Friday, September 28, 2007

That Has Answered Under-dyh A Fist. That Here

That has answered under-dyh a fist. That here has begun! I have rushed between two cocks who aspired, at each other to a physiognomy, a physiognomy to reach, Maksimka has begun to roar, mother has cried, the father has shouted, cups from a table fell down, a nightmare!. Shout, noise, din, neighbours, militian patrol, the car with , and I for explanations accompany in this body of brawlers which here again aspire to reach a physiognomy. The report: one hooligan drunk, lives another without a residence permit; their cold spending the night in the chamber, sleepless night at our place, penalties, the message to management about Oleg's disgraceful behaviour (farewell !) Court over Nikolay who was lifted up with militiamen, having applied army receptions. A sentence: two years . Its Last words after a sentence have been turned not to me, and to Oleg: "I Will leave, I you, a reptile, will get!." Oleg has been shaken by all happened so that has fallen down with a nervous shock and whom as not to me, it was necessary to look after it in its barchelor habitation and to find out his soul, nervous, not well-groomed.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

. And Almost Inaudible, But Tart Spirits Of

. And almost inaudible, but tart spirits of the higher class, and precisely thought over negligence of a hairdress of blond hair, and charm of easy flying gait, and salutatory gestures, and a fleeting smile, and tempting shine of brown eyes?! And if to add to told that Larissa in perfection knows almost all European languages that at it on the account - tens books translated and published by it that she is the main supporter of the family, before us an absolute embodiment of that female ideal that has been presented hardly above in the book of madam of the American. I ask it: - Larissa, and men at you in publishing house is? - And, we hold from tens in the heads while they to us do not disturb, - it has carelessly waved away. - well, and emancipation. - I have stretched. Here only one - two seconds that unforgettable episode for the sake of which I and state this history also has happened and lasted: European formed woman, the beauty with the perfected manners, has suddenly turned back to me, its eyes have begun to sparkle, the person has warped and for an instant became a wild face! Unexpectedly hoarse voice it ka-and-ak cut to me that is called, between eyebrows a fiery phrase in great, mighty and free Russian concerning where it would send all supporters of this emancipation!!! I have stopped, was taken aback.

So, Maybe, It Was Necessary To Me To

So, maybe, it was necessary to me to attend such school where would manage to open and develop the strongest my party, instead of averaging to prepare so, what I (and all my schoolmates) have moved quite casual roads? And I, probably, most casual of everything as they still had time for the hobbies, and at some even for those circles, studios or sections that were closer to their shower. But where such school can be found, name to me? And I the technician by training, well knew that than the big angular error at a start of a shell and the more the primary speed set to it, the further it will fall from the purpose. Here what price of two my gold medals - for school and for high school has appeared, they promptly carried away me with my primary happiness, from human self-realisation. And the third my gold medal - the elegant and perspective husband, from one kind and which manners frankly all my girlfriends, married and unmarried? What is a prize when the spouse in me does not understand absolutely anything, and at me its primordial and lawful desires generate only a pain and spontaneous hardly probable not animal fury? I have become thoughtful, in a word.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Husband Worried Even More Strongly Me. Have

The husband worried even more strongly me. Have gone to the sexopathologist, but it in what has not resulted. Has found for a number of books, but books - one, and in practice often another. And the condition of the son has worsened, the member has ceased to rise even at embraces, and not just before the intercourse. The girl cried, since. The son has ceased to meet it. I have rushed to grandmas, have gone to one, well familiar since the childhood to the woman. She also has told: "And you do not run anywhere, and treat itself!" As? Than?. "The Caresses, become it for a while the wife!" For me this council was as if a bolt from the blue. Is from what to come to confusion. But we in details have discussed all with it. At it, It appears, some experience was. All have discussed with the husband, and it has left? And "a resort. Has left not to confuse and to disturb. Only I and the son _ we Know that we should find common language and to come to the consent. And here it - the happiest minute, washing and the son, and we never will forget it X.

For Clearness I Will Result , But Rather,

For clearness I will result , but rather, in my opinion, the exact definition occurring at surgeons: the adenoma is an illness not so much faithful husbands, how many stupid or inept wives. The matter is that the sexual potential of the man as it is considered to be, reaches a ceiling somewhere by thirty years, and after forty gradually starts to decrease. On the contrary, at the woman after thirty-thirty five years it only starts to grow and stays at high level to rather solid age. And here its great problem - it is clever, skilfully, variously to induce and stimulate the to a regular and fascinating sexual entertainment. Yes, kitchen cares, I understand, yes, a repugnant life, I understand, and everything that will be told in protection of the sacred-de right to scarcity of an emotional life - all it I can realise. One only I will not understand: where your great parent heart if you of the own native husband with whom at you both a shower and a flesh are uniform, doom to sufferings, and then send under a knife on burdensome and difficult operation? Not at all men such potentiality, as at those soldiers from a joke: "you Remember, Ivan, to us to a copper on the Japanese war something strewed, that on maids did not pull?" - "as, I remember".