at surgeons: the adenoma is an illness not so much faithful husbands, how many stupid or inept wives. The matter is that the sexual potential of the man as it is considered to be, reaches a ceiling somewhere by thirty years, and after forty gradually starts to decrease. On the contrary, at the woman after thirty-thirty five years it only starts to grow and stays at high level to rather solid age. And here its great problem - it is clever, skilfully, variously to induce and stimulate the to a regular and fascinating sexual entertainment. Yes, kitchen cares, I understand, yes, a repugnant life, I understand, and everything that will be told in protection of the sacred-de right to scarcity of an emotional life - all it I can realise. One only I will not understand: where your great parent heart if you of the own native husband with whom at you both a shower and a flesh are uniform, doom to sufferings, and then send under a knife on burdensome and difficult operation? Not at all men such potentiality, as at those soldiers from a joke: "you Remember, Ivan, to us to a copper on the Japanese war something strewed, that on maids did not pull?" - "as, I remember".

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Directly For Reproduction It Would Be More Convenient

Directly for reproduction it would be more convenient to invent any more rational mechanism. The machismo essence is an ability to transform chaos in the ordered vital program, female - ability to fill this program the sensual, emotional maintenance. Sense of Its estimation in creation of certain space in which only that He offers also can be realised. Two years ago I had absolutely tremendous meeting - I have got acquainted in Tashkent with the wife of llama Dashnimy from on Baikal. It was one-. Temporarily and its schoolgirl. It is natural - in the house of the llama there can live only the congenial person. She also lived in even more difficult conditions, than all of us: the husband all in affairs, and in a family of four children, and costs directly in wood. Around a taiga - it is completely not cheerful. Round us there were many the young women, assured that well know how it is necessary to live. And we within several hours discussed a question on with it how to arrange a life so that to clean apartment when the husband is not present and that the husband did not concern housekeeping, respecting thus the wife.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Evening Has Come To The End Normally, Easy.

Evening has come to the end normally, easy. When we have laid down, it has begun to touch interrogatively a name of my employees and to stop expectantly, I negatively swung a head, simultaneously all burying a nose between its nude breasts more deeply. When it has touched all men, and I, all as winding a head has got already to the most treasured depths, she has in the affirmative said: - Means, the aunt burns slightly in your kettle. It, of course, a dish juicy. What sauce prefer? Well, is not present, my dear, invaluable, unique, unique! Having nestled on you, desired and delightful as dropped to Gay Antej, I have understood and have felt strictly that is obliged you from a grief with all man's responsibility. Also has again rolled up a head! Not in that position there was Nastenka that its guarded intuition has caught falseness in my last gesture. The lie in rescue - so it is called. I do not know, how from positions of abstract morals, but from the point of view of calmness of the concrete favourite person, from positions the bases of her life, I was right! The rights! The rights! And I have understood then up to the end: yes, the unexpected trouble has fallen down me, but not at all about it should not the nobility, guess Nastenka.

Monday, September 17, 2007

In Yourself To Find A Flower Of Love

In yourself to find a flower of love and to throw it under feet to with whom you speak". Generally heart constantly is ill me because of you. And these any situations - for me - not so main: has come - will leave. ". Not that loves, who bears the debt of honour and fidelity. But the one who lives and breathes just because loves and rejoices, and differently cannot". So - my letters already in India read? And to V.Sidorov have transferred? ". As soon as you will feel that your heart lives in mine and mine - in yours that your hand - in my hand, you already and will not think of self-control as about end in itself. You will develop it always to be ready to carry out the problem assigned to you. And time will not think of itself at you. If you live in full self-control, you always keep for my hand. And - from the most simple and to the most difficult - I divide all your affairs with you". I can! I can not think of myself, therefore I so often feel your hand therefore I live. Only you do not select it, please, all right? ".

