Saturday, March 21, 2009

After Nastinogo Of The Story Not The Day

After Nastinogo of the story not the day first already in ears at me and rings plaintive hare, esteem an agonal cry of the unfortunate madman: "There is nothing than!" Certainly, very well happens for Nasti that at the crucial moment Nikolay has appeared the impotent man (and for it it was destiny gift because otherwise Egor would kill him on the spot, it is unequivocal). But in Nikolay's own understanding the inconsistency, certainly, has appeared in general well matched spiritual and physical death, was full breakdown even not main, and unique idea and dream of all life: possession. . It is a pity the little fool, but I believe, he will not endure this shameful situation in all senses and its neolearnt corpse with the cut up breast will soon get to a militian mortuary, and, means, one more asterisk will fly from the sky. Such here finally there is a potentiality or impotence price. But why so it is unpredictable it turns out at biological beings of the person? After all at other biological kinds (cats, cocks, monkeys, snakes, bulls, at last, I I I list chaotically) the similar problem is not present and in ! Time has approached, the convenient situation - a spear on has turned up and the victory is gained! Also it is not necessary to say that there copulation well turns out in view of absence at them stressful situations, it is not necessary! Males have battled till it bleeds, to death, horns have each other broken off - and please, withdraw with itself and there and then cover is high-grade.

Only It Has Appeared It Is Useless, Because

Only it has appeared it is useless, because I love you. And though I then did not know you such what I know now, I loved you one year ago at all less, and felt the accessory - you - so sharply, as well as now. I love YOU. I love from that minute when you have seen me and has confidently told: "We are created for teamwork", and has put the palm to me on a head and there has burnt down any safety lock. If you take in head then to withdraw me therefrom anywhere - I would go, as the sleep-walker. And in the evening, on hotel steps, from below upwards - on you: with astonishment, delightfully and . And next day in the bus from the airport - your hand, your foot - nearby, I feel them, and still I feel that nearby - already YOU, and I am dissolved in you - here so - in the face of myself. And guessing, a cognizance, opening you, and connection you - therefrom and from everywhere - in one, and mine about "other" in you - if and not another's to me, - strange, unfamiliar. And acceptance you such through understanding, whence it in you and why it is not present at me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Yes, Unlike Me It Has Been Prepared For

Yes, unlike me it has been prepared for it and armed that is called, from feet to a head. They have not considered only (and, maybe, for them it was good luck) that potential my groom at a meeting has appeared is punched by an arrow of the Cupid through and, as though it to tell, has begun to flow and has started not to play any more the planned thought over role, and has seriously ignited from within unexpectedly for the heat-resistant external training. Both I should guess its this sincerity and original feeling, and if it was not, also to it turn would be given from gate. As the well-educated mistress I drove the visitor day after day on our fine winter city and there was everything, as in verses: "a frost and the sun, day wonderful." I with pleasure opened to it everything to that has learnt on excursion courses, and more grateful and admired listener I admit, for all my previous and subsequent life did not meet. Certainly, its charm and a lustre, all its training remained at it, but, frankly speaking, it every day from me more and more, its love madness has come so far that because of performance "History of a horse" into Big Drama Theatre which we could visit with it only two days later after the termination of a vacation, it remained and has not come back home in time! For its department the person with such behaviour could be considered as the defector! There were calls of his mother, its terrible order the father, my requests, but Ippolit was unshakable.

The Note: The Age Of The Woman Is

The note: the Age of the woman is defined metric , and in the absence of these documents by quarter committees on an exterior and a testimony. Etc. up to item 19: All evaded from a recognition and carrying out of the present decree in a life appear saboteurs, enemies of the people and counteranarchists), however all it flew away from foundations of traditional morals, as fraction from the reservation unless here and there on a paint remained. A little more serious the situation became when not curly , surrounded with machine-gun tapes, and professional thinkers in the civilian for good reason undertook. Here some essential extracts from the big work "Revolution and youth", published in 1924 Communistic university of Sverdlova in whom the monumental instruction "Twelve sexual precepts of revolutionary proletariat" is published: "Honour the father" - the proletariat recommends to esteem only such father who costs on the revolutionary-proletarian point of view. Other fathers with hostility incited against revolution, it is necessary to re-educate.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Have Opened Eyes, Realising Nothing, Understanding Nothing

I have opened eyes, realising nothing, understanding nothing half awake, and have given a hand to a pressure source. Egor slept, its breath was not audible, and its member, , , having inflated till the unreasonable sizes, stuck out, ready my body! Translating breath from this "opening", I have laid down on a back and have begun quietly and to play gently a hand with this "natural phenomenon", an embodiment of a man's nature. It was also firm, as a tree, and soft, as gentle silk, and hot, as blood, and cool, as a shade at a stream. It was live! In reply to my movements, it began to grow at length, to bulk up at thickness, Though, apparently, where further! The thought has flashed on the brink of consciousness: really it " a spear" how Chineses write, yes what there a spear, this the column - thickness and length is not enough what not about a children's foot, my bosom can contain? Has flashed and has disappeared, because all thoughts have left, all have flashed at once and have burnt down: I want! I want! And anything else.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

At Last, After A Long Repeated Spasm Of

At last, after a long repeated spasm of all body and unintelligible barrackings, it has become soft. I had carefully control over it. - What was it? - It is hardly audible she has asked. - that with me was? I did not begin to explain and have silently led it in a room, confused and suppressed by force of its passion. - It has come. My God, it has come, it at me, My God! - we sat on its bed, and it for a sleeve has dragged from me a jacket. - the girl, has flown into a rage? I have quietly asked. - has flown into a rage, has flown into a rage, has flown into a rage! How many it is possible? - She has raised to my the face: flaring a flush, blue-eyed, framed with a fair hair, inexpressibly lovely and attractive what can be only the person of the loving woman. - it has begun to unbutton a collar of my shirt and has got a forehead, a nose and lips into an aperture, to a vest. - , the girl, all not so! Look, how it is necessary, - I have torn off her head from the breast, have quickly unbuttoned its blouse and have got there itself.

