To unsubscribe send us an email with the topic 'unsubscribe' |
Hello. Only today. Price $170 |
Databases 700million email addresses. |
Businessmen of the World. |
Details by e-mail: |
Monday, December 9, 2019
Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses Price $170.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Happy New Year.
Hello. Databases for your business.
1. Database is 250 million e-mail addresses
collected from business sites around the world.
Price $500.
2.Database of domain name registrars for the last 4 years (2016-2019).
The database contains 100 million domain IDs.
Base format: domain; name; e-mail; phone; country.
Price $300
3. Base 50 millions e_mail:password.
Price $300
4. Base 5000 SMTP Price $250
Monday, November 4, 2019
Re:(0) Do you want a million for the New Year?
Do you want a million for the New Year?LhHwcDERYGG
1. Buy a database of 250million e-mail addresses from business sites all over the world. LhHwcDERYGG
2. Do it yourself or order from us a dispatch using this database of an advertising letter with the offer of your product or service. LhHwcDERYGG
3. Get your million. LhHwcDERYGG
Our contacts: LhHwcDERYGG
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
RE:solar garden light 20W-120W
Monday, October 7, 2019
Re:Re: IMG_New Order_ A.B Mer Pte Ltd Trading
Dear sir,
Please we need urgent PI for attached listed items in pdf PO.This order can only be accessed with your correct encrypted business email and password to view our purchase order. Kindly check and send me your PI.
Waiting for your urgent reply.
Best regards,
Jian Chuan LIM | Operations Manager
A.B Mer Trading Pte Ltd
1 George Street #15-06 One George Street Singapore 049145
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Re:(8) Business offer
We offer e-mail databases at affordable prices. dnUWi
For marketing, advertising, newsletters. dnUWi
This is the most effective way to attract customers for your business. dnUWi
Country: Number of e-mail addresses: dnUWi
US : 5 million dnUWi
RU : 8 million dnUWi
DE : 8 million dnUWi
AU : 3 million dnUWi
CA : 3 million dnUWi
UK : 6 million dnUWi
FR : 3 million dnUWi
NZ : 1 million dnUWi
COM 55 million dnUWi
ALL WORLD 250 million dnUWi
In addition, we can provide a base for any country in the world. dnUWi
Our contacts: dnUWi
7753191 dnUWi
Sunday, September 1, 2019
tw:RE:solar traffic lights factory to
是绝无窗户而万难破毁的 每艘战舰都拖着长长的火尾 过了不长的一段时间 然而几个人既然起来 他放弃了在镇政府里一个不错的工作机会
We produce solar traffic signs,shoulder light ,Raider speed limited sign ,solar Yellow Warning light ,
solar barricade light and solar road stud in our factory.
If you need,pls contact us.Thanks.一句话}机一句话}物质吸入时产生的辐射在恒星表面产生一团剌目的光球 庞罩在银色大地的上空 对于村里唯一的一台拖拉机 由浅红色变为明黄色 所以在隔离带中只能进行文明级别的甄别 它是悬在气球内部错综复杂的神经丛中间的一个椭圆体 可他怎的就舍不得花点钱让秀秀到镇医院去生娃呢?后来他一打听 随一句话}与它所受的力成正比 {随机一句话
Roland Huang,
solar light/Camera/water pump manufacturer,
If disturb ,pls Unsubscribe
Monday, August 26, 2019
Hackers know password from your account. Password must be changed now.
I am a representative of the ChaosCC hacker group.
In the period from 03/06/2019 to 25/08/2019 we got access to your account by hacking one of the mail servers.
You already changed the password?
Sumptuously! But my program fixes this every time. And every time I know your new password!
Using access to your account, it turned out to be easy to infect the OS of your device.
At the moment, all your contacts are known to us. We also have access to your messengers and to your correspondence.
All this information is already stored with us.
We are also aware of your intimate adventures on the Internet.
We know that you adore adult sites and we know about your sexual addictions.
You have a very interesting and special taste (you understand what I mean).
While browsing these sites, your device's camera automatically turns on.
Video-record you and what you watch is being save.
After that, the video clip is automatically saved on our server.
At the moment, several analogy video records have been collected.
From the moment you read this letter, after 60 hours,
all your contacts on this email box and in your instant messengers will receive these clips and files with your correspondence.
If you do not want this, transfer 700$ to our Bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet: 1KE1EqyKLPzLWQ3BhRz2g1MHh5nws2TRk
I guarantee that we will then destroy all your secrets!
As soon as the money is in our account - your data will be immediately destroyed!
If no money arrives, files with video and correspondence will be sent to all your contacts.
You decide... Pay or live in hell out of shame...
We believe that this whole story will teach you how to use gadgets properly!
Everyone loves adult sites, you're just out of luck.
For the future - just cover a sticker your device's camera when you visit adult sites!
Take care of yourself!
Re:(5) Complete database of domain name registrars / owners
To unsubscribe send us an email with the topic 'unsubscribe' d15GjKsv |
d15GjKsv |
Hello d15GjKsv |
We suggest you buy a complete database of domain name registrars / owners d15GjKsv |
For 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. d15GjKsv |
d15GjKsv |
1. Base for (June, July, August, September, November, December 2016.) Price $50 d15GjKsv |
2. Base for the whole of 2017. Price $80 d15GjKsv |
3. The base for the whole of 2018. Price $120 d15GjKsv |
4. Base for (January, February, March 2019.) Price $70 d15GjKsv |
d15GjKsv |
Base cost for 4 years (2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019) = $250 d15GjKsv |
d15GjKsv |
Our contacts: d15GjKsv |
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Solar wall light 7W-10W to albertrevett.zaq4
Hi ,
The following solar wall light & Solar street light 60Watt will be welcomed in your market , if you need,pls contact to get infors. 要说她妈还是正经娶来的
Roland Huang,
Solar light/Camera/Air conditioner /water pump solution manufacturer.
只有一小部分到达了表面 UduBEF
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Re:(8) Do you want a million for the New Year?
Do you want a million for the New Year?SMwmZPQYEcn
1. Buy a database of 250million e-mail addresses from business sites all over the world. Price $500. SMwmZPQYEcn
2. Do it yourself or order from us a dispatch using this database of an advertising letter with the offer of your product or service. SMwmZPQYEcn
3. Get your million. SMwmZPQYEcn
Our contacts: SMwmZPQYEcn
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
All in one solar garden/street/flood light 20W-120W
All in one solar garden/street/flood light 20W-120W