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Now I Well Understand Man's Psychology And I

Now I well understand man's psychology and I can is backdating true answer, why for me mass hunting from outside and even post-graduate students has begun literally. The matter is that both they, and mine , classmates, for daily, so to say, usings, converged with maidens of easy behaviour, , we will directly tell. On their parties the tobacco smoke stood rooted to the ground, sounded, , thick glass tumblers, and the floor-mat in a rebag with shrill female laughter was distributed. But for long using, for a family and a continuation of the family these multipliable maidens, in general, to it did not suit in any way. To them it was necessary planing, inaccessible to others family honour with faultless health. Here I also say that round me whirlwinds of courtings, intrigues, were started turning, rivalries, and soon one behind another have gone hand and heart offers! Here and to begin to knock more strongly to my own heart, here and to grow dim to a head, on the contrary unless for this purpose I went to such prestigious, such difficult high school? The call of duty at me has been very developed: I knew precisely enough, how many the finance the state annually spent for my training, and conscience did not allow me to pay in a base ingratitude for this blessing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

- The Lady Have A Child Age? -

- the lady have a child age? - It has raised eyebrows. - about as it is thin you flatter, the sir! The professional - the flatterer! And , moreover and school, the truth, 8 younger. Here our tram, we will hasten. - minute, here our tram, - he has specified in the dark blue stocky car parked at sidewalk, the truth, not that that was last time. In it was nobody. - and, have gone! - I have given up as a bad job. It has opened doors, poured roses on back sitting, has asked me to be fastened ("I do not love excessive attention of cops"). Itself has sat down for a wheel, but did not hurry up to include gas. - a current is not present in your tram? - I have marvelled. - to sense is not present in my tram, - he has shortly answered, continuing to sit motionlessly, forward. Has sighed, has turned to me and has stretched an enormous palm: - Sasha. - Nastja. He did not hurry up to let out my fingers, strange looking to me in eyes. Its sight was thoughtful, is not impudent. - Have gone? - I have offered.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

There Zinka Also Slept Over Us. Clearly That

There Zinka also slept over us. Clearly that it was necessary to earn additionally, and the heads have allowed to work to me in the evenings for us in a part as the trainer on a judo, and then and karate and hand-to-hand fight as considerable successes in these affairs were marked at me. Yes at the same time it was necessary still an evening school of trainers at institute of physical culture of a name of Lesgafta to finish, yes after all also operating sportsman I was - that competitions on departure, gathering district or even . In a word, the dense life was. And cheerful! Quite often in tiny our room on the Sezdovsky line young guys and children gathered, and to drink almost did not drink, but the laughter then blew up all time. We have then become staid a little, became the diplomaed experts, two rooms in three-room apartment have received. What can I tell about Tomile? Forces in it was much: and institute has with distinction finished, and in field expeditions successfully went, and in postgraduate study by the chair has been recommended, and has arrived in it, and it was protected with success during certain time, and party has entered in postgraduate years.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Here (about Hardening Nipples? - A Bus My

Here (about hardening nipples? - A bus my Discharge) begins pressure - " From article of the known sexopathologist, the candidate of medical sciences in the newspaper "Rush hour" - In students - I in studied, - love were shy, Platonic. Experience of dances was brighter. But there was a love, as from the last century. To the student to Tana. I so was afraid of it that did not know, that to me is to be met or avoided more. She has, of course, grown fond of another. Then I have understood, the love drops the person. "The two to you", - I have told to myself and more hopeless variants did not enter. And Tanja and remained for me the fairy. - but happen such which marry both on the first, and on the second, and on the third. I Am surprised, what for people marry much? There, where I live, I create the special field. To change rendered habitable hard, I know many people who have made it with the big ruin for the "I". From interview of the writer of V.Popova published in the newspaper "Rush hour" God anybody never saw.

