Saturday, November 8, 2008

But The Main Thing, For What My Fleeting

But the main thing, for what my fleeting glimpse was hooked, there were sharp wrinkles at lips on his face - traces not so much the lived years, how many the endured troubles. They have forced me to look at it for on persons of the contemporaries of any traces of sufferings I never observed more steadfastly: not to consider for experiences drunk tears which at these always lie nearby. He politely spoke at this time with someone through the table forced by meal, in a profile to me. Us have presented, he has smiled to me and is strong, but has not painfully shaken hands. About, my God! His eyes! On-rysi clear, their sight exhaled such quiet force and internal self-control that all my being the charge in one million has from top to bottom punched volt: "It has come! He/she is my mister!" Till this second I and words such with reference to myself could not present, but, probably, everything that has collected for these years, has at once blown up - because of a stream of its quiet force, confidence, the man's leadership, proceeding from it.

The Single Muzhik At Any Age Was Called

The single muzhik at any age was called as "small". It is natural that on number of marriages Russia was on the first place in Europe and marriages in it were the earliest. As it is natural that widowers and widows entered repeated marriage more often: the assistant on the house and an economy was necessary to the widower, the widow appeared an extra mouth to feed in last family as with death of the husband it was left by its allotment. What role of individual feelings, love in similar rather rigid patriarchal community and, accordingly, a family was? Economic calculation and feeling no means always conflicted, but even if they coincided, the bride as well-known on a wedding ceremony, it was necessary to mourn bitterly over the life in girls before leaving in " the house". And, however, even if the violent young love overcame all barriers, whether the young pair from a rigid stream of the general way could be pulled out?. Alexander Blynskaja's my native grandma, the immigrant from the Oryol province to Siberia, at the very beginning of this century has met and has grown fond in village of Big Rakovo of Shardinsky district of Kurgan volost young (Old Believer) Martin Rakova, and after refusal of big brothers to give it in marriage Martin secretly has stolen it, and there was a deadly pursuit both secret wedding, and hot passion.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I Saw That To It All The Same,

I saw that to it all the same, whether I will be sincere in the persistence or it will hide a certain secret horizon of my acts. We stood and looked each other in the face. It was quiet, anything except deep weariness was not read on her face. - I - have finished it - it is to such - apathy? IT is goddess Artemis?!. I have made two steps forward and, without a word, - what for? - Became before it on knees and has nestled on her feet a head. It was motionless, having put a palm to me on a cinciput. Has then knelt and has put a head to me on a shoulder. Sobbings have started to shake its body, my neck was burnt by its tears. - My God! As I am happy! He has understood, he has heard, My God! What happiness! It the person, it not a wood-grouse on a current! My God! At it ears are opened. My God!. We were kneeling, having embraced each other. I cleaned lips a bitter salty moisture from her eyes, from its cheeks, and for the first time for many days, weeks and months her face became such what was before my leaving: shining, light, with the eyes turned into the world, instead of in itself.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Love You. And, Please, When I Do

I love you. And, please, when I do not tell it to you, when I do not write to you some days, do not hope that it can pass, go out, be dissolved in this life - far from you. Unless it is possible to become angry about me? At all is not present! What can be from me demand: I live in conditions absolutely unnatural, I do not care for you, I do not cherish. It that normal conditions for a life? This same if whom natatorial - on a land to throw out, flying - to any mole-badger in a mink to place? I love you. And you my sun. And still light in a window. And on you this world has converged a wedge. And still - that there still was? All the same I believe that to you - willows your human cares, and in mutual relations not with all mankind, and with concrete relatives, the droplet of my warmth would be not so superfluous, even - necessary. And I - from this, half-received. JA-not that person who is capable to amaze your imagination, to pull at once to itself (as it was at me - with you). But I have other advantage: I love you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Not Taken Place Husband And The Man -

Not taken place husband and the man - to bear this brand on a life far is not simple, constant spells about a priority spiritual over the corporal help badly (and the wife you will not invite to meditate about it together with yourself.) Well, yes it is fine, it is my destiny and my cross if will drop out - I will bear it as to a smog and how many a smog, to myself for sympathy I do not search. But if thus know that after my Leaving at the wife possibilities to find the happiness will increase! Most likely on the contrary - household problems will double, loadings on education of children, etc. Well and as all will be reflected it in children will increase, you perfectly represent, I have understood it under the book. Personally to me one thought that I and my son we will live separately, is simply intolerable. Therefore I should make everything to keep a family while there are still sincere forces at me and while degree of alienation at the wife to me did not become insuperable. It is not necessary for me of huge pleasure (I agree in general nothing to have!), it is not necessary for me of the big inflow of forces for the morning (I agree from exhaustion and to creep in a lap for weariness!) But let I will have a possibility for repeated attempt to make the wife happy though time for a night! How many time minutes of despair and depression I re-read these pages and as strongly regretted that you have not written how it to reach! Probably, such pairs matrimonial as ours, much - it is bitter and it is insulting.

From The Book Of Jalan Chlana "Dao Of

From the book of Jalan Chlana "Dao of love" The maiden sits, thinks, for whom in marriage to go? "For young-single? There is at it no experience, it will be bad to me. For the widower? The wife has driven in, to me will be accepted, it will be bad to me. I Will go for the married: with the wife consults also to me it will be good". FAIRY TALE muzhiks of the Lord requests have absolutely worn out something to think up - absolutely-de their wives . The Lord also has thought up: tomorrow morning, speaks, bring to that old oak everyone the wife in the big bag. All right, all of them have gathered in the morning at an oak before. The Lord also speaks: hang out them on branches to whom where it is more convenient. Have hanged out. - now, - orders, revolve, and as I will slap hands together, run everyone to any bag which opposite to you, and take to itself. Clearly? - It is clear, - answer. - well, have gone. It turned them, turned, time! - in has slapped. All of them also have run at once everyone to the former.