And So Far As These Signals Bear In

And so far as these signals bear in themselves qualitative differences both the Sun, and the Moon, and all planets at the moment of the phenomenon on light of the newborn, that is during its liberation from dependence on the parent environment clearly adjust it on existing in the world at present a matrix of mighty space influences. This matrix constantly varies, and the statistics typed by mankind for many thousand of years of supervision, allows the certain basic integrated qualities developing at the moment of a birth, confidently to generalise. Such is a basis of my trust to objectivity of the astrological data. What for to argue, if thousand-year practice has already shown doubtless dependence of personal qualities of the person on time of its birth? Basically there correspond to true typical lines of the people born under that or other zodiacal sign. I will remind: The ARIES (on March, 21st - on April, 20th) - is active, uneasy, unruly and ambitious, inclined to , to extravagance and nobleness; The TAURUS (on April, 21st - on May, 20th) - is strong, , is obstinate and persistent, kind, materialistic in the activity, , is virtuous, does not love changes; TWINS (on May, 21st - on June, 20th) - it is mobile, changeable, , it is curious, affable, intuitive, unorganized, oars; the CANCER (on June, 21st - on July, 22nd) - loves the comfort, is suspicious, deep in the feelings, is uneasy, romantic, patient; The LION (on July, 23rd - on August, 22nd) - is vigorous, , is proud to vanity, is obstinate and ambitious, , is sensual, loves flattery, aspires both to a constancy, and to a manipulation people, wishes to play the first roles and can be the loyal friend; The MAIDEN (on August, 23rd - on September, 23rd) - , it is observant, critical, consecutive, reliable, disciplined, it is cautious, independent, mercantile, inclined to ruthlessness; SCALES (on September, 24th - on October, 23rd) - it is charming, judicious, diligent, delicate, often impractical, it is thin in feelings, aspires to the consent; the SCORPION (on October, 24th - on November, 21st) - in struggle against self (from a devil to an angel), strong-willed, emotional, aspiring in the analysis to reach an essence of the things, battling up to the end; The SAGITTARIUS (on November, 22nd - on December, 21st) - is unruly in search of new adventures, is intuitive, acute, romantic, passionate and at the same time prudent; The CAPRICORN (on December, 22nd - on January, 19th) - is seldom happy with itself and circumstances, is practical, organised, disciplined, intolerant of levity, is vigorous in career achievement; The AQUARIUS (on January, 20th - on February, 18th) - aspires to improve mankind, is clever, persevering, original, independent, inventive, is intuitive; FISHES (on February, 19th - on March, 20th) - the difficult, excentric person, it is romantic, , it is emotional, disseminated, inclined to self-sacrifice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Do Not Understand: Why In A XIX-th

I do not understand: why in a XIX-th century died of love, and I live? Why there was from melancholy but to the favourite person a consumption, and at me they be is not present? What simple and exact Russian expression: has died of heart rupture. Heart was broke off. Probably, it does not threaten me, because the such can happen with strong, healthy heart. And at me it and consequently got used. Whether you as lips, the person, a breast pine with intolerable desire are capable to understand, present - to be absorbed in your neck, in a breast, to nestle on you! You feel it to , physically, and it is impossible to get rid of it. Well though on two minutes take me, though for a minute! To manage to inhale, that further - to sustain! Such chasm where I and itself do not look: terribly. The hands of its beginning to dig, meaningly. Yes if has regretted! On village to the grandfather. Vanka Zhukov. Actually, I also did not cease to write to you. In the winter, in the spring. Last time has wished happy birthday and simply without a congratulation - wrote all time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

We Have Converged With It Quickly After Competitions

We have converged with it quickly after competitions on night orientation. In bed it was and is timid, and is greedy simultaneously - very long a vein without the man. And here once, when we after hot night have woken up in its small departmental room, I that has amazed me, as a thunder heavenly. She has asked the low, fine voice: "Well, what you here with the woman ? Whether has put at you that is not present? Itself after all it was cried, how many yet has not executed - will wind to you the heads ears, look!" And it - instead of so usual and habitual: "Pretty, well, do not leave, well, remain. Work not a wolf. Well, if you though a little love me." So for the first time has met the woman who has put my interests forward the! And it has decided my destiny though Darya was, I repeat, is most senior other pretenders though at it was - unlike others - a daughter though at storage factory it was that is called, from other circle though it did not have a habitation, and we with the son lived in one-room apartment.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Itself Behind A Desktop - As Though Anything

Itself behind a desktop - as though anything with me also was not, as though only last night has hardly-hardly disagreed with Jack Londonom. All right, an oak did not cut, circumstances has overcome, it is good, now it is necessary to develop, enter success, speaking in images, in break fresh armies. On the contrary: what here to "enter", when circumstances have prepared crushing blows! Was silly not to consider that I am am waited for by influence from both fronts, only at the disconnected consciousness and it was possible to forget about it. In a folder "To the report" the letter in a usual envelope for Alevtiny with the printed and fatly underlined word "lay is urgent!" Such happens for the first time. Has again jammed heart, I have opened a package. "My favourite, road, invaluable, unique! I cannot so more to live. To see you, to hear you - both in reality, and in the sleep - and not to have the right to concern you! It all the same how to bend to water to enjoy caked lips of a life-giving moisture, and water from you leaves, and lips dry up even more, and thirst becomes absolutely intolerable.