Give We Will Make So: You Will Correct

Give we will make so: you will correct all without any noise, and on it conversations we will finish. ' ?. "And John to justify flatter words about its reputation and the kind relation to, of a skin will get out, all will correct in ill-fated , itself a leaking and, be assured, this time, in the others will not bite anybody from associates. It is asked: and who and where at us learns to norms of human behaviour? Perhaps, on the TV explain, what it is necessary to adhere behind itself a door in underground, instead of to beat it on a forehead the woman who goes after you with the hands occupied with load to feed same, how you, the hero? Perhaps, at school in a grid of lessons there is a subject "Basis of human behaviour"? Perhaps, you though time though somewhere heard, what the collective holds meeting with the similar agenda?. No, and we slide all term released to us on a freebie, perhaps we will slip, perhaps will bring a life to us personally gratuitous kind mood though we copecks of the efforts have not brought in a coin box of kind public mood!.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Conflict Which Grew, Was Aggravated And Became,

The conflict which grew, was aggravated and became, eventually, insuperable. The happiness of love, completeness of life, pleasure of the found family, the wonderful woman - the faithful companion, certainly, demanded an exit, realisation of the collected passion. Should aspire to the same realisation and I: But - owing to proud reserve of the soul - Darya could not be given selflessly to me in not sleeping silence where two sensitive children caught all night sounds, or even slept, but she was afraid to wake them is a spring ring in a mattress, love groan, passion shout. We laid down, I started it to caress, and it the small strong fingers compressed and blocked my hands. And nightly possible paradise of two found loving each other people turned around a hell. Eventually, I fell asleep, and she could not fall asleep, and the deep internal neurosis all destroyed her soul more strongly. And business was, certainly as I understand now, back mind is strong, not so much even in physiological stresses, how many in catastrophic collision of psychological representation about a debt of the happy woman obliged favourite husband (without speaking about the natural satisfaction) in collision with impossibility to cross through an indestructible internal taboo of female and parent bashfulness.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

And I After All Live With A Spirit

And I after all live with a spirit on a long, long distance, and ahead sees yet less than five tens years. Egor, you will not explain to me why people under the schedule of biorhythms sometimes have a reason in a minus, and emotion - in plus, and at me - only so, without any change? That my organism of any schedules does not observe?! I always love you, and I feel it - , and any ! And as to reason - only second flash and all in one direction - is dazzling : I love you. I do not know that illness that norm, try here understand. If I loving you, - the patient, - that so do not happen, in any sick organism is though tiny - healthy. At me is not present. Then I not diseased, and the illness, any personification of illness. As at it, at Shefner - in "the Hovel of the debtor": the such ran there. , terrible types. Well, and if my condition - a healthy condition?. You know, the such here has dreamt: a frost, - and in the middle of steppe any haven. And it does not reach, and - wide open windows, the door - and suddenly will reach? A blizzard, a frost, and I - heat, it, the furnace, burns, and all - wide open, in steppe, in a field pure.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Family Can Be Rather Prosperous, And Its

The family can be rather prosperous, and its members look against each other wolves, the family can be simply poor, and relations in it - the happiest. Certainly, meet both financially secure and happy families, and families beggars where spouses live, as a cat with a dog, but it testifies only that the generalising conclusion about home life cannot be based only on those sizes which are directly interesting to the tax inspector. Yes after all the same, only in more difficult categories it is necessary to carry and to a life and life national. Auditors from social science will face unsoluble paradoxes for them: why, for example, the front-line soldiers who have endured inconceivable horrors of war, including tested such last and extreme degree of material measurement how death of associates, destruction of villages and cities, own wounds and pretty often physical inability, consider these years as the happiest in the life? Perhaps, because clearness of the great purpose, lifting of all sincere forces, the unchained initiative, a disinterested brotherhood of associates are such values before which those material payments by which this non-material launch of so abstract substance how the human spirit has been paid grow dim?.

. Legends Legends, And I Know An Authentic

. Legends legends, and I know an authentic case when at the young strong man it turned out nothing in bed with very attractive to it and sexually active woman. What has appeared? That the smell of tobacco from her mouth gave rise in its subconsciousness to representation about the man and at all at it a sexual inclination to it. More shortly how to be, that the accenting moments have coincided? And what should be these " " - accents? Business joins two powerful factors, and here full freedom of yours and only your choice what from them to prefer: a principle of similarity or an addition principle. But only not ! Both similarity, and addition can bring to you happiness and pleasure with equal reason. So for example, one wise and resourceful English psychologist has organised the marriage office which clients got divorced subsequently much less often, than clients of contestant firms. Crafty reporters its secret: it did not apply neither powerful computers, nor multidifficult testing, are not present: it took away got acquainted couple in the nearest restaurant and suggested everyone to choose the menu independently.

