Saturday, May 9, 2009

- Here Is How? - And He Has

- here is how? - And he has not told any more words, but has grown dark obviously. Further it is more. And it is how much more - neither a word to tell, nor a feather to describe! I am for the next day home from work and what I see? Nikolay sits at us, talks to my daddy! Turns Artemy Ivanovich a moustache, crafty glances at the youth. And that sits, as the arshin has swallowed, at me will not look. - Here, a daughter, the groom to you was, with home delivery. The person positive, the expert in the refrigerating technics in fruit state farm. So we will be with vitamins. By the way does not drink, does not smoke. The sergeant of a stock. - also what, my dear, I will do there in state farm? - Easy I ask. - and what given for me, single mother, you give, that they have agreed to take me for themselves? The youth has distorted , sweeping aside jokes, and without a confusion shade has declared: - And what for to you, Anastas Artemevna to lose the qualification, to us in Apple to go? As excursions at us do not drive.

Friday, May 8, 2009

After All I You - For Myself -

After all I you - for myself - did not clean, I accepted you that - guarded that "did not cause delights", but - and it there was you. My age me does not concern. I yours - painfully perceive. Not today's (on me though hundred years, I love you). If to you was twice less, I would sit absolutely very quietly, waited any ten, fifteen, thirty years. For that not to wait? And now how to be?. Live, please, very long! To salts of Alejkum, Egor Alesha! Intend to inform you the freshest and surprising news. The matter is that I horror to what love you. And therefore you are my bitter grief, in combination, as - my sun and happiness. Whether not so to you it is burdensome? Whether will cope? Nevertheless it is necessary to have patience years still on fifty - eighty. Well, then, sometime! - you will become old, sick, suddenly (here well - that will be!) itself also you can not go - then I will come, to roll you in any carriage, in the street. I will deliver you somewhere in a secluded corner and I will be accepted my favourite, and to you - where to you to get to? That without me you can not go, you will not escape! To live here only to a time!.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In A Folder "To The Report" I Have

In a folder "To the report" I have seen the sealed package, and into heart have again entered long, forgotten was a needle. I have opened the letter. On a leaf some words outlined by rough letters blackened: "I never will forget you. I never will see you. (It is the citation)". NINA REFLECTS ALOUD WHY FIRM AS IF ONLY FROM THE BED THE CUCUMBER IS MORE USEFUL, THAN BOILED NOODLES Epigraphs to the head , , do not go on that , There the mouse lives, You a tip ! Nursery The wife in the middle of night yes has woken up as will cry: - the Muzhik! The muzhik to me! The husband too has woken up from its shout and persuades: - is more silent, the darling, silence! Where I to you at three o'clock in the morning will get the muzhik?. - What you? - She has told. - unless my kisses so are opposite? Or your courage from a post? Or, maybe, my armpits smell then?. The shame Paint has filled in to me the person, and even I have lost the rest of forces; all body at me has softened, and I have murmured: - the Tsarina washing, be kind, do not finish the unfortunate.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Word Of Honour, Absolutely Other Eyes, Even

The word of honour, absolutely other eyes, even with some I began to look at streams of counter modest women - in trams, the underground, in shops! - Perhaps, and in everyone the volcano disappears, I do not know, but I - not everyone, - with some irony have answered it somehow my admired bewilderment. It is necessary to tell that it did not caress me or did not caress about me is insatiable itself in bed only during those moments when I caressed it or when she slept. Here and now: conversation-conversation, and business-business, it did not miss seconds, and this combination of sharp caress to conversation or to a sight in an emphasis of an eye-in-eye or even simultaneous a drink gave ours with it to sex absolutely new spirit, me, to the muzhik, I repeat, skilled, until then the unknown person. - Well I understand, what you very much at all everyone but how the virgin (I have used other word because in its bed to fury got the same salty words which it with sincere indignation rejected in a quiet condition in conversation) with whom I have consecrated, is combined with so multiknowing odalisque? Here a secret! - Think, the friend my warm, unless all-round study of any problem which I face, not is my fad, washing personal feature? You have charged to a clod the thorough scheme the project? To me!.