Saturday, December 15, 2007

. I Will Not Speak, As I Have Spent

. I will not speak, as I have spent this night as, broken into splinters, collected in parts itself in the morning for work as hardly-hardly shuffling the feet left, old and colourless, in the morning with children who have unusually fallen silent. On work I have tried to pass all possible meetings with colleagues, but it it was not possible, and I had to tear off sharply enough some sympathising inquiries about the condition. From a cathedral office I did not want, could not, had no right to call to it for work: all at once would pay attention to my dead voice and would open the ears-zvukouloviteli. At a call box in a corridor the turn of students endlessly crowded. I left in a main recess on street: about My God, any whole device in district - the committing excesses horde of vandals here has swept. It was necessary to reach metro station. I have feverishly dialled number of its office number. Gloomy: - To you listen. - Egor, it I! - at me meeting. - when to you to call? - What for? - As.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Is Active Installation On Pleasure. More Precisely,

It is active installation on pleasure. More precisely, installation on active pleasure that also thoughts have not arisen about weak-willed laziness. Yes, the life is difficult, whether to me of it to understand, having passed camp, war, having sufficed almost full measure the Leningrad blockade! But maintenance of the female essence (I even would play words: female egoism, that is and appeal at any age) is a difficulty from all difficulties special. But and the prize for such considerable efforts - completeness of life, whether is not enough? The Most important thing that is accessible to us in a life. What it for efforts such? First of all, it is a healthy way of life. However, on the given theme I will not extend, having subcontracted it to "Three whales of health", the theory and the practice, stated there. I Will dare to make some essential notes on which, I hope, the author "Three whales of health" will not take offence. The matter is that he repeatedly declares in the book that leans against the base of a private experience and near, and it-de gives durability to its belief, but also explains some possible narrowness of a statement.

Monday, December 10, 2007

. While I Thus Gave Vent To The Indignation,

. While I thus gave vent to the indignation, he did not look at me and has stared in the earth, , and remained, while I spoke absolutely immovable, to a stalk of the inclined poppy or a willow is similar. From the novel "Satyricon" of Petronija, the Roman aristocrat of times of Nerona Natasha (removing a shirt): Look, here I was bared up to the end and here that has turned out, continuous continuation of the person, I all as in a bath. Here on each side my brown shoulders, below nourishing two breasts are visible as a candle, dummies shine ahead, under them a stomach deserted, and an input in me fluffy and not long and two considerable feet, between them it is not visible to us . The half-dead worm Also moved, around nothing sang, when it showed an artful body. Natasha (putting on a jacket): Look, the idiot, look at the termination of my breast. They disappear, they leave, they departure, touch their fool. Now for them there will come a long dream. I turn to a larch. (putting on a jacket): .

- To Us Do Not Listen? - It

- To us do not listen? - It is hardly audible she has asked. - there is nobody. - the Chief. The Chief. ! Tell to me, tell to me. One your word. I will arrive this very day!. - what to tell? - I from myself have squeezed out not at once. - Peter asks my hand. - what Peter? - I have stupidly asked. - and here Peter? - What-what? Whether all is equal? Yes mister Berhstgaden. He has told that waited for me all life. I was silent. Heart was unexpectedly pierced with any sharp claws, I even am hardly audible have moaned and began to rub a breast left-hand side. - Egorushka! ! What with you? - The desperate cry because of ocean has reached. I sat silently, the chain of persons a whirlwind has begun to spin before me, and gradually remains only two of them: Anastass and Alevtiny. Strong, bright, with a shrill look - Alevtiny (probably therefore such, what it has painfully dashing reported to me the results) and drooped, with a network of the bitter wrinkles which have undertaken whence, with a mild quiet sight the person Anastass.