Friday, August 31, 2007

We Have Ceased To Meet It, And I

We have ceased to meet it, and I believed already that my man's biography, in general, is close to sad end: the nobility, not the destiny to me was to find such half from which I could test pleasure of really full rapprochement constantly. And here has overtaken me a terrible grief which has literally crushed me: as a part of a women's team of veteranok-climbers Darya has gone on not so difficult ascension in Zailijsky Ala Tau, and their camp on thirtieth of March when snow have melted, has been covered by an avalanche. Their tents stood there where never, never avalanches descended: these veterans, masters of sports knew all subtleties of artful mountains. But, means, not all. When to me have informed on this trouble, I have run in a forest park - I ran and shouted, both cried, and howled, as a wild animal. I fell to the ground, went for a drive on it and again shouted and cried. So second fifteen years of my home life have ended. Likely, this emotional emission in park has rescued my soul from rupture.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Also There Was At Us Olechka, And The

Also there was at us Olechka, and the life is washed was decked by new cares and new paints. Also there was I mother solid already families. Months and years of daily, obligatory, sucking in vanity also have begun to flow and there was I the woman the woman, and from Artemis, young, integral, sonorous and cheerful, already in me and a trace as though, does not remain. Here also there was to me Egor the clear and quiet sight and absolutely was the openness of the strong person forgotten by me. I also have told then to it that I wish to help not only with work, but also in a life, and have departed to it towards recklessly and selflessly. So the second series of my own home life has come to the end. And when I have declared to the shaken Oleg that I leave from it with children to that old and poor otstavniku-demobilisation, which he saw (and did not see) in a New Year's feast it the speech power has lost. It and many other things when I to itself have come anything other could not think that I with the foresight have put in these times of troubles a true card on the future millionaire - of the businessman, on the magnate of the international publishing business.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Third Group Convincingly Proves That The Main

The third group convincingly proves that the main role is played by a combination on signs on years of a birth, instead of on zodiacal signs. The fourth group with skill learns that it is necessary to be combined on zodiacal signs, but the consent of these signs at each age - the: till twenty nine years one circle of accompanying constellations, after twenty nine another, after forty one years - the third. There are also other astrological schools, and not one, for example, such for which the dominant role is played by conformity of concrete planets a firmament, instead of zodiacal signs. There is a number of doctrines, behind each of which the correctness and the extensive statistics in its acknowledgement. Here only how to be with "square" (i.e. Opposite) relations of a Taurus (Marina Vladi, a sort. On May, 10th, 1938) and the Aquarius (Vladimir Vysotsky, a sort. On January, 25th 1938), whose union on all these schools was impossible? And meanwhile these people constantly and uncontrollably pulled to each other contrary to all obstacles, contrary to individual and social distinctions?.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

As It Is Remarkable, Without Being Ashamed Of

As it is remarkable, without being ashamed of children, and inspiring them on the general action, it represented music of "hulks" at the phenomena of porridge with oil on a table as it is innocent ("it is impossible, that vanished") started to pinch oil or a cream from my fingers and quickly-quickly as though accidentally reached the shoulder, and children with squeal, in eager rivalry too began to compete in other my hand, and there was such hubbub and jumble that I who have been weakened from laughter, their shouts and the resistance, fell on a chair, and it was dazzling happiness!. Whether yes could come to sometime mind to ceremonious Ippolitu or eternally ego-tripping Oleg what to play the fool, assimilate to children is and there is a full statement of the force and self-sufficiency? After all to Egor and it is close in a head did not enter that someone: I, children or my parents when they came on a visit, will confuse the foolish form of cheerful behaviour on rest with relevancy of its man's affairs or backbone.

Friday, August 24, 2007

No, The Reason Was Not In Unexpected Psychopathy

No, the reason was not in unexpected psychopathy of Nasti when it with ugly charges has fallen upon me after Maksimkinyh . An essence that up the time of its this flash I already have substantially lost a firm support in myself, and as Frenchmen truly learn, here it was necessary " " - to search for the woman. How?! At such delightful and harmonious marriage about which each man only can dream, give to drink to such remarkable clear head and the beauty to the wife on whom I could rely as on stone mountain and which I waited all long life, to search for the dissonance reason, hardly probable not accidents in any else " "?! Somehow we discussed sources of its former complexities and troubles with Nastej and have come to a conclusion that their principal cause roots that to many and many people there was no business to its interests that they have been anxious by the decision only the problems and if personally it is necessary for them or it would be desirable that or pretty often they with the stranger it "would be desirable" to be considered will not be.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mentally I Repeatedly Addressed To You, And Here

Mentally I repeatedly addressed to you, and here now it is necessary to address in writing, and I hardly constrain excitement. I will not select words to convince you as it is important to make for me the wife happy and not to allow to collapse to a family, all the same I will not manage to find the necessary. I simply address to you with this request, first of all, as to the man then many words about that responsibility which we bear for our wives, children and a family are not necessary. And as the man, bitterness in a situation when not only you can not prevent misfortune of the most close people, but also you are the direct originator of these misfortunes. It is difficult to find forces to live further with such weight in a shower. Very much you I ask, help! Well, and if to me also I, eventually, carry I will keep a family - consider me to eternally you obliged and can have me to the full. I will be ready to make for you all. Also forgive me if the request washing has seemed to you tactless or too persevering and if I have brought any efforts to you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So I Also Became The Professor-theorist. But The

So I also became the professor-theorist. But the student at a seminar to be where it is better! Whether it is short - whether long, but this conversation has occupied from us kind hour, yes after all with what dazzling illustrations!. Certainly, colleagues should pay attention to wonderful blossoming of Alevtiny Sergeevny which in became weeks the surprising beauty on all canons of a slavic aesthetics: , , it is clear-eyed, , it is smiling. Wise as Vasilisa Fine, it has arranged so that some times she was met from work in the face of all its poor fellow by Gennady - high, any is sterile the blonde. She even has acquainted us, has stopped me when I hastened by them. As to my disavowing efforts even it was not necessary to search for them: the fax from Mr. Berhstgadena with high degree of satisfaction concerning our offers has been received, and by the decision of founders of firm economist Alevtina Sergeevna the next time has been especially noted and awarded. Moreover, it has been solved, considering its possession of English, to send for specification of particulars of the project to Canada! Whether it is sonorous sensation for collective, whether it is an occasion j for all-round blossoming of the talented employee?! I admired it as the person and the woman, I enjoyed it in plenty and above all accessible possibilities as the mistress.

But For It!. - That? - You Will

But for it!. - that? - You Will feed me! - oh, what I the mistress!. . - hardly I go, screwing up the face from a pain and it is guilty smiling, it has risen, has pulled a dressing gown and, hardly shuffling the feet, was dragged on kitchen. - When you will come? - She has whispered, having nestled at parting. - is not present, today you should recover, be healed. Have a rest! For work I walked easily and easy: an abscess has broken through, it was sick, but where as is quieter, than in sensation of former improbable sincere turmoil. Yes, I have tested huge carnal pleasure, yes I have been irradiated and by such pure both selfless love and passion what not often fall to a lot of the mortal. And I have calmed down, though absolutely new difficult situations have risen today before me: and virginity of Alevtiny which I have so quickly torn down (for a long time, very much was not crossed for a long time my road with the maiden destinies!) And its hot desire to become mother of my child.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

- Muzhiks! Yes You That? The Arrangement Another

- muzhiks! Yes you that? The arrangement another was!. - , the father, - answer, - at the old wife we already through know all, and at new what else new infection will be shown! Since then also began to live with the - in a harmony and the consent. We with Anastasiej have got ritual "mum's day". Not always its truth, observed in accordance with the circumstances from beginning to end but as we it maintained a principle. It meant that household efforts on Saturday were reduced to a minimum ("to whom dainties are necessary, prepare them!"). Wishing to work at a plate, in general, was not, the truth, once Maxim has amazed all of us, having created from boiled water, a powder of cocoa, dried milk and granulated sugar quite decent similarity of a celebratory drink. All drank a fiery liquid yes praised , and eyes the authority of the brother has increased in Olinyh approximated from delight already to the sky. "Mum's day" meant that mum or worked at own will (suddenly it wanted to it to embroider with a smooth surface on a shoulder of the green blouse of two playing lilac dragonflies), either read, or left to parents, or went with the girlfriend to a sweating room, and therefrom to the beautician, or conducted all our command in a museum, a planetarium or even in cafe.

- Me Thirty Years, And I Love You,

- Me thirty years, and I love you, and I have waited you, it is my holiday! And who behaves shy on holidays?. Yes, this evening and this night were celebratory. No, would be, if all time near to me there was no Nastja. for one night wished to learn everything that has missed in a life about what knew only from books and video players, including rather immodest. She did not wish to pay attention to a pain of the broken off body, and many times in these long and short hours we hot met in different poses on which she has been well informed. And almost each time among its groans and joyful praises near to me there were Nastiny of an eye. As delusion! We have fallen asleep, at last, whether very much late, whether very much early, somewhere about four o'clock in the morning. I have woken up Because that have felt a sight of Alevtiny. I lay on a back, and it has densely nestled all over on my right foot and the right hand and, having lifted a head, is inquisitive looked at me. I have interrogatively hitched up a chin.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Having Established All Numerous Elements Of Horoscopes Of

Having established all numerous elements of horoscopes of and your partner, you learn as a result that there are cases when incompatible signs (for example, the Aries and the Maiden can be mutually neutralised), and harmonising aspects are capable to lead to boredom and desire something other that disharmony happens is corrected that one to liking harmony, and another of pressure etc. So? Where have sat down, there and . Certainly, stars only have, and it is necessary to solve to ourselves, but very unostentatiously somehow have. It would be desirable to feel more hardness, it is more than stability in hummocks underfoot when we move to the important purpose through an unsteady bog of daily occurrence. The purpose indeed very important: compatibility. In the published diary of one of our cosmonauts concern a problem of psychological compatibility of two people compelled on weeks or months closely contains to communicate with each other. Reading this diary, I have involuntarily smiled: and how to be with multitolerance of spouses to which should last years and decades? The space union is calculated, defined, prepares the whole brigade of experts, and to us - that how to be? All as to be content with number in 50 % of divorces in relation to concluded marriages? And after all to these drama 50 % we get not only we, - it is fine, we will be interrupted, we will lick, probably, bleeding wounds and how to be with children, for which this rupture - universe disintegration, crash of stability of the basic vital values?.

That Is Why, The Darling You Mine, Do

That is why, the darling you mine, do not dream of such things and do not aim at the party. You - mine forever, I will not give you to anybody, and if I will give, together with the last breath. I will give and there and then I will die!. - cheerful conversation when I already toiled with unexpected feeling to Alevtine here was such. with the devil intuition undoubtedly felt something. During our next hot, boundless appointment in the pleasure, she has asked me: - You are glad, what I at you am? Never I lay to it and as to me was to tell that it "is" for me begins already a grief, comes nearer to tragedy. I have kept silent, and it has seized at once it. Strongly with the a soft breast about I wash hairy, closely having nestled on my hip , she has asked: - You know that in Libya polygamy is authorised, but under one condition: if each wife has the own house? The mister visits from time to time each of families, and the wife are on friendly terms, as sisters more often, and visit to each other.

Has Gone, Has Asked, Have Regretted. The Matter

Has gone, has asked, have regretted. The matter is that I in general any ten roundabouts do not transfer years, of height I am afraid - wildly. Has somehow risked to sit down on most children's "camomile" then has cried: "Remove me!" Three-chetyrehletki laughed. And still now suddenly absolutely pressure somewhere was put on a head turned often and without roundabouts. And here. Well, smile, it is the truth it was ridiculous? After all not every day you enter home not through a door, and through a window on the third floor. Moreover I - with my fear shameful! When to me next day have put unprofitable the lock and I, leaving behind mail, has there and then latched "doggie" - has already done without a balcony: It was not a pity to break "doggie", not so it is a pity, as the lock. Though all the same it was necessary to search for the lock, then again to search and once again for all . And to love you - you you know, how it is not simple! And who will take out all it still: here such soft, smiling - only a bow you will adhere, a floret you will thrust - such.

Friday, August 17, 2007

It Is Visible, For A Long Time Did

It is visible, for a long time did not meet in the antiworld indifference to money. It is visible, was and still something that constrained them, not clear it, and me protected. - And in what happiness? - Thanks, me here to leave. In what? In the sun, that there are kind people, like you, ready to help another. In health. In a clear conscience. The magnificent car has softly braked at an institute entrance just when the dense crowd of teachers and students joined it. Certainly, this phenomenon has been noticed by all. It has been even more noted, as all sitting on the right in front of a dazzling-modern two-metre handsome man in many thousands left to open to me a door and to support leaving under a hand. I have made it cheerful , have shouted: "Thanks, boys!" Also has run on steps. At doors has looked back, has waved with a hand: they motionlessly looked to me following. The guide was bent, villages on the place and the car to unknown me of a foreign car a rocket has rushed forward as I think, there, where is not present neither kind people, nor the sun, conscience, however something human nevertheless glimmers and there at the bottom of soul at everyone.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

But - It Is Not Disturbing. And Still

But - it is not disturbing. And still you know, what? Here you have somehow told: "God willing". And it after all, actually, to me very much even is kind. After all has pushed me - to you! Where it is more! I love you. You do not think, I have not got used to that - I love you, I feel it constantly, physically - and as myself, and - is concrete heart, and - which I feel as absolutely perceived, not as spirit. Otherwise, whence constant sensation of this " ", wounds - through. That has changed, so it is more rare now an enthusiastic condition when - will overflow shrill happiness from understanding: I love you. Happens, as I smile, and somewhere in the street I repeat to you, - about it. What to tell - that? At me habitual gesture: the right hand - forward and hardly upwards - to touch your cheek. It still all right. And these days I feel all time, how your heart because you - near, and your breast absolutely - absolutely densely nestles on mine fights. As it is sick! As it is sweet! I very much love you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

. The Manual. And This Manual So Will Turn

. The manual. And this manual so will turn that all bows-florets - where, and you - on are thrown. Such grow fond! And I love you. Also be not scattered by me, please. And let somebody so learns you, how I know. I am ready to kneel and pray: , native mine, well let I at you will be! Only let I at you will be! I cannot without you. You can ask me again and again: "What for I am necessary to you?" To me it simply to answer: to live. You are necessary to me, that I lived. That was - self. That felt happy. Unfortunate - too. That - to rejoice that you live. Already without you, Egor absolutely is impossible for me. About harm of the tender word, which (harm) it would be desirable to test an amateur romance again and again You are gentle henceforth me do not name, After all for you "native" means nothing! And for me - for an instant the flashed paradise At once has turned back a scorching heat hellish, hot. Rest to a shower distraught both rebellious will not come back more never. And heart will frenziedly wait: When? When? That you still though time named me so gently.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Near To It I Felt The Woman: It

Near to it I felt the Woman: it embodied itself(himself) that idea of leadership, sincere force about which I as now has clearly understood, grieved all life! Apparently, it has felt something unusual in my sudden silence, has attentively looked at me and has suddenly asked: - And you would not like to help me with this business? - Very much even would like! I have answered earlier, than have had time to think something. So my destiny has been solved for ever. He for an instant has put the hand over mine and has told: Done! I only have nodded. Speak I could not, because in my soul there was a collapse. I have become deaf. Here have very opportunely brought meal change, all have begun it each other on plates to impose, pour wine-glasses, the hubbub has risen, began to drink in honour of the fortieth anniversary of that friend of the husband at which this New Year's drinking bout has gathered. Oleg, my husband, too said something, clinked glasses through a table, then has approached to me, has thriftily put a hand on a shoulder, something patronising broadcast.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

And It Also Is Glad. First. He, The

And it also is glad. First. He, the poor creature, only also waited for that, habitual - the father have killed, dews with mother, and now here and in the wife first of all searches that cared, pleased, was nursed, and it is not present-is not present and - as! after all for the orphan felt sorry, cajoled with the last bit of strength. No, personally Vase and here to complain the sin, mother-dead woman clever was the woman though tried to put the best piece, and to work has accustomed, here it and the wife helps now without a word. And in the house the world. But only that there - was the obedient son, became the obedient husband - all and affairs. And other muzhik, which completely spoilt? Mother, it is known, will forgive, and the wife still will think. Also it turns out - scandals, , fight, family disorder. And . After all, if to ponder, paternal on the party run? Not only for the sake of. That-most and to have a rest soul, the person of to feel. As! Houses it anybody, and here by the first word the snack-binge, a bed is disassembled and on an economy of anything it is not necessary to do.

Friday, August 10, 2007

. About As It Was Right! And If Slime

. About as it was right! And if slime predatory and (is easier - gangster) my Afghans with the business beginning abruptly have put into place where it was more difficult to master viscous official plasticine!. But all it was later, and now, with movement for the handle on Palace quay with Anastasiej I have personally seen economist Alevtiny of willows, where and as it is possible to put rather serious base to well-being of the family and to financial support of the cartographical concern. But I come back memory to this, one of many, but for some reason especially remembered walks: yes, we went both to theatres, and on concerts, and in a philharmonic society, but, is guilty, my taste has appeared not so to test there the same liftings of spirit what were at Nasti. It, happened, during any symphony seized nails mine to a bunch literally and spoke then, in a break, how much listening with me gives to it of more novelty and a sharpness of impressions, than music hearing alone. I, of course, agreed with readiness, but for me more often serious music in the big hall was an occasion only for a relaxation, rest and switching-off.

But Whether It Means, What We Should Behave

But whether it means, what we should behave as ugly how they, revenging for our scolded millenia? Certainly, in a life when the wife shouts at the husband or even orders about it, all it looks softer, than criminal violation, but unless business in quantity of shown disrespect? Yes is not present - in the presence of this quality when it acts as a such neuvazhaj-trough in relation to one of basic laws of the live world! My God, to what to me happens oppositely to hear rough, sharp, contemptious remarks which releases well-cared, dressed up, in appearance quite safe young woman the too decently dressed husband moreover in the presence of the discharged daughter! But the most opposite that such here "style" for it not that that habitual, and unique, another is not known by her for he has passed to her from the mother, and from it will naturally remove and to the daughter. Than such violation is fraught for the most well-cared young woman? Absence of bright and full pleasure because of the constant expiration from it negative emotions, spirit, and, means, very fast flying away in a non-existence and its youth.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

At All Thus I Already Understood That This

At all thus I already understood that this wave that this tsunami. Will pass over me. The mighty elements everything that can, but continent to it not to shift. which all this time was with me, it any more only my half, it I. I will have been ill, but I will return to it. I have understood it, because never earlier during affinity with the woman I in consciousness had other woman. Always earlier I was with that from which was. And here I was at once and here, and there. That is, has put only behind time when I again will be there. I knew it firmly though Alevtina was pleasure. I came to it almost every night, and once remained with it on Saturday and Sunday. We got acquainted all more close and more close, it accepted my desires already . I think that if to set as an object to find the partner for love , to find Alevtiny it would be impossible more absolutely. - You read writer Sent-Ekzjuperi? - She has somehow asked at night. - and what? - After all you so have tamed me to yourself! You bear Any responsibility for it? - I specially did not do anything, - I have